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ladyforsaken said:
jaguarundi said:
Weeping quietly like a useless girlie. Thinking.. why do I listen to that little voice in my head that says ..'come on, 10 more minutes and you will finish' ..in this case cutting the hedge.

Yes and ten more minutes soo so tired I tripped, fell full length, hit my shoulder on the kerb, have grazed and bleeding knees through my jeans and still, after a hot shower, have grit in my ripped up and bleeding palms.

And I still will have to go out later and sweep the **** leaves off the pavement. Just.. Great. Triffic. sodding marvellous.

Oh dear that sounds really rough, jaggie. :( *huggggs*
Please be careful more now and take care. I hope it gets better soon.

I always felt there are major psychological consequences to bleeding knees, maybe knees are the support of the body or something? Falling on the ass never seemed to me so troubling and humiliating. Also "being on one's knees" is seen as sign of humility, while being on one's ass doesn't.
Anyway, this was to sympathize with your distress.

doing the internet addiction thing, full ON, someone help me
Downloading a game to play, but I'll probably fall asleep before I can play it.
Laughing so hard I've got tears in my eyes- some people are the masters of droll....
Coming back to work, i was staying in the middle of the street with a lot of people, we just had a 6.7° and 1 minute long eartquake here.

It's the second one of this type, the other happened just a couple of weeks ago, it lasted 2 minutes and was 7.0° ..we thought it was the end of the world.
Yes, i am, thank you Rosebolt, but i'm afraid that a lot of buildings are not that well, because since last year we've been having a lot of long and strong earthquakes, so i just hope nothing really bad happens with the next ones. These earthquakes strike 6-7 mexican states at the same time, in the center and south of my country, i think that pictures better how scary it is.

You never really get use to these nature events, but i've lived with them all my life, so when it happens i like to be one of the helpers, when i see someone in crisis, hurt, in panic, stuck, etc, i inmediately want to take them out before the worst happens, that's my first reaction instead of panicking, so i try to do my best even in the worst scenario.
^ Sounds like you're doing the right thing. :)

We don't have any natural disasters whatsoever where i live, so i cannot relate or fully understand what it's like to live where you live.

I wonder how i'd react when something like that would happen. I don't think it'd be as efficient as your reaction though.

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