Why do people believe in God?

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evanescencefan91 said:
i'm also agonistic (hwevr it is spelld)

i can no lopnger really accept the christian god, i'm just not hardcore enough to be athestic.

like sweden or bisexuals, we can swing both ways when we need to.

....okay i'm sorry i know thats lame and cheezy and i promise i'll stop talking like this if you ask me too, like i said just finished watching will and grace so the humor is in my head.

it's hard to define being agnostic , so thats how i tried to

we don't want to go to hell, but we'd rather seelp in on sundays, so we'll just take some books with us to read in purgatory.

sorry this just how i feel about my belief anways, i don't like commitment


I've never met an Atheist who says, "There is definitely no god." Anyone who draws such an abrupt conclusion is an idiot (the same goes for people who claim there definitely is a god). You're either a theist (you have a belief in a deity) or an atheist (you do not have a belief in a deity). Seeing as you can't both have something and not have something at the same time. . .well. . . there's no such thing as an agnostic. Unless of course you're talking about what you know to be true, rather than what you believe to be true.

The original word "Gnostic" meant "those who know." Gnosticism and agnosticism deal with knowledge -- what we can know; whereas theism and atheism deal with what we believe. Therefore one can technically be an agnostic theist (belief in a god, but uncertain) an agnostic atheist (non-belief in a god, but equally uncertain), or a gnostic theist (belief in a god, and certain). Since it's impossible to prove that something does not exist (the burden of proof always rests on the one making the claim), there's really no such thing as a gnostic atheist.

Hope that long-winded diatribe cleared some things up, anyway. xD
People need excuses as to why life sucks. Happy people that have money and comforts and all that, or people that are quite intelligent... rarely christians... or truly religious at all for that matter.

You can't know god exists... it's entirely impossible. Hence the word faith. Another word for believing something you know nothing about is ignorance. Anyone that is not pure agnostic is ignorant.

IMHO, why live your life for something that you have an infinite chance of being wrong about? Why not just live your life the way that you want to without having to have "big brother" make you feel good about life shitting on you?

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