What are you thinking right now?

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Aww, broken.... what's so bad right now? We're here to listen/help!

I'm thinking... I've eaten chinese food way too much this week. And, I am dreading my early 7am meeting tomorrow morning at work. Yikes!

EF... we have a place in town called City Buffet. I love calling; they're like... shitty buffet, can i take your owdah? sort of like southpark XD
I think I ought to go to bed. No pokemon for me today :(
I'm thinking I'm going to learn "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" next. It's a cool song.
Hm, I ought to get ready so I don't miss the bus. Although right now I could actually catch the early bus if I wanted, which I don't. Eh, talk to you lot later then.
I'm thinking that I'm always hungry and never have any food- is there a possible correlation between the two??
im thinking about..

WTF, i need to concentrat in my Anatomy and Physiology. Got test tomorrow night. i need a savior!. Hellllpppp!
I am thinking I'm glad that my day is over; it was extremely stressful, and full of problems/issues that should never have made it so far. I'm also tired of people who have no sense of ethics... the kind that will do/say anything to attain their will.

I'm thinking I'm glad it's time for bed soon.
I'm thinking..... this is "Someone", or "Something's" way of saying........

"Have a Nice Day"


wow that is awesome, i want to put that on my facebook

but that just tottally brightened my day, thanks.

that must have been just one lucky chance photo, but tottally rad

That is an amazing picture, truly at the right place at the right time, you can't help feeling happy when you look at it

I'm thinking about how warm it is out, and how this is possibly the only day of February I've ever worn shorts, and I couldn't be happier with the weather:)
I am thinking about why my boss tries to deny my success. Rather than supporting me when I was offered a fantastic position with the state for four days of paid test-writing, which would have cost the school nothing, he told me he didn't want me to miss any more school this year and said no. I miss most of the days because I'm at a conference, seminar, or something of the like. Grr....It's not every day the state department of education offers to give you an all expenses paid trip, and then let you help write the state standardized tests! It would've been great experience...

what I dont understand is why u'r asking ur boss?......
couldn't u just go sreight to the board?
and complain about him also?.....
boss also has a boss...
well, the principal has to approve any out of building time.... that's the rules. I have to get his "approval" for such stuff. He's also a micromanaging control freak, and no one really likes him.

My assistant principal told me that I'm just too busy and into everything, and the principal doesn't care for it.

The board? shudder... don't like those guys. They're scary!
evanescencefan91 said:

wow that is awesome, i want to put that on my facebook

but that just tottally brightened my day, thanks.

that must have been just one lucky chance photo, but tottally rad


You getting a blizzard there to?

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