Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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would you rather eat a snake or a crocodile?
Crocodile. *insert funny reason why here*

Would you rather hang from a tree limb by your upper lip, or listen to Milli Vanilli?
UGHHHhhhhhhh tree limb! :p hehe

Would you rather punch a gorilla in the face or poke an alligator in the eyeball?
Poke an alligator in the eyeball. It's lack of depth perception might provide me with a few more seconds of life.

Would your rather drink an earthworm smoothie or eat a raw turtle?

would you rather go hiking or go shopping?
Hiking, definitely. I get lost when I go shopping. (d)

Would you rather eat a dead tarantula or a live black widow?
black widow. Smaller

would you rather chop onions or grate cheese?
undercooked beans

would you rather burn the bacon or drop the cheese?

would you rather fall asleep in your soup or puke on your salad?
Whoa... lol I'd rather fall asleep in my soup. :p

Would you rather burp loudly at a fancy restaurant or puke at a fast food place?
I'll go for the fancy burp

would you rather be surrounded by cat farts or dog farts.

[oh geez]
good choice.


would you rather be lost at sea or lost in the forest?

would you rather live in the mountains or on a beach?

Would you rather get a free meal or a free movie?

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