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darkwall said:
This isn't an intuitive arguer, but an arguer from hell, happy to speak rudely when she feels she is winning before demanding an apology when she is losing, one who clearly hasn't thought much about what she is typing but emotionally claims it is her "belief". I was civil with everyone else who was on here, therefore the fact that I was "harsh" on someone must be at least as much her fault as mine.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other?

Darkwall, I'm an avid fan of boxing and I enjoy nothing more than the spectacle of a viscious tear-up between two evenly matched oppenents. Unfortunately what happens more often than not are pugilistic mismatches, and there is nothing more deplorable than watching someone taking a one-sided drubbing after supremacy has been established. In fact, I won't even watch a contest if I suspect that is on the cards.
The metaphor maybe weak, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
darkwall said:
Steel - you are quite wrong, most people think they are much more intelligent than they actually are, and five minutes watching any gameshow will bear this out. The People killed Jesus, the People poisoned Socrates ... you think that was in the past? Yesterday a verdict of "manslaughter" returned from 10 of the 12 members of the jury for a guy who stabbed a paedophile TWENTY TIMES. The People are quite devoid of the ability to think for themselves, and all of us have joined their ranks at some point. You know that experiment where the participants electrocuted an actor to what they thought was his death? Either the People are bad, or they are stupid: I prefer to believe the latter (and I don't pretend for one second I wouldn't have done the same).

You're being ridiculous when you say that victims choose to become traumatised or not. I would say that is proof of the weakness of your argument.

Listen: let's say tomorrow I will become a REBEL. I choose this, right? Wrong. I can only follow patterns cut for me by others, wear clothing like they wear: I will struggle to get jobs, and the rebellion itself is quite illusory. If most people could choose the things that mattered most about themselves, they'd be billionaires with successful relationships, but the fact is that we are really reacting to a mould society gives us. There are no true originals. All of us students have to struggle to adjust to the framework thrust upon us, so that we are FORCED to become a part of it.

It might seem like I am saying something really obvious - i.e. that real life isn't a ballgame - but the truth is that we spend our whole lives being limited by the people around us. We adopt ideas, take up paths, rejoice in the illusion of variety that capitalism thrusts on us, i.e. that there is really a difference between a plumber and a banker and that the work gives people "meaning". We are forced by others into a niche - if other people didn't exist, YOU COULD BE WHOEVER YOU WANTED. One moment, you could be a nice person, the next you could be an amazing genius - there'd be no-one there to say "kid, you're not that smart".

Don't you realise that even what you are doing now is emblematic of the system? You walk in with prepackaged values and attempt to undermine the minority perspective. You are doing to me exactly what people have been doing my whole life. Pssh. Don't say "you can let yourself be defined by others" - you know **** well that we are subject to the majority, enslaved to the limited options history has carved out for us, and are forced to adopt a personality so that we don't confuse ancillary characters in our lives by being completely different from one day to the next - we are defined by others' inability to discern facets in us.

Ok, here we go.

First of - Sokrates (the greeks did not have a letter C, so this spelling of his name is more accurate). If you had any familiarity with his trial, you would know that it was Sokrates choice to receive the death penalty. In Athenian law, both the prosecutor and defendant would name appropriate punishments, and the court would decide the most appropriate one. Had Sokrates not chosen to flout (in a way I admire actually) the court system and proposed a single obol fine, then he would have walked from the court.

In other words... your point proves my case.

I am not familiar with the case you mention. However, a verdict of manslaughter is appropriate in cases of diminished responsibility, in this country at least. Commenting on court outcomes is always dangerous when one has no knowledge of the events of the trial. I feel it is foolish for anyone to presume a jury, who is present throughout a trial, will be less knowledgeable than someone whom read about the case.

Oh, no, I am not being ridiculous at all to suggest that people choose to be victims later in life. Anyone who cites some traumatic event in their past as a reason why their present is not going to plan is doing just that. They will blame their parents, schooling, past relationships.. for their present being inadequate. I suggest, before you accuse someones arguments as being weak, you actually know what you are talking about. "Victim mentality" is not something I just made up.

I actually think.. that your reluctance to believe we choose to follow our own destinies may be because the idea doesn't sit well with you. While I am not judging you on your life.. you are where you are as a result of the decisions you have made along the way. In other words.. you made your life.

You are the reason you are not a billionaire with a successful relationship. If this is what you truly want, what are you waiting for?

You know what? People do decide to go out and become billionaires. Entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson (who started with nothing btw) have got where they are because they truly wanted to. Similarily, people who truly want something... will do everything in their power to get it.

Lol, this isn't me buying into some illusory system. I will sum up succinctly - Every person who decides to blame their inadequacies on others is lying to themselves, and avoiding facing their problems.
sammy said:
I am sorry again, don't mean to offend you, but that's a load of bullshit.

I just invented a new colour, I call it plarclus, but I can't describe to you what it looks like, cause no one has ever seen it, except me, inside my head. You know, the place wher I have my thoughts, dreams, images, feelings, choices and all that.

Ok, I'm now going to paint my bedroom plarclus :)
Since Darkwall created this thread with the intention of debating, I am moving it to "up for debate".
No, I didn't create this thread with the intention of debating, as I say, on page 2 I was pleading for the "bickering" to stop. It was meant to be about my reaching out to others and embracing the ugliness that that might involve.

I have read Plato's "Apology" and it shocked me how during the trial everyone was baying for blood. No, Socrates did not ask for the death penalty, he asked them to either accept that he was right, or send him to his death. So ... he was sent to his death by people's stupidity. If you knew a little more about the case, you'd also know that there had been a recent history in Athens of the People killing others like Socrates or forcing them into dishonourable exile.

The paedophile killing is ridiculous not for the reasons you thought - I'm not angry because the killer didn't get away, I'm angry because he got away with a few years for KILLING A HUMAN BEING because of that human being's past. Yes, there were two jurors who reacted against the evrdict - much like in Socrates' trial - but once again, the People prevailed.

Traumas aren't chosen: someone may PAINT themselves as a victim, but that is irrelevant. Traumas are an instance of something where our surroundings forcibly and indelibly change us.

Don't be idiotic and say "if you want to be a billionaire, why not just become one?" We don't choose our lives for ourselves - I went into film because I have a high genetic intelligence, a specific background with certain opportunities and an artistic education. I chose none of those things - I have made choices within them, as I've said all along, but that doesn't make me FREE or UNIQUE.

Why don't I become the next Steven Spielberg - well, I'm trying, but THAT WON'T HAPPEN BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE DON'T MAKE IT. It's a matter of complete luck. The most intelligent person I ever met lives on a council estate with her daughter.

"Every person who decides to blame their inadequacies on others is lying to themselves, and avoiding facing their problems."
Every person who worked their arse off and didn't get a break are all inadequate liars.

Please. Everyone you KNOW is in some way a failure. My tutors didn't make it in the film industry: my parents' friends never became the great men or women that they wanted to be. Obviously these things are down to other people as well as yourself. You can train yourself hard for things, but that isn't a matter of freedom, but having to do what society tells you to do - you can train hard, and you'll still never get anywhere because success is a matter of fractions. We are continually hampered by those around us, and obviously they form us. Everything you do is a reaction to external stimuli, and the mechanism you react with is itself a result of them. You may have "as much choice as everyone else", but that implies that you are neither free, nor are you unique, which is what I have been arguing all along.
punisher said:
Sanal said:
LOL WTF.. Whats the topic on? That you are ugly @ darkwall? (Sorry I m too lazy to read the first post if that wasnt it all about) If thats the topic sarcastically mean then dude lol you need to check your eyes xD. I have seen you form a photo you posted in the thread months back and I kinda remember it still LOL. You look awesome dude and sorry if that wasn't the topic about lol

Its about a machine sent back in time to terminate the mother of this dude named John, but i could be wrong.

John Connor? LOL I would personally go back in time and eliminate that honeysuckle
Darkwall, all your threads become arguments, simply because you are unable to accept people having differing opinions to your own. Perhaps if you avoided the condacension of which you seem to be so fond, you would realise that there is a lot of value in what other people have had to say.

Sigh, if you want to play "who knows most about Sokrates" I have also read Aristotle and Xenophon, and the plays of Aristophanes (The Clouds being a harsh criticism of Sokrates, and inaccurately labelling him a sophist.) I can also read classical greek. I admire you for reading a single source, that of a student of Sokrates. I dislike any attempt to discredit the opinion of someone else by professing them as ignorant. So I won't do that then.

His trial was political actually - and little to do with the offence with which he was charged. It is most likely to do with his praise of Sparta at a time when tensions between Athens and Sparta were high.

Exile was a way of life in Athens. Indeed, one politician a year would be voted into exile as a way of reminding them that they served the people.

Again, in the mentioning of the paedophile case... you completely avoided my point. Did you attend the trial? Do you know all the facts of the case? Or did, as I suspect, you just hear about it and ASSUME that it was as simple as someone only being sentenced for manslaughter because the victim was a paedophile?

You have also intentionally chosen to misrepresent what I said. I used the term INADEQUACIES, as in self perceived shortfalls. The quote you returned with in no way, shape, or form reflects my point.

Why is someone who is not a billionaire a failure? I feel that although you feel you like to think outside the box, in essence you are buying into the same mass culture you profess to despise. Someone is not a failure simply because they are not accreditied as the owner of the most money, the biggest car, the best selling movie.

Therefore, I was surprised to read in your final paragraph "Obviously these things are down to other people as well as yourself"

So, are you saying we have choices or not? :p

I have NEVER denied that enviroment has an effect on realising goals however. Clearly that is just logic. My whole reason for arguing with you over all these long posts was you stated that we, in effect, no free will, that outside stimuli make our decisions for us. Which is obviously not the case.

I do understand the point you were trying to make. However, as you can tell, I hold a diametrically opposed opinion. I see people as amazing, wondrous creatures, full of possibilities and choices, and I would not have that any other way.
Steel said:
sammy said:
I am sorry again, don't mean to offend you, but that's a load of bullshit.

I just invented a new colour, I call it plarclus, but I can't describe to you what it looks like, cause no one has ever seen it, except me, inside my head. You know, the place wher I have my thoughts, dreams, images, feelings, choices and all that.

Ok, I'm now going to paint my bedroom plarclus :)

oooh i can't wait for the plarclus bodypaint range... hey Sammy ;) LOL
Oh, Jesus.

Point by point:

1. It's spelled "condescension".
2. We could argue about Socrates all day, so I won't bother. I've read Aristophanes, Xenophon and Aristotle as well, and my view is that of course there was politics involved, but the important thing is that the People still killed Socrates: Xenophon's Apology was written to defend Socrates against the many writers who were misrepresenting him after his death. What cannot be argued is that Socrates' views were misunderstood among the general public, which is the substance of my point.
3. No, you can read about the paedophile killing on 10 of the 12 jurors definitely made the wrong judgment, one that the police did not want and one that reflects their horrible prejudices.
4. If I misrepresented you then, you misrepresent me here:
5. I'm obviously not saying that anyone who isn't a billionaire is a failure. First, note that I said "in some way" a failure. Secondly, I was clearly talking in terms of "the person they wanted to be".

I used the words "down to other people as well as yourself" because I am forced to moderate my language in the hope that you won't come up with another piece of pedantry. The more I define a viewpoint you disagree with, the more you're going to write back.

I am going to repeat myself ... for the last time.

We have the "illusion of choice" as expressed in the example when we can "choose" to be a fireman or a fisherman, but since they are limited choices we are not FREE, and since everyone else has them they are not UNIQUE.

Since you are formed by genetics, society and other external stimuli beyond your control, you are therefore not truly responsible for your actions. Causality confirms this: the things that led up to you writing on your keyboard are beyond your control, and can only lead to one place. Therefore I would argue that even the narrow choices offered by the Social Contract are not really choices at all.

Other people have a great say in your life: you are inhibited by their rights, their beliefs, their objectives. If you are ever stuck on a sinking ship you will see this in action - your actions are really a reaction to others, and there is no part of your thought that is not dependent on external stimuli in order to form concepts. The words in your head are themselves not invented by you, but by others.

Oh, go read Schopenhauer's Essay on the Freedom of the Will.

You can love people all you want, but I disagree. I think that there is a wealth of examples (the Milgram test, Kitty Genovese syndrome) that show people have an extremely ugly side to them. My central argument to this post is that you need to recognise it to see the beauty in them. I think of the doctor in the Brothers Karamazov who loves people yet hates individuals - if we hate the masses instead of idealising them, we are more likely to find any actual goodness that is in someone.

I am literally not going to reply to anything you say. I am finding no pleasure in this, I have merely been defending myself against the attacks of others - you all have unconsciously proved my argument right: my actions have been forced by the majority's movements, same as they have been all my life.

P.S. - Let me pre-empt you by saying that although you can cite the two jurors as people being "free", what I said before is that we are all part of the People at various points in our lives. Freedom is not voting no when everyone else votes yes.
darkwall said:
Oh, Jesus.

Point by point:

1. It's spelled "condescension".
2. We could argue about Socrates all day, so I won't bother. I've read Aristophanes, Xenophon and Aristotle as well, and my view is that of course there was politics involved, but the important thing is that the People still killed Socrates: Xenophon's Apology was written to defend Socrates against the many writers who were misrepresenting him after his death. What cannot be argued is that Socrates' views were misunderstood among the general public, which is the substance of my point.
3. No, you can read about the paedophile killing on 10 of the 12 jurors definitely made the wrong judgment, one that the police did not want and one that reflects their horrible prejudices.
4. If I misrepresented you then, you misrepresent me here:
5. I'm obviously not saying that anyone who isn't a billionaire is a failure. First, note that I said "in some way" a failure. Secondly, I was clearly talking in terms of "the person they wanted to be".

I used the words "down to other people as well as yourself" because I am forced to moderate my language in the hope that you won't come up with another piece of pedantry. The more I define a viewpoint you disagree with, the more you're going to write back.

I am going to repeat myself ... for the last time.

We have the "illusion of choice" as expressed in the example when we can "choose" to be a fireman or a fisherman, but since they are limited choices we are not FREE, and since everyone else has them they are not UNIQUE.

Since you are formed by genetics, society and other external stimuli beyond your control, you are therefore not truly responsible for your actions. Causality confirms this: the things that led up to you writing on your keyboard are beyond your control, and can only lead to one place. Therefore I would argue that even the narrow choices offered by the Social Contract are not really choices at all.

Other people have a great say in your life: you are inhibited by their rights, their beliefs, their objectives. If you are ever stuck on a sinking ship you will see this in action - your actions are really a reaction to others, and there is no part of your thought that is not dependent on external stimuli in order to form concepts. The words in your head are themselves not invented by you, but by others.

Oh, go read Schopenhauer's Essay on the Freedom of the Will.

You can love people all you want, but I disagree. I think that there is a wealth of examples (the Milgram test, Kitty Genovese syndrome) that show people have an extremely ugly side to them. My central argument to this post is that you need to recognise it to see the beauty in them. I think of the doctor in the Brothers Karamazov who loves people yet hates individuals - if we hate the masses instead of idealising them, we are more likely to find any actual goodness that is in someone.

I am literally not going to reply to anything you say. I am finding no pleasure in this, I have merely been defending myself against the attacks of others - you all have unconsciously proved my argument right: my actions have been forced by the majority's movements, same as they have been all my life.

P.S. - Let me pre-empt you by saying that although you can cite the two jurors as people being "free", what I said before is that we are all part of the People at various points in our lives. Freedom is not voting no when everyone else votes yes.

1) Oh wow, I made a typo. Therefore, I must be wrong.
2) The people did not kill Socrates. In fact, if you had read Aristotle, you would know that only just over half of the assembly voted for his guitly verdict. This is not "the people" it is the "majority". Again, it supports my original point.
3) That is a news report. My point still stands. You are not well placed to judge the court case.
4) Ends with a semi-colon. Perhaps I should, at this point, discuss grammar, since you picked me up on a typo.
5) In which case I misunderstood your meaning - and I concur.

Since you entirely missed the point I was trying to make, I will reiterate.

Your opinions are just that - opinions. So are mine... the whole free will vs stimulated response is not some great new debate that you have discovered with your remarkable insight and intelligence. It will continue to be fought out in many places.

In essence - there is no right answer. You are not right, but not wrong either. We can quote all we like, but as I said in my previous post... we hold diametrically opposed positions.

I find disturbing, actually, that you take any disagreement with yourself so personally. People, myself included, have not been attacking you, they have been attacking your ideas. The fact that you react with defensiveness on this actually detracts from any sensible points you may choose to make.

I am not trying to sway you to some cause.. I would rather you formulated your own opinions. I have never stated that there is no validity in your comments, only that I disagree with them.

You have thrown idiotic and ridiculous at me... and yet at no point have I applied such labels to you. Yes, I called you condescending, and unfortunately you have written nothing to sway me from this opinion of you.

At no point did you have to respond. No one would have noticed if you had failed to - so why did you? Why would you CHOOSE to fight a battle you cannot win?

If you had truly read my last post, then none of this would be news to you. My closing line was an olive branch, essentially saying we disagree... and I respect your right to disagree with me. Nothing you have said in any of your numerous replies has convinced me that your opinion holds any validity; hence, I am glad you have chosen not to continue this argument. Just like your last post, it would just be flogging a dead horse.
punisher said:
Steel said:
sammy said:
I am sorry again, don't mean to offend you, but that's a load of bullshit.

I just invented a new colour, I call it plarclus, but I can't describe to you what it looks like, cause no one has ever seen it, except me, inside my head. You know, the place wher I have my thoughts, dreams, images, feelings, choices and all that.

Ok, I'm now going to paint my bedroom plarclus :)

oooh i can't wait for the plarclus bodypaint range... hey Sammy ;) LOL

Now....I want to finger paint sammy's body plarclus :p
Lonesome Crow said:
punisher said:
Steel said:
sammy said:
I am sorry again, don't mean to offend you, but that's a load of bullshit.

I just invented a new colour, I call it plarclus, but I can't describe to you what it looks like, cause no one has ever seen it, except me, inside my head. You know, the place wher I have my thoughts, dreams, images, feelings, choices and all that.

Ok, I'm now going to paint my bedroom plarclus :)

oooh i can't wait for the plarclus bodypaint range... hey Sammy ;) LOL

Now....I want to finger paint sammy's body plarclus :p

Too late dude, thats my job ;)

You got the Skornsie's body anyway... paint him maroon :D
Hope it works out for you darkwall.

Bottom line is if your good looking you get moor out of life and moor opportunity's.
You can sugar cote it all you like but if your ugly you well have less ppl wont to be with you. I have a deformity and am short in height and walk with a limp. I have never had a good looking girl or any girl for that matter fall over her self to get to me. I see girls do this all the time to some of my friends and cousins. Good looking ppl girls and boys get away with moor as well. I have seen some of my friends treat there girlfriends like complete honeysuckle. If I was to treat a friend or a GF like that it would not be long be for I was kicked to the side-walk.

Also you know when you see a really good looking girl your thinking naughty naughty things sometime. If I was to say those things I would be classed as a perv and looked down upon and be made to feel shame. My good looking friends just come out with what there thinking and the next minute there getting a shag. And ye it pissers me right ******* off. Reason? Cos I wont to be the one that gets a shag for once. But me NOOO I have to keep using my hand like the messed up twisted losing weirdo that society classes me as. Don't you just ******* hate being put in a box. Rap me up and make me look pretty with a little red bow on top and everything. Ye WTF!
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