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I know that a bunch of us here are gaming enthusiasts and I thought we should have our own thread were we can write about what we're currently playing and if it's any good or not. ;)

I'm currently playing an old-ish game (2002) called ARX FATALIS. It's an innovative and compelling roleplaying game set in a dark and brutal fantasy world. If you don't mind dated graphics I can really recommend this one! You can get it on Steam for next to nothing.


So, what are you playing at the moment? :)
Well I'm not as much of a gamer as I used to be, but I just can't wait for starcraft 2 to come out. When it does I'm sure I'll be playing it non stop. I was considering going out and finding a nintendo 64 and playing some goldeneye 007.
I still have my original NES game system and a few games. They all still work just fine. I think I may even have the box it came in, somewhere.

Shows how far behind I am on the gaming front.
i've got a ps2 ps3
and an xbox
right now i'm playing star wars kotor2

evanescencefan91 said:
i've got a ps2 ps3
and an xbox
right now i'm playing star wars kotor2


Nice, I love that game! The next one is going to be an mmo though which makes me sad.
lol thanks you guys have great taste in games well

ya i'm not really into mmos

although have you checked out the trailer for the new stars game

it's a sick ass sweet trailer i have to admit

just i'd like to just pay for a game once and not once every month

also i know i'd get way to addicted to those games i played a trail version of runescape when i was younger and that was fun,

but i could easily get sucked into

sometimes i'll get so into a game the only way to break the habit is to get to the end of the game

but mmos don't really have endings

ooh van playing god of war
sweet i love that series i can't wait for the 3rd

it should be majorly epic

Kotor games are the best rgps ever ever ever ever and anyone who thinks different is wrong.

Whats that Arx Fatalis like you were on about?
I like MMO's alot but they are seriously dangerous, like you said, way too addictive. Although it's nice that you can get to know like-minded people in them and make it into a more social experience.

But nothing beats a good old singleplayer game that you can just sit down with for a while and relaxe, without having to spend countless of hours into it to make it feel fun and rewarding. :)
evanescencefan91 said:
lol thanks you guys have great taste in games well

ya i'm not really into mmos

although have you checked out the trailer for the new stars game

it's a sick ass sweet trailer i have to admit

just i'd like to just pay for a game once and not once every month

also i know i'd get way to addicted to those games i played a trail version of runescape when i was younger and that was fun,

but i could easily get sucked into

sometimes i'll get so into a game the only way to break the habit is to get to the end of the game

but mmos don't really have endings

ooh van playing god of war
sweet i love that series i can't wait for the 3rd

it should be majorly epic


gow = gears of war love lol

gears own the intials, i even checked :p

for shame
Prototype is pretty cool. I just hope you don't mind extreme violence, it's probably the most violent game I've played, and I've played most of them. :D
ExiledWays said:
So, what are you playing at the moment? :)

Trying to work my way through "Dead Space" on the pc. I'm also playing "Force Unleashed" on my ancient PS2.

I wait until games drop in price before I pick them up. That's why I always seem to be playing stuff everyone else was playing a year ago.
"Dead Space" is awesome. For some reason I never finished, I need to get it again. I loved the dark and gritty sci-fi atmosphere.

Right now I'm playing "Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis" and "The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition". Ahh, good old point & click adventure games are still the best kind of games in my opinion. :)
aww man i loved the pokemon games
those were awesome i i was soo hooked on those
my first rpg ever

oh sorry van my bad
gears of war /god of war
sorry same intials both games

both have war in the title
i haven't check out gears of war yet, i've heard it's pretty cool,
is it a first person shooter?
over the shoulder shooter is apprently it's offical name lol

GOW1 was very well done and brillaint for that time, i honestly believe gow2 is better though, people only seem to dislike it because they're honeysuckle at it

i'd say they're both worth renting though
ExiledWays said:
"Dead Space" is awesome. For some reason I never finished, I need to get it again. I loved the dark and gritty sci-fi atmosphere.

Right now I'm playing "Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis" and "The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition". Ahh, good old point & click adventure games are still the best kind of games in my opinion. :)

Did you play Titanic: Adventure Out of Time? I loved that game.

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