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Allow me to analyze your most recent replies.

putter65 said:
sorry the title should read 'women I KNOW' and lying.

Sorry to all the nice ladies on this forum !
Your title was not a simple typo. This isn't a chat room, you have all the time in the world to proofread what you write and think, "Gee, what is the message I'm trying to get across, here?"
And I am 95% positive YOU know you meant exactly what your title said the first time. Why? Because I've seen many of your threads, posts, and generalization seems to be your MO until someone calls you on it.

Now, we all generalize. Some of us out loud, some of us, not. Plenty men and women generalize about what the opposite sex does that pisses 'em off, especially when they are angry at a single member of the opposite sex. It is a common habit. Is it a good or correct one? No.

The thing is that retaliating against the woman YOU have dealt with who, in your point of view, is a shitty little liar, by coming onto this forum and stating initially that "women and lying go hand-in-hand," only makes you as big an ******* as she. And, for the record, I've seen men lie for far less (albeit besides the point).

If you want to become a better person, then stop allowing your anger to drive you in starting threads like these. There are just as many earnest, hardworking, kind, and generous women in the world as there are men. Lying is NOT gender-biased.

However, if you don't want to better yourself and remain insulting, then yes, you are allowed an opinion, but no - we don't care to hear it.

putter65 said:
I'm single because I want to be.

So it's okay for you to insult me ?

Anyway, whatever it's all in the past. I won't dwell on it. It's history. But it's another woman off my friends list.

But honestly I havent come across a man who has lied to me. I think they tend to keep quiet about things were a woman will look at you and lie. And I don't mean all women of course. I am allowed an opinion aren't I
While what Vanilla said may sound hurtful, there is some truth. Women don't like men who bear an animosity towards women. You clearly do. You, as well as a few choice members on this site, fling honeysuckle at women as a whole on a regular basis. If you choose to be single, then why so much animosity? Why women? A happily single person would be more concerned that he was lied to than concerned with the gender of the person that did it. Your display only shows the bitterness of a man who feels scorned by the opposite sex.

Even in your third line, you continue to make a point that this is a WOMAN who did this to you. Why does it matter, if you're bearing no animosity towards women? Sure, Ms. Jane Doe may be on your ignore list, but the fact that she is a woman has nothing to do with it. Making a point to classify her as such does not prove your case as a healthy man who chooses celibacy.

Then, in your final paragraph, you utter an absolute lie. Women, whether you believe so or not, are notorious for keeping quiet about their thoughts. It is what we were bred to do, and history will tell you that. Women lie. This is just as true as it is for men. Just because you have not found a man who let you catch him on his lie does not mean men as a whole do not lie.

Again, are you allowed an opinion? Sure. That does not make it right nor does it mean you can voice it here if it is clearly insulting. You ask if Vanilla has a right to insult you, but what makes you think it's okay to insult an entire gender? You have insulted every single one of us women personally by your initial attempt and that's a whole lot more than insulting one disgruntled man. And, sure, your feelings matter, but it makes us far less inclined to care than if you'd just been venting about a particular individual than women as a whole.

putter65 said:
Christ !

I didn't think anybody would answer this thread.
It certainly touched a nerve. I'm sorry my title was incorrect. What the woman did was wrong, lying like that but in no way was I saying that all women are like that !

Peace ? lol :)

You didn't think anyone would answer the thread? Clearly, somewhere inside you, you did. Otherwise, why would you post it in a section where others could reply? Why not leave it in the diary section where no one would even read it, let alone try to reply? You say you're sorry the title was incorrect, but as I have stated earlier, it's not like it was a simple slip of the cursor or typo. The fact that the liar was a woman should not have even been entered into the equation. Whether you try to state otherwise or not, the responses you made to users in this thread clearly spell out your intentions. To put it simply...we weren't born yesterday, bro.

Not that I personally take what you say with a grain of salt. I've already seen how you operate. But maybe you'll take something positive from what we all have to say. You'd be a lot happier if you got over your animosity towards women.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Allow me to analyze your most recent replies.

putter65 said:
sorry the title should read 'women I KNOW' and lying.

Sorry to all the nice ladies on this forum !
Your title was not a simple typo. This isn't a chat room, you have all the time in the world to proofread what you write and think, "Gee, what is the message I'm trying to get across, here?"
And I am 95% positive YOU know you meant exactly what your title said the first time. Why? Because I've seen many of your threads, posts, and generalization seems to be your MO until someone calls you on it.

Now, we all generalize. Some of us out loud, some of us, not. Plenty men and women generalize about what the opposite sex does that pisses 'em off, especially when they are angry at a single member of the opposite sex. It is a common habit. Is it a good or correct one? No.

The thing is that retaliating against the woman YOU have dealt with who, in your point of view, is a shitty little liar, by coming onto this forum and stating initially that "women and lying go hand-in-hand," only makes you as big an ******* as she. And, for the record, I've seen men lie for far less (albeit besides the point).

If you want to become a better person, then stop allowing your anger to drive you in starting threads like these. There are just as many earnest, hardworking, kind, and generous women in the world as there are men. Lying is NOT gender-biased.

However, if you don't want to better yourself and remain insulting, then yes, you are allowed an opinion, but no - we don't care to hear it.

putter65 said:
I'm single because I want to be.

So it's okay for you to insult me ?

Anyway, whatever it's all in the past. I won't dwell on it. It's history. But it's another woman off my friends list.

But honestly I havent come across a man who has lied to me. I think they tend to keep quiet about things were a woman will look at you and lie. And I don't mean all women of course. I am allowed an opinion aren't I
While what Vanilla said may sound hurtful, there is some truth. Women don't like men who bear an animosity towards women. You clearly do. You, as well as a few choice members on this site, fling honeysuckle at women as a whole on a regular basis. If you choose to be single, then why so much animosity? Why women? A happily single person would be more concerned that he was lied to than concerned with the gender of the person that did it. Your display only shows the bitterness of a man who feels scorned by the opposite sex.

Even in your third line, you continue to make a point that this is a WOMAN who did this to you. Why does it matter, if you're bearing no animosity towards women? Sure, Ms. Jane Doe may be on your ignore list, but the fact that she is a woman has nothing to do with it. Making a point to classify her as such does not prove your case as a healthy man who chooses celibacy.

Then, in your final paragraph, you utter an absolute lie. Women, whether you believe so or not, are notorious for keeping quiet about their thoughts. It is what we were bred to do, and history will tell you that. Women lie. This is just as true as it is for men. Just because you have not found a man who let you catch him on his lie does not mean men as a whole do not lie.

Again, are you allowed an opinion? Sure. That does not make it right nor does it mean you can voice it here if it is clearly insulting. You ask if Vanilla has a right to insult you, but what makes you think it's okay to insult an entire gender? You have insulted every single one of us women personally by your initial attempt and that's a whole lot more than insulting one disgruntled man. And, sure, your feelings matter, but it makes us far less inclined to care than if you'd just been venting about a particular individual than women as a whole.

putter65 said:
Christ !

I didn't think anybody would answer this thread.
It certainly touched a nerve. I'm sorry my title was incorrect. What the woman did was wrong, lying like that but in no way was I saying that all women are like that !

Peace ? lol :)

You didn't think anyone would answer the thread? Clearly, somewhere inside you, you did. Otherwise, why would you post it in a section where others could reply? Why not leave it in the diary section where no one would even read it, let alone try to reply? You say you're sorry the title was incorrect, but as I have stated earlier, it's not like it was a simple slip of the cursor or typo. The fact that the liar was a woman should not have even been entered into the equation. Whether you try to state otherwise or not, the responses you made to users in this thread clearly spell out your intentions. To put it simply...we weren't born yesterday, bro.

Not that I personally take what you say with a grain of salt. I've already seen how you operate. But maybe you'll take something positive from what we all have to say. You'd be a lot happier if you got over your animosity towards women.

yawn !
So, does this mean all men casually shrug off advice given to them and perpetually wallow in bitterness and anger on purpose, thinking the whole world (or at least the female population of it) is out to get them? :D

Ahh, now I see!
Doubt The Rabbit said:
So, does this mean all men casually shrug off advice given to them and perpetually wallow in bitterness and anger on purpose, thinking the whole world (or at least the female population of it) is out to get them? :D

Ahh, now I see!

Putters attitude is not an accurate representation of most of us.
Lonely in BC said:
Doubt The Rabbit said:
So, does this mean all men casually shrug off advice given to them and perpetually wallow in bitterness and anger on purpose, thinking the whole world (or at least the female population of it) is out to get them? :D

Ahh, now I see!

Putters attitude is not an accurate representation of most of us.

That's a relief. ;)
no two people are the same, or act the same way, or share the same attitudes.
the only person that remains the same where ever you go.. is you.
Considering the OP has removed a few of their comments and original post I'm going to close this thread down. It isn't serving any purpose but upsetting many members.
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