Adam & Eve; How did it really go down?

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Back onto the topic, I didn't think that many people regarded the Adam and eve story as a factual account of an event that happened at the beggining of human history.....always assumed it was meant to be no more than a tale of morals eg temptation and the consequences for sucumbing to it.
Well, one day, Eve was chillin'. Suddenly, a picture fell off of the wall, and landed on her. The canvas ripped and her head popped through. Poor Eve was framed!! Then, Adam walked in and started laughing. Eve grabbed the closest thing- an apple- and threw it at him. The end.
That sounds pretty reasonable to me except for the ease in which her head popped through the frame. Could that have been Adam embellishing the story?
Are you saying that Adam was actually the serpent or working with him to make Eve look bad?
Personally, I think that the whole Adam and Eve thing is an attempt to illustrate the idea of blissful ignorance. Once you start asking all the questions...why are we here, what is our purpose etc (eating from the tree of Knowledge) and expanding the mind, we are doomed to live a life of insecurity and self-consciousness. Better to just enjoy the ride than wonder why we got least that's my interpretation of it :)
grainofrice24 said:
Personally, I think that the whole Adam and Eve thing is an attempt to illustrate the idea of blissful ignorance. Once you start asking all the questions...why are we here, what is our purpose etc (eating from the tree of Knowledge) and expanding the mind, we are doomed to live a life of insecurity and self-consciousness. Better to just enjoy the ride than wonder why we got least that's my interpretation of it

That's actually quite theologically sound. It kind of dovetails into the dogma that knowledge is sin, which has been a source of conflict and debate (particularly in Catholicism) ever since the beginning of Christianity as an organized religion.
Minus said:
Are you saying that Adam was actually the serpent or working with him to make Eve look bad?


lol, I told you guys already that Eve was framed. :p
One day the gods of Olympus looked down on the Earth and though there were many beautiful mountains, rivers, fields, woods and many other wondrous things, there were as yet no beings to inhabit and appreciate all of the Earth's splendor. So they set the two remaining Titans Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus to the task of fashioning creatures out of clay to inhabit the Earth.

Prometheus took his time, pouring great effort into his creatures to make them look as godlike as possible. He decided to call them humans. Epimetheus on the other hand, wanted to get the job done as quickly as possible and made all the other animals very hastily and were nowhere near as beautiful as Prometheus' humans. Now wise Zeus, the great ruler of Olympus, had only given the brothers a fixed number of gifts to bestow the new inhabitants of the Earth with, and while Prometheus was taking his time creating us, his brother was using up all the good gifts on the animals, so that though the new humans looked beautiful and godlike, they couldn't run very fast, or smell, or see as well, and weren't as strong, as many of the other animals. So Prometheus, wanting his creatures to have some some sort of special gift, went and asked Zeus if he could give them some of the gods' fire. But Zeus forbade this, saying that fire was for the immortals only.

And so, in the beginning, humans had to live in cold caves, for fear of the other animals who could out preform them in every way. Prometheus saw this and felt so bad for his creations that he decided to disobey Zeus and stole a torch of fire from the hearth on Olympus to give the humans. With fire, we were now able to see in the dark and warm ourselves at night as well as cook meat that we caught and were no longer the most pathetic creatures on the face of the Earth. But Zeus was furious at Prometheus for disobeying him! He said that if humans were to have fire, they would have to burn sacrifices to the gods with it. But Prometheus didn't want his creations to burn away the edible portions of what the humans had hunted, so he came up with a plan to deceive the other gods, which would ultimately lead to his demise. He said that the gods would have to decide which parts of the animals they would accept as the humans' sacrifices. On one fire he burnt all the yummy cuts of meat a person could eat and in the other fire he burnt the bones and intestines of the animals, which were inedible but were coated in fat which smelled much tastier when burnt. Zeus chose the second fire and when he found out of Prometheus' deception, he knew he had to be punished. Zeus chained poor Prometheus to a great bolder and sent an eagle to eat out his liver every day, which would regrow itself during the night only to be eaten out once again the next day for all eternity! That was Prometheus' punishment, but Zeus had devised an even worse fate for the humans!

He commanded Hephaestus, the great craftsman god of Olympus, to make a beautiful woman. He carved her out of the finest white marble, made her hair out of gold, her eyes out of green emeralds, and her lips out of red rubies. Zeus breathed life into her, but also implanted in her mind insatiable curiosity. He named her Pandora and sent her down from Olympus to live among the humans. But before doing so he gave her a beautifully crafted box, encrusted with jewels and gold as a parting 'gift', but warned the girl to never open it, knowing full well Pandora wouldn't be able to resist. And it didn't take long for her curiosity to get the better of her. She said to herself "I'll only open it a crack to peek at what's inside and then close it forever." This Pandora did, but before she could close the box out sprung Zeus' punishment for mankind: Drugery, Envy, Hatred, Greed and all the other evils that plague mankind to this very day. Shocked, poor Pandora closed the box, but heard from inside a voice saying "help help, let me out, I'm not bad like the others." Pandora, still being curious to find out what was inside, opened the box again and out came Hope.

So, now you know the real story. As you can see, Adam and Eve (nor any snake, for that matter) had nothing to do with causing the all the human suffering we know today. You were right to suspect a cover up!
I guess I have some theories about this simplicity in religion subject.
First of all, I think we all agree that the average person on earth isn't that smart so maybe that's why it's all materialized and seems so crude: so that the stuff is accessible by the not-so-clever people.

One more theory: it's because of the kids. Young kids don't do much of a questioning before accepting an idea to be completely true especially if it comes from a trusted source. So the idea could be to easily and effectively put the religious belief in the subconscious of the kid so that it makes a firm place for itself in the kid's mind. And when growing up he doesn't question the teachings of religion as it feels like it's unquestionably and naturally true because he believed in it for so many years. So he can't rip the belief of his mind.

Yet one more theory: I watch sci-fi movies a little too much so my imagination spits out non-sense.

Of course this is just my own 2 cents.

And I'm not even going to say anything about the bible being written by some guys
IVIZ said:
The story of the start our existance seems too childlike to me (like a little kids book story). Like if you were trying to tell a lttle kid how a car runs, hes way too young to understabd the complexity. So you tell him in words and objects and examples/representations that he can understand. Like if God was like, well you guys are to dumb to understand the beginning and purpose at this age of man, so I'll put it to you this way.

I mean come on! Devil as a serpents? Trees as a way to gain wisdom?? Woman being from a rib of man?

Its all too kiddish to me. We are old enough as a species, we can understant the truth plain truth of things now.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how it really went down?

I know this is a religious topic, so if your not religious dont bother posting. Thankyou.

its obvious the bible in parts are written in an analogous manner...analogy and metaphor are efficient literary tools.. genesis was only written by a man and should not be taken so inerrantly literally..the life and universe can only be described as a miracle it can not be rationalized away as some accident that is foolish , it quite obcviously is a great question "where does matter come from " i think bible is thing of mystery i find the books of isaiah jeremiah and daniel to be most interesting regarding the the relation to the new testament...but i do not believe thatthe current bible is the original words and teachings of christ..some may of heard of the phrase "without jah nothin" or without being a baptised christian you can not be saved ...but i believe that anybody who has no evil intentions in their heart already have jah and that the only people who dont getto heaven are those that chose evil perverse murdererous violent ways in life with no repentance....i think its an important priority in lifeto appreciate that life is biggerthan what we give it credit for ...but i think the bible was added to and changed by constantine and eusibius of ceasarea in the 2nd century A.Dto suit their political agenda of the time ...

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