Why do people believe in God?

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Once I thought I was a christian. Now I only wonder why people do believe in God. Is it because they need guidance how to live their lives? Is it because they can’t survive on their own? Or is it just because they were taught God exists? Please tell me.
i think it's cause they were taught

it's concept prolly comes from the fact that we need answers and friendship that is constant
believing in Him makes people feel compose of themselves.

its a matter of believing in yourself and believing in someone who you owe your life with.
toxic-tears said:
believing in Him makes people feel compose of themselves.

its a matter of believing in yourself and believing in someone who you owe your life with.

But why do you need that someone to believe in yourself?
I don't know..paybe people just want to be a part of something bigger , belong to something...
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.

--Bertrand Russell, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish
coz if you dont believe in him, you would not be in this world. --- its a religious thing. no offence.
toxic-tears said:
coz if you dont believe in him, you would not be in this world. --- its a religious thing. no offence.

And that is what I don't get. Why religion? Why do you believe that? And, no, I don't take offence.
ss7 said:
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.

--Bertrand Russell, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish

Why must people believe in something? I don't understand.
well maybe people have to move or progress or try to reach some higher level of existance beyond material world.Also curiousity, the more they dig into stuff the more they develop their own systems of beliefs. For some its gods or God and all the divine or spiritual world, for others some other philosophical ideas or science. Not everybody's hooked on religion. Also I think that persons beliefs are subject to change as they go through discoveries or find answers to old questions.
DutchGirl said:
ss7 said:
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.

--Bertrand Russell, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish

Why must people believe in something? I don't understand.

Here's one important reason: Comfort.

Life is maddeningly uncertain and without guarantees. If you are rich today, there is no guarantee that you will have your wealth tomorrow. If you are healthy, there is no guarantee that you will continue to be healthy. In fact, the only guarantee that we have is an unpleasant one. That guarantee is that of our eventual non-existence. What is certain is that we and those whom we love will die.

The prospect of death makes us uncomfortable because it is the only thing that we cannot encounter with denial. So we invent something and put it behind the curtain. That invention is god.

But simply inventing something is not enough. There is an additional twist. Have you noticed that people don't just believe in god. No, it is rather more specific than that. People always believe in a good god. Have you wondered why? Why does every religion talk about a good god? Why not an evil god behind the curtain? Or a flawed, ugly god? Or an uncertain god?

Because death is certain and death is ugly. So naturally, god has to be at least equally certain and far prettier. It is redundant and hardly comforting to have an ugly, bland god waiting for us after death. That will simply not do. Ugly is not good; the human mind does not deal well with ugliness. It is ugly to ponder the death of our fathers, our mothers, our husbands, our wives, our sons, our daughters, our friends, our dogs, and ourselves. So it is not enough to simply invent something to put behind the curtain, it is absolutely essential that this something looks better than Jessica Alba in a red and purple tight-suit.

We don't just want god, we want a pretty-boy god. It's more comforting that way.
DutchGirl said:
toxic-tears said:
coz if you dont believe in him, you would not be in this world. --- its a religious thing. no offence.

And that is what I don't get. Why religion? Why do you believe that? And, no, I don't take offence.

Believing on something is base on the persons' own will, same as religion. no one has any right to force somebody to join a religion and believing in God. As long as you are thankful that you are in this world. you breathe the air of who you believe made it. and you at least enjoy even a single moment of your life.
Arianna said:
For so many..the reverse idea is just too frightening to consider..
To me having to live forever with an immortal being that can do whatever the hell it wants, has temper tantrums(see old testament), and has no equal is frighten, id rather not exist then have to God for a roomate.
Because we do? For some of us, it feels as evident and obvious as knowing that we have a right arm.
frey12 said:
Arianna said:
For so many..the reverse idea is just too frightening to consider..
To me having to live forever with an immortal being that can do whatever the hell it wants, has temper tantrums(see old testament), and has no equal is frighten, id rather not exist then have to God for a roomate.

I said 'for so many' frey..I did not mean to imply 'for all.'
And by the way..'if' God does exists (and I believe He does.. though I do not base my assumption on religious teachings) I think we're not going to have much of a say as to whether we have to 'room' with Him or not...
IgnoredOne said:
Because we do? For some of us, it feels as evident and obvious as knowing that we have a right arm.

I don't know if anyone can know there is a God. (I also don't know that they can't).

All I really need to remember about God is, I'm not him.
I was brought up Luthern and went to church every sunday and wendsday when I was younger, Parents ussally take kids to church and these places to give them a set of morals and guidlines, like santa, be good or you won't get presents. something Like that I think I don't know, But so now the religion is something in my subcounscious now. Lately I have been having a lot of religious dout and have been angry at God, But relgion and just beliving even if I i don't want to is like a habbit that I can't really get rid of. It's been there my whole life, and I can't just throw it away and forget about it in one day. And I'm also Afraid what will happen if I do become atheist. I've been brought up that If you don't belive in God you go to hell, and even if it is pretty Cliche I'm afraid of what would happen then if i died atheist and God really was real and I went to hell, I know thats kinda lame but I guess thats how I feel, Now I'm more kind of deism.

But there's thoughts and situations on Religion, even through I think it's crazy how in the middle east and all through history there have been these crazy relgious radical groups that kill people and I just think that is the worst part of religion how it can brainwash people into killing others
evanescencefan91 said:
But there's thoughts and situations on Religion, even through I think it's crazy how in the middle east and all through history there have been these crazy relgious radical groups that kill people and I just think that is the worst part of religion how it can brainwash people into killing others

Yep...ever read history books about the Crusades? It's where the Christian Pope ..through the church.. sanctions the murder of Muslims..or how about the ongoing war of Palestine Muslims murdering Jews? Then there the Jews/Israelites that wiped out almost the entire Canaanite nation.
Or Taoist Chinese killing Buddist Japanese..Irish Catholics fighting British Protestants...Germany annilating the Hebrew nation..etc..etc..etc..
Yes you're right..and it's not just the Middle East that uses religion to brainwash people into killing.. sadly..hate comes in all flavors..

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