So you saucy little dishes...what are some deal-breakers?

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Yes being hung up on ex's is so annoying, like seriously talk about anything else but that unless it's a mutually neutral conversation.
VanillaWaferCremePie said:
There's a dude, says he likes me, but he keeps telling me about all his exes and what they've done together... I don't. *******. Care.


Wandering stranger said:
Yes being hung up on ex's is so annoying, like seriously talk about anything else but that

Yeah, that is annoying.
A few dealbreakers for me...

1. Excessive clinginess

- This I don't like whether it's meeting someone new or being in a relationship.

2. Too controlling

- You could literally be my mom. This is somehow related to the first one. You have leave me some space too.

3. Smokes, drinks excessively, or into drugs

4. Animal cruelty

- Just like what you guys mentioned cause I love animals too :)

5. Compares me in a bad way to anyone especially exes

- I would usually care less if they were talking about their exes but I do not like being compared. This I already get enough from my parents. I understand if it can't be helped. Just don't do it in front of me. Hah! Another pet peeve I forgot to put in the pet peeves thread xD

6. Over-paranoid

- I know some people who admit to having paranoid personality disorders but it's not to the point that it's freaky. Maybe somewhere way pass that point.

7. Not able to keep secrets
1. Smoking
2. Talking about sex as if it is a recreational thing to do.
3. Talking about X's
4. Excessive Drinking
5. Bragging
Not necessarily in that order...and, now that I am 53, there are more than! People (NOT JUST MEN!) and their values have surely changed since when I was dating when I was younger!
Looking through this thread, I keep seeing, "Talking about ex's". I kind of think that opinion has got to be one of my deal breakers.

I've never been on a date, have only had three relationships in the past thirteen years, and the shortest of these lasted almost six months. Not because I couldn't find somebody, but because I'm just that darned picky. You know what? My relationships make a very significant impact on who I am. I can't rewrite the stories of my life to suit somebody who is too insecure to hear about my previous partner. I'm also not going to pretend that the actions or words of others haven't affected the way I feel about something.

You wouldn't get upset if I talked about the death of my dog, but you'd freak out if I talked about my divorce? Uh, yea. Thanks for your interest. Don't call me, I'll call you.
I can understand that exs are part of a persons history and you should expect to hear some some of that. After all it is part of their life. You also want the person to be comfortable enough to be able to speak freely, so considering some topic off limits is counter productive.

On the other side there are some that will go on about an ex with such frequency and consistency that you can feel like you are intruding. That too is counter productive.
eris said:
I was on a date with a guy and we were driving to the theatre. A small animal scurried across the road and he actually swerved to try to hit it ! I told him I felt sick and wanted to go home. He tried to call me a few times but I never answered.

I've read that serial killers often were little animal torturers as kids.
So maybe this jerk isn't homicidal but he's still a jerk.
I pity the poor woman who opens her heart to this excuse for a man.

cheaptrickfan said:
The Me-Monster.

  • You may have had a bad bout of the flu last winter, but by God, when HE had it, he nearly died and it was only thanks to his superior immune system that he survived. That same bug would have killed a lesser man.
  • You only think that you had a great vacation at Baja last winter, but HE flew to the Caymans where he was courted by royalty, had bona fide supermodels crawling all over him, and he got to see unicorns frolicking in the surf on those sugar-white beaches
  • His car is way better, cooler, more expensive and sexier than yours.

Started my day laughing.

I love Cheap Trick doing Elvis' DON'T BE CRUEL

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