Why I've been away..

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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Our beloved pet had a prolonged struggle with cancer and died suddenly last night. Its been a sad ordeal and I cannot help but feel some guilt over it, that things could have been different had I had more money and given it better care, if I had done more, or observed more, or prioritized it above work more; among other things, I've not been able to find the time to be here. But know that you've all been missed and very much cherished.

Rest in peace, Bandit. You are loved and missed.
I'm so sorry for your loss, i understand the guilt you may feel. But there is a time for everything, sometimes no matter what we do the outcome is the same. Peace xx
whispers said:
I'm so sorry for your loss, i understand the guilt you may feel. But there is a time for everything, sometimes no matter what we do the outcome is the same. Peace xx

The outcome was never in doubt, but I like to imagine, I could have prolonged his time with us. I know that I had already done more than most, given that I began the struggle with cancer and had aggressive chemotherapy done, when the vast majority of pet owners would have just given up. Its been several thousand dollars, but knowledge at least that I tried as much as my resources permitted and never gave up on the poor little guy.

I still feel bad in the end as I delayed getting him to the hospital before I had approval from the boss to leave work. That one-one hour and a half difference could have made all of the difference, at least prolonging his life for a few days. Maybe a month. I suppose there's an object lesson there, but yet, what could I have done? Risking my job, in the end, is not something I can handle as it'll risk the lives of everyone who depends on me. The burden of responsibility and the belief in choice, is in the end, the acceptance of some level of guilt and pain. I'll never know if I made the best decision. I can only hope that I will be forgiven for my mistakes.
Welcome back Ig.Was Bandit your ferret? Either way I'm sorry for the loss of your pet,I know how attached you can become to them.
Prolonging it's life would have prolonged it's suffering. It's never easy to lose a pet though. :(
Glad to have you back IO.

You did everything you could, nothing else could be done at the moment.
You have my deepest sympathies Ignored. I know the feeling. It's so easy to get attached to pets. Maybe if you bought a new puppy it might help sooth your pain.
I'm sorry about your pet. I know how it is to lose one. Just know you've done all that you could for it and it was probably just it's time. Glad your back though.
I noticed this before i left so thought i best come back and add my part.

We've just had to put down our dog earlier today, had her nearly eleven years.

The vet gave her a maximum of six months, she fought for nine, but in the past few days she just lost all interest.

She's the only real pet we've ever had and the only one i'm likely to ever have.

People can say it's only a dog etc but it really is like losing part of the family. She spent most of her time with other members of the family but it really does hit hard.

I'm just glad i was there for her at the final chapter.

Sounds like you did everything that you could... and that's something to be proud of. Sorry to hear of your loss. :(
I'm really sorry about your pet. My sister has a dog too. And I got attached to the little guy. I can't imagine what the house would be like with out him. He's truly apart if the family now. I'm deeply sorry but atleast hes not suffering.

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