The trouble with Parties

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FreedomFromLiberty said:
Pezza said:
If someone stole my most valuable possession I wouldn't self harm, I'd take appropriate action against that person.

I like this one. What's the appropriate action to take against a complete stranger who you saw pretty much at random? Make a police report? Yeah, I'm sure they have a hat-finding squad ready to jump on this one.

I never mentioned Police.

But I'm sorry, you're right lets just pull out our knives and cut away.
Cutting is something that should be taken seriously.

Doesn't matter if you had a big emotional connection with the things you lost, it is not healthy to cut yourself. My advice, find an outlet for your emotions. If OP cannot find an outlet and continues cutting, I would recommend a psychologist.

Also, find new friends; your not into drugs, they bore you, you get angry, so why group with them?
Pezza said:
But I'm sorry, you're right lets just pull out our knives and cut away.

Can't tell whether that's meant to be sarcasm or not but you shouldn't say things like that either way. Its not funny and doesn't help at all. Regardless of how you mean it, I'd advise you not say things like that.
Pezza said:
Many of the members of this Forum are in Therapy and are recieving professional help.

In my opinion the OP would clearly benefit from this, that opinion is not just from these posts but several of his other posts as well.

Do you not think that the OP should receive professional help? If so what do you suggest?

I don't condone the OP cutting himself. He needs a productive outlet for his negative emotions. I'd recommend exercise.

I also don't condone the dismissal of the negative experience that caused him to feel the need to self-harm.
Don't know if the person who started this thread will get a chance to read this, but...

Sorry some one stole your hat, that sucks. People in varying different environments can and will assume all sorts of different ranges of behavior for many different reasons.

It's also hard not to get upset when it feels others are not listening to you or understanding where you are coming from.

I'm personally quite bothered by people who think there is something wrong with cutting. I don't like the attitude, "I do bad things that I have no control over, please help me, there is something wrong with me."

I think we live in a society that is spreading the idea through out the world that we are not actually human beings capable of any sort of self control. That we are inanimate objects at the will of the wind.

If some one cuts themselves, drinks too much, fucks too much, smokes too much, etc... And feels they are powerless to control their behavior and wants to seek help, then such is their choice and that is fine. I find however, many people are quick to think that their view of the world and the way things work for them, is the way everyone views something or should view something. What's worse more is I'm guilty of the same thought process, but I realize this and work to correct it as often as I can.

There was a time in my life and such times may come again when cutting myself was and or is, the best option to relieving my anger and or sadness. I was always met with a series of options. 1: I could take my anger out on some one undeserving of it. 2: I could break something in a violent tantrum. 3: I could bleed it out and be done with it.

Most people will tell you not to cut yourself, that it is bad. This is a trite observation. There are many cultures where self-mutilation is viewed as art, a coming of age ceremony, and many other honorable things. It is no different than a tatoo. I've seen tatoos that are so bad it makes my scars look beautiful, lol. But tatoos, which were once actually quite taboo in some societies I imagine, are now much more acceptable.

If you cut yourself and that is the best possible way you know for you to deal with your emotions at any given time, I applaud you for your self control, I truly do. I don't recommend that any one cuts them selves, but I can say it's a much better alternative to what else is available to some people. And for those who are seeking attention, they usually find it, whether it's the kind of attention they want or not.

I don't really have any advice for you or much to say. Parties can be shitty or fun, I suppose it depends on the atmosphere and the people involved. Sucks you got your hat stolen by a ****** bag, lol. I mean really, who steals a hat?

Good luck to you on finding better social events more worthy of your time. Life is short, don't let it bother ya too much if you can.
TheMaul said:
Stealing one of my treasured possessions.
Its the lack of respect. People have no empathy - they don't give a fresia about other people's stuff, because other people aren't THEM, so they literally have no comprehension of them. Everyone is just a game to be played to these people.

Great night. Can't wait for the next party. YIPPEE.

Some people have a lack of respect yes. But not all people.
There are some decent people out there. You are just 21 yes?
You have so much more of life to discover. And all young people are by definition idiots trying out roles that they can play for the rest of their life (apologies to anyone who falls in this category - I don't mean you are an idiot honestly).
You just haven't found people who you can respect and get along with yet. These are just words, yes! But I'm sorry you got hurt. And many more people would sympathise with you I'm sure.
And also, a hat is just a thing - yes? Feelings/ people/relationships are more important.
Take care.
Knock it off.

We do not encourage suicide around here and and you can surely say the rest without the rudeness.
Poguesy said:
Piss off.

As for for original poster...

Get a ******* grip!


If you're that much that against humanity then go and kill yourself.

Seriously, go have a little cut on me.

I'll be ******* honoured.


I ask you serve me the privilege ;)

You kind of expect this sort of stuff on Youtube and twitter and other places where retards gather. And what's funny is, he won't get in any trouble. Society loves to pick on the victim. Its no different here or anywhere else. I get threatened with banning if I defend myself. Its like when I was a at school, kids would hit me over the head with textbooks and when I told them to stop it the teacher would kick me out of the classroom for disrupting the class.
I don't ask to be a victim, I don't ask you to worship or pity or anything. You can feel contempt if you want, if it makes you feel all adult and mature and whatever. I vented my innermost feelings online, to complete strangers. All you've done is post snide remarks and immature insults.

I'd sooner take a honeysuckle in your honor, since it would suit your personality better.
Also, thankyou to those who understood. And the bloke/lass with enough compassion to understand what goes on in the mind of the self-harm catalyst. Most people refuse to see things from any other perspective than their narrow pre-concieved notions of what their teachers/mum and dad told them. Or what their friends told them. OR maybe what the TV told them. Original thoughts, empathy are no longer human traits. Its waaaay more popular to be cynical and sneer at everything.

Threaded with a ban for defending yourself?
That was a pretty strange defense if that is what you wish to call the little outburst you had.
Surprised you haven't banned me already for sticking up for myself so dare I have such a high opinion of myself? Aren't I just so far beneath you? Aren't I just dirt?
You are so abused aren't you?
There was nothing to stick up for. You attacked a person for trying to help you because you didn't like his response.

TheMaul why dont you calm down and have some of this?
Ledia ,OMG, one of my favorites, thanks now ill be fantasizing over it until i make one, probably tommorow lol. ya tommorow.
Freedom, maybe my wording was a little harsh.

But the OP needs to be told this. He needs to be in therapy. His thinking is distorted, any psychiatrist would tell him that.
I went through years of therapy when I was younger, and yeah it helped me through a little. I am indecisive at the moment. I'm not sure what I want. I can work through these things ordinarily but lately all my rage as become just so pervasive and heavy...none of my coping skills that I learned years ago are really working.
Also it just sucks to me from an exterior "out of body" standpoint that I should have to even resort to special skills merely to cope with the same reality that so many people are absolutely fine with. That fact alone makes me feel "not good enough" and I ******* want to be. I can't stand that for me reality is something to have to think hard about and reason with to prevent myself from collapsing under it.

FreedomFromLiberty said:
Pezza said:
If someone stole my most valuable possession I wouldn't self harm, I'd take appropriate action against that person.

I like this one. What's the appropriate action to take against a complete stranger who you saw pretty much at random? Make a police report? Yeah, I'm sure they have a hat-finding squad ready to jump on this one.

I feel obliged to point out that nowhere in my statement did I say my most valuable possession is a hat. Your attempt to poke fun at me failed.
Why do you go to these parties if it's just a rave that everyone gets messed out of their mind and you're not into it? Have you thought of trying to go to a different place? I am sorry for some of the comments you have received. I do not cut, but have done other harmful things to my body.

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