What is your typical reaction to someone who critizes you?

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even if sometimes I get annoyed, sometimes I manage to get the productive reaction " thank you for taking the time to tell me what's wrong with me", there is one chance that I might learn something
I think my initial reaction is for my defenses to come up (just trying to be honest here).
Luckily, for me, I'm the kind of person who questions my own opinions and actions if there's a question that maybe something I've said/done/am doing/not doing isn't as it should be.
It's not even a matter of what someone else thinks of me so much as it is my own personal inner code of ethics. I always try to do the right thing and/or do my best at something.
If someone suggests I might not be, I pick the matter apart and examine it closely to see if the criticism has merit. If (in my own opinion) it has merit, I set about finding a remedy.
If I'm unsure the criticism has merit, I generally keep it in the back of my mind as something to watch for, allowing for the possibility that the criticism is valid.
Finally, even if I think it has no merit, I still keep it in mind, but I examine who offered the criticism and the possible motive behind it. This is such a broad area, as criticism can be found in ALL areas of a person's life.
For a more specific example, I will use work. If my boss suggests I've done something "wrong" my first reaction is to explain why I did something the way I did it. If he still thinks I didn't handle something to his liking, I ask him how he feels I SHOULD have handled it.
At that point, he generally just shuts up and goes away because he realizes I handled it in the best possible way. :p
At work, about every three months, I actually ASK for feedback so I can improve. Once in a while something is suggested and we try to come up with a good solution.
Sometimes, criticism can be an awesome tool for improving MANY aspects of your life.
Ok, I'm rambling....

To answer the question in a simple way, I take criticism as an opportunity to learn.
Disclaimer: that doesn't mean that I wont object to the tone of the delivery of the criticism and the content if it's delivered in a malicious manner.
On the internet: I'll either get very defensive or I'll ignore the person. If I get defensive and snap back at them, i then shut down the thread and avoid it as I don't like confrontation.

In real life: I get embarrassed and depressed.
I often become annoyed and defensive when they bring it up around others, but can handle it calmly enough. I immediately consider if what they are saying makes sense and try to avoid saying much, so I can think it over. I have a hard time letting things go when I am upset.
Usually I go into this bizarre dual reaction. My inner doubts do start to attack but my defenses go on the offensive.

I will go into a savage verbal attack and all the while wait for the crushing inevitability of my self doubts bring me low.
It usually depends on what's being said and how it's being said. If I feel as if their personally trying to attack me I usually get upset and react.

But I usually listen calmly until there done. I try not to jump on people right off hand. Sometimes most of the comments just make me laugh. I usually can laugh things off, but if it's extremely hurtful I usually let them know.
It depends on the critic - if I think they know what they're talking about, I listen. When I first started taking golf lessons, the golf pro watched me hit a couple of balls on the driving range and he told me, "There is nothing that you are doing that we can salvage. Everything about your swing is wrong." I listened to him and started taking lessons because I respected his opinion

I try to just ignore people who don't know what they're talking about (or who want to argue about something where I know I'm right). Sometimes I'll argue with them, but since few people ever change their mind on account of arguing, I usually let it go.

If it is someone I care about, and I think they are wrong I will try things their way (assuming it is practical to do so) - that way, if they are right, I find a better way to do things, if they're wrong, I have the smug satisfaction of being right.
Honest constructive criticism causes me to take a moment of honest self-reflection.

But if someone is just trying to take the piss, well...

I don't really care, unless they mean something to me.
theraab said:
If it is someone I care about, and I think they are wrong I will try things their way (assuming it is practical to do so) - that way, if they are right, I find a better way to do things, if they're wrong, I have the smug satisfaction of being right.

:D Awesome.

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