Would you date someone overweight or larger.

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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It has been a frequent topic in discussions with friends lately. I have also seen frequent references to it in forum in various topic posts, but not addressed directly. Do you believe a slim person has more chance of getting a date than an overweight or underweight person?

So lets be honest if you post. Does the size of the person you might date matter to you? Do you wish them to be slim and fit, if so why? Or do you like a few cuddly curves, if so do you know why? Again someone underweight, what attracts you. Or have you dated people of all sizes and it never mattered to you? Even have you dated or liked someone who you didn't find yourself attracted to because of their size at first but then as you knew them it didn't matter.
It would depend on the person, I think. If I enjoyed the guy and was interested, yeah, I probably would. I would not date a guy who was severely overweight, though. So, I suppose to a certain point, I would date someone who was overweight, but I think I would also try to introduce better eating and exercising (walking, if nothing else) to try to get him healthier. That and I'm a healthy food freak, so that would be all that was offered if he was eating with me. lol

As for if skinny people have better luck. My ex actually prefers larger women and I know quite a few other men who do, as well. My ex comments all the time about how nice my ass and boobs looked when I was bigger. Meh, his right, I suppose, but I didn't like myself bigger.
I would not date someone severely overweight 400+, to me that seems like a medical disaster area that I just can't deal with. But otherwise I would. I honestly am attracted to the person not the look.
For me, what is sexually attractive and what is emotionally attractive are separate, and if there is enough emotional attractiveness it can be used to overcome a lack of sexual attractiveness. My partner is borderline obese, bouncing back and forth over that line all the time.

If I was just looking at people, I prefer short and skinny with good body strength, but I have dated all types, including a grossly overweight tall guy who was just a big cute teddy bear at heart.
I would have gladly dated overweight or obese women when I was still looking.

It just did not matter to me. It's not that I'm above superficiality, I'm pretty sure all I want out of women is someone I'm physically attracted to that I can tolerate being around; but I've seen some really big women that I find attractive.

For the most part, really big women never wanted me and seemed disgusted when I tried, moreso even than women that are slim or slightly overweight.
Give me a woman who can hold intelligent conversation, posesses sharp wit and a dark sense of humour, and not much else really matters. I'm quite simple to please like that.

However, if I'm being honest, I find curves to be very attractive. Not to the point where the other person is putting their health at serious risk but, if there's some cushion for the pushin' then I'm down with that. I have big hands so like something to hold on to.
Anyone who fits the norm or the ideal, regardless of which category, has better opportunities. That's not specific to appearance.

I've dated people who were overweight and I think it can still be attractive, though there are obviously negative impacts on health once you start to get too heavy (or too sedentary, regardless of weight). I don't think there's anything wrong with a preference either way, it's just that people tend to dehumanize each other to make themselves feel better about their own position in life.
I typically date heavier guys to be honest.

I wish I was thinner for the guys I date though.
Nicolelt said:
I typically date heavier guys to be honest.

I have seen some very big girls date guys thinner than themselves. Now these people I have seen are strangers to me so I can't assume anything about them but from the short time I was in the same room with them they looked happy to be with each other. I said to myself "good for them" and then I kick myself again for not having anyone. :)
A little overweight maybe, but not obese. I've known some very friendly obese ladies but I wouldn't date them.
Not that I was ever on the dating scene, but if I ever were, I wouldn't have cared either way. Respect, honesty, and loyalty is what should be requested, and that doesn't come in a preset type of body.
I used to be over 300 lb. I will be under 200 in a bit, thank goodness. With a few exceptions, most guys I've dated were thinner than me. I like bigger men but not too big. A long time ago, I ended a budding dating relationship with someone in the past who was very much on my intellectual level but I just couldn't deal with his level of obesity. I felt kind of bad but it really became a drag. He was 350+, not tall, and was in poor health, breathing issues, and couldn't really keep up with me when walking, and I love walks. I felt terrible, really I did.
FollowMeDown said:
I used to be over 300 lb. I will be under 200 in a bit, thank goodness. With a few exceptions, most guys I've dated were thinner than me. I like bigger men but not too big. A long time ago, I ended a budding dating relationship with someone in the past who was very much on my intellectual level but I just couldn't deal with his level of obesity. I felt kind of bad but it really became a drag. He was 350+, not tall, and was in poor health, breathing issues, and couldn't really keep up with me when walking, and I love walks. I felt terrible, really I did.

Congrats on the weight loss!

We were talking about baggage in another thread and I think weight/health is one you can deal with or not. I don't think there is a need to feel terrible. If you like to walk and be active, and your partner doesn't, it is kind of a drag. My boyfriend has stomach problems and sometimes it bums me out because he doesn't want to do anything, but at least it's not constant, and I can handle it. Now my ex, he was just lazy and I wanted to hike and be active, and he couldn't, and with other reason, he went bye-bye.
Thanks. Yeah it just feels kind of hypocritical now of me cause I used to be so big but at the same time, when you're 350+, sorry to say, things are just not pretty.
Too bad it's nearly impossible to find people like y'all offline. Not that it matters, but this thread has made me more hopeless.
She-ra said:
Do you believe a slim person has more chance of getting a date than an overweight or underweight person?
In general? Yes, obviously a slim person has more chance of getting a date.
The same could be said of women with bigger boobs and men with bigger muscles.
A lot of people are very superficial and anyone who might say otherwise has not visited reality lately. It's also true that the taller you are the more 'attractive' you'll seem in general.
But these are just generalities. They don't really mean much except that if you fit one of these categories you'll appeal more to the median. So, in terms of dates it just means 'more' than someone else if all other traits were theoretically completely equal.

That doesn't mean heavier set people, short people, small-chested women, and non-muscley men can't get any dates. Not at all. They can still get plenty of dates. It all depends on the kind of people you meet, because there is a wide range of interests in people, and generalizations don't really seem to matter in practice.

The question one should be asking is how many of those extra 'dates' that 'attractive' people get are anything more than a superficial relationship based on appearance? If anything it's possible that 'attractive' people can actually get a more watered-down emotional experience than does everyone else. And so if we're trying to be 'armchair psychologists', we could even assume that many of them develop a false sense of accomplishment or abilities, becoming shallow, due to the way they receive such a shallow emotional experience from others.

Personality is obviously more important than anything else at all in a real relationship.
My honest to goodness favorite type of man is a large nerd, no more than 300 lb, but more than 200, doesn't have to be really tall. I wish I could find one.
AnonymousMe said:
Too bad it's nearly impossible to find people like y'all offline. Not that it matters, but this thread has made more hopeless.

Why hopeless? Everyone here has an offline self.

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