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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
Reaction score
Do people underestimate you?I think and feel that people underestimate me all the time,because of my disability,by them thinking that I just look so dumb and stupid to them.
More or less, people who know me IRL say I underestimate myself and to regimented - especially with the parameters that I set to keep an extremely low profile and out of trouble. (One of the reasons that I have trouble initiating & finding a relationship.)

My boss told me yesterday that I am to hard on myself and need to live a little. And, I said, to him once I am eligible to retire (from my employer next year after reaching the 25 year mark with the same employer), I will let lose a little. Consequences won't matter as much after eligiblity. My long range plan from 30 years decided to do this. Pay the price now and have fun later.
Yeah pretty often, but I think mostly in work. I have one of those faces... used to be known as a "baby face" so I've often been judged on that, or my unserious personality.

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