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ahsatan said:

Sorry for not saying this sooner and being stuck on myself in the past, but I always found your gifs to be cute. And I'm bias towards Zoeey Deschanel too. :p

I hope your lady parts are behaving and you're feeling better by the time you read this. :)
Rainbows said:
sometimes i really have to stand still and ask myself: we still okay, fam? u okay? u hanging in there? and then the next day im sending flirty memes to spanish guys again; i think i've lost any kind of emotion lol im indifferent recently. yikes. that's what happens when u get ur heart broken i guess

it's so sad what happened and i still just cannot comprehend. i didnt want to date anyone, but still when we met and didn't separate for three days straight, i just, -- you were too intense for me and everything was so much and my feelings were all of the place. your rejection after all we did hurt me a lot, even though it was a future one. ghosting me hurt the most, pretending i never existed, as if our weekend together didn't even take place. sigh. and i still can't help but think you're the most amazing female i have ever seen. well.. at least i have my memories of our time together. stupid light laughter when i held you in my arms. sigh. 

i should stop. it's 3 am. goodnight, all. sad to be back.

Getting your heart broken is usually the most painful feeling imaginable... It's worse than any other physical hurt. Especially if you are a deep feeler. I'm really sorry that she ghosted you... I don't have room to talk about ghosting as I've done it more than I am proud of. I'm owning up to my mistakes and trying to look on the outside in. Basically, I'm only telling you this because I want you to not blame yourself.

I wouldn't be hard on yourself or question if it was you or not. I'm pretty **** positive it was because she has a lot of inner turmoil of her own and either hates being tied down or got scared with how quickly you too hit off. You are not crazy for feeling what was there. What was real.

Love is love, if it's there, it's there. Some of us fight it with our minds, some of us just go with it. Don't close yourself off because the wrong people took a hold of your heart. Wear it with pride. It's your strength. Please don't shut down your emotions because you know it's the best of you. Stay the best you, always. :)

Sometimes our inability to open to others make us more susceptible to hurt. And boy does it hurt so god **** much. Just, try your best to remember the good and move on the best way you can. Hope you feel better soon. *hugs*
It's ok.I'm glad u like my gifs! Thanks.  My lady parts ******* hate me. I'd rather have man parts any day.lol
I hope ur feeling better.

ahsatan said:
It's ok.I'm glad u like my gifs! Thanks.  My lady parts ******* hate me. I'd rather have man parts any day.lol
I hope ur feeling better.

What's wrong? Want to talk about it? *gives a long hug!*

I'm sure I'm going to regret it but want to swap for a bit? I'm very much curious. Potential multiple orgasms and all. :p

I kid. Let me stop and keep this PG-13 in the very least. God, I'm too open today. Holy honeysuckle lol.

I just really hope you're feeling better. I'm doing good. Thank you. :)
Off-topic, but Siku: Look into the origins of the MBTI and judge if that's really a thing you want to use to categorize yourself cause it's just pop """science""" bullshit. I saw you referencing it repeatedly now and in the past like many others, including myself, but I know better now.
Rodent said:
Off-topic, but Siku: Look into the origins of the MBTI and judge if that's really a thing you want to use to categorize yourself cause it's just pop """science""" bullshit. I saw you referencing it repeatedly now and in the past like many others, including myself, but I know better now.

Oh, you are absolutely ******* right! I just initially used it as a guide. I know much better. It's also easily flawed because well, even the source was doubtful and realistically speaking it's impossible to be accurate on such complexities.

I had a very similar rebuttal to yours that I presented to the folks on a MBTI forum that wielded bad results and gave me strong resentment for daring to mention such a thing. It only promotes more people being misunderstood and ego boosting in my opinion. A recipe for unhealthy and closed-minded dating. What you said has always been on my mind, it just took me awhile to finally throw it out the window. I mostly used it as the best way to explain myself without actually over-explaining myself (although, I still ******* did often lol). While there is some truth behind it, I know it's growth halting and I no longer associate myself or identify myself as an INFJ. I am me.

Thank you for the observation and consideration, Rodent. :)
Hi peeps, got any links about that Myers-Briggs test? I come up INTP or INFP depending on how I'm feeling that day. I'm curious as to how it can be so consistent with results if the test is flawed. Does that question make sense? I haven't really looked into what the scoring means other than just the basics. So the question might be how is it flawed(the test) or maybe why don't the test results matter if they seem to be so consistent?

I hope that makes sense!

EDIT: I read the article in the link. Not sure I'm convinced the test(indicator...lol) is bullshit. Looking for an article that really demonstrates how it is horsepoo.

RovoR said:
Hi peeps, got any links about that Myers-Briggs test? I come up INTP or INFP depending on how I'm feeling that day. I'm curious as to how it can be so consistent with results if the test is flawed. Does that question make sense? I haven't really looked into what the scoring means other than just the basics. So the question might be how is it flawed(the test) or maybe why don't the test results matter if they seem to be so consistent?

I hope that makes sense!

The results paired with the questions asked aren't maybe flawed. That doesn't mean that things aren't missing or are lost in translation. To use it as a guide is fine, but to swear on it and to consider yourself strictly what it says you are, can lead you becoming something you aren't or misunderstanding yourself along the way. Not to mention, you yourself and how you view yourself currently is what breeds the results. What if you are not self-aware or too critical of yourself that even your honesty is potentially horsepoo? Not intentionally of course.

Sure, there's some truth behind it but it's mostly used for people who either need guidance in order to figure themselves out or as a tool to figure out dating compatibilities. I think over-analyzing others and painting a canvas of them doesn't promote healthy and open-minded dating. You become too much of a perfectionist and idealist who refuses to give an incompatibility a proper chance.

Simply put, no one is perfect and that indicator is man-made. And in my opinion, promotes anti-individualism and potential boosting of one's ego as people ignore their negative traits of their results.
I can easily agree with that Siku. What I wasn't convinced of was that it was pure pop science bullshit.
Just awoke from finally falling asleep for a few hours. To only find myself where I was 12 hours ago.. Why do I give a honeysuckle what other people think so much? Why do I still respect and want the validation of people who are so quick to judge me.

Because everything in me tells me that I was seen entirely wrong... and I know their hearts and they don't mean ill but turned cold towards me because they think I was cold. Very ironic and disappointing. I hate this trait in me with a passion but I also embrace it because it's what makes me beat myself up enough to force my brain to learn different viewpoints and perspectives on a very deep level. That's why I also hate discarding it and why I may potentially have higher understanding of certain people. All in good nature and self-defense I suppose. Or maybe just to keep myself sane and out of the loop..

And here I am, venting it, when I should stop being so insecure. As they are sitting there being selfish and being too blind to realize it because they think they were honestly being passive aggressively "nice" and my honesty and bluntness was just some kind of a resentment and not seen for what it was. So much for constructive criticism and growth or even a debate I painfully laid out the crumbs for in hopes they'll at least meet me half-way. Nope, let's dig ourselves a lovely hole and negate any negativity or criticism because we no longer want to feel any guilt or explore painful self-reflection. "I don't want to hurt so I'm going to make you hurt!". Essentially. Be true to your selves.... So much potential! Lost...

You know when you get so bored you actually start to lose your mind? I’m pretty much there right now. Kind of fun to see how civilized big shot people react when you throw candy at them. 
“oh the horror, the dirty no school ***** is infecting me with her filth” kind of attitude some of these guys have is ******* disgusting.
MissBehave said:

You know when you get so bored you actually start to lose your mind? I’m pretty much there right now. Kind of fun to see how civilized big shot people react when you throw candy at them. 
“oh the horror, the dirty no school ***** is infecting me with her filth” kind of attitude some of these guys have is ******* disgusting.

Wish I could stop having these nightmares. 
As soon I’ve been able to build myself up, they jump me again. Sending me spiraling down and breaking any progress I’ve made. 
I hate my mind. 😔

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