The truth game.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Ever? Yes

Same question
Yes, i am sure i have.

Same question.
Yes I have.

If you could have one super power what would it be?
No, I can not ever remember lying. I am like the worlds worst liar and always end up smiling when I have tried to as a kid so now I just tell the truth lol

What is the worst thing you ever got court doing?
Okay well lets just say it was the worst thing possible, if I told you I would get eggs thrown at me, so do avoid that I'm just gonna let you think the worst.

Have you ever stolen anything?
lol, Oh NO! You ask of the one bad thing I ever did lol Well maybe? ;) OK I did one time steel something. I ran away from home when I was a kid cos I had an argument with my mum and anyway I did not wont to whit for my dad to get in so I ran of and walked miles away and got hungry cos I had been walking all day so I took some biscuits from a shop. This is the only thing I have ever stool.

Same question?
Yes, i stole my father keys and he found out. The rest was a painful history.

Have you had an internet romance which ended so fast before you could say "I love you"
yes! i've had several internet romances and they have all been with wierd guys and i've ended it myself. i don't do that stuff anymore. i'm not convinced there's anybody nice on those things.

question: do u think u will spend the rest of your life alone?
The most terrible question I've heard on the forum. You have locked the thread.
I don't know. And I am afraid to know.

Have you ever liked watching porn?

i know it's silly i don't need to like if i sleep somewhere else i'm fine without them,

but ah hell they make me happy


have you ever cheated on a test?
Once, in 1st grade. It was a spelling test, but the moment I got out of class I confessed to my mom and cried. I felt so guilty.

Strange thing is, we had a separate teachers conference because of it, and the teacher asked "It's okay as long as you promise not to do it again". And I looked at her and said "I can't promise you that" - Haha, I was such a smug little kid.

I never cheated again, though.

Favorite film and why?
ooh hard i thinmk i have to say either little miss sunshine or into the wild those are my two favs right now

hmmm okay i'm going to Little Miss sunshine just becuase it is the best movie ever it will have you laughing and crying at exact same time

what was your first job and did you like it?
Flip flops.

If you had to eat only three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be? (specific foods)

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