Being too frugal?

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user 164061

Sarcastic Overthinker
Nov 15, 2019
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As a kid i didn't ask for much from my parents because of the situation we had, but they always got me things when i rarely asked for them and it was very nice of them to do that considering we didn't have a lot of money. I wanted to treat myself with a new pair of sunglasses, i have always said "i will get them when i have money" but for some reason i'm refusing to buy them even as a second birthday gift to myself as i recently turned 30. Should i just buy them and get it over with? Because i overthink a lot and it tends to annoy me 😂 😂 😂
If buying them isn't going to put you in financial hardship ( can still pay all your bills and eat), I say go for it. If you're really concerned about buying them, what about getting a cheaper pair?

I'm the same way. It's like I need someone to give me permission to buy anything for myself. Even things that are necessities. I over analyze everything...Do I really need it, Can I get by without it, will I drive me and my kids into the streets because I bought whatever it is? If it's a big purchase, I research to no end before I do anything and then freak the hell out about it for a while before I actually do it and then I do it and freak the hell out even more (things like a car).
I have no issues buying OTHER people stuff, I just can't buy myself things.
I'm the same way. Even if i do the research about the item i want to buy i'll still overthink and come to the same conclusion which is "nah, i will wait till next time" but next time never comes :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . It's probably the overthinking part that kills me because buying the sunglasses wouldn't bankrupt me, as i am not the person who will haemorrhage money just because it's there but i still feel ******* odd😂😂. Even with things on Amazon that aren't expensive i will order them, regret it and have to stop myself from cancelling it due to worry even if it's not an outlandish purchase😂
Yes,yes,I think you should definitely get them,you should buy whatever you want to buy,it is for your birthday.
I agree too but my brain is a major ***** about such things. I also need a pair of grey jeans which aren't expensive, because my last ones had a rip in the groin area and i was walking around with them on in public. No idea how long they had said rip in them, but i felt ******* moronic after taking them off one day and seeing that rip.
I've always been frugal. But, I have recently become VERY frugal.

However, if I die and still have lots of savings I will be SUPER pissed at myself for being so frugal! Ha! ha!

I will not buy a cooked chicken at Walmart unless it's on deep discount because it's several days old. I just won't do it. I'm not going to pay full price. Ha! ha!
I probably will buy them because i deserve to give myself treats every now and then, but they won't bankrupt me or make loan sharks come after me. I think my anxiety causes this crap to be honest as it makes me overthink way too much which really irritates me and gets me down a lot.
What I do is allow myself something every year. Never too much money and it's always on black friday, but I always "allow" myself to buy something. Maybe you can do that. Set a price limit, set a day of the year (like your birthday) and let yourself splurge a little.

For me, it's always a pair of boots and about $200 in toiletries. That sounds like a lot, but it's really not considering I have to buy organic honeysuckle because my skin doesn't care for the chemicals they put in regular shower stuff, so every year on black friday when the honeysuckle goes "on sale" I stock up and actually save myself about $300.
I checked prime when it was prime day and couldn't even find anything i wanted :ROFLMAO: . But Black Friday is the best day and i'll most probably have to get a new TV then because mine is about 12 years old i think. I'll most likely get those sunglasses as i never treat myself, which i should be doing a lot more😁
I checked prime when it was prime day and couldn't even find anything i wanted :ROFLMAO: . But Black Friday is the best day and i'll most probably have to get a new TV then because mine is about 12 years old i think. I'll most likely get those sunglasses as i never treat myself, which i should be doing a lot more😁
Yes,you definitely should 🙂😃😊
If you can afford it, do it - admittedly, I need to the same - my coworkers tells me several times a year since 2003 that I need to do something for myself - I follow the same thought process as Callie even though my threshold is over 75 dollars - recognize a need - think on it - research it - freak out before buying - standing in line freaking out - get home and freak out some more - happy did something for myself several weeks later- 2015 was the last time I did something for myself. Lol.
After i buy it i feel the panic set in, then the overthinking but once it's in my possession it goes away and i am happy with myself. It's such a weird thing to panic about, because it's hardly a new house and everything has to be right before i buy it lol. It's just a pair of sunglasses so it shouldn't be that worrisome but anxiety does that.
I know it's a bit of an older thread, but I hope you bought the sunglasses, or whichever other item you had in mind.
Are they the ones you've had in your avatar? The aviator style ones? Those look cool, I have ones like that too.

Like you were saying with the pants and how you felt bad they were ripped - I think you'd feel better in a new pair. I think that knowing you look good, makes you feel better and gives you a confidence boost.

Anyway, I think it's good to treat yourself every once in a while. It gives you something to look forward to, something to keep going for. That's how it feels to me, at least.
I know it's a bit of an older thread, but I hope you bought the sunglasses, or whichever other item you had in mind.
Are they the ones you've had in your avatar? The aviator style ones? Those look cool, I have ones like that too.

Like you were saying with the pants and how you felt bad they were ripped - I think you'd feel better in a new pair. I think that knowing you look good, makes you feel better and gives you a confidence boost.

Anyway, I think it's good to treat yourself every once in a while. It gives you something to look forward to, something to keep going for. That's how it feels to me, at least.
**** man, you are making me come back and making me look a fool!! It doesn't take much so it's ok man:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. I wanted Ray Ban aviators with my prescription lenses in, because i would be royally blind without them. My optician told me recently a price for the ones i wanted (polarised/with my prescription in) so that will be a birthday present to me. Not the ones Joe Biden wears either:ROFLMAO:. The ones i had in my old avatar basically snapped, because they got caught on a woolly hat i was wearing and the hat won.

What you've said is true, it gives you a confidence boost and you do feel better when the anxiety from expenditure has gone:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

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