Bi-polar, BPD? anyone?

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Nolife Princess

Well-known member
Oct 29, 2011
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Just curious as to if anyone here shares in my crazy illness? most folks do not understand it, only another person who suffers will and does understand
No Life Princess,

I am sorry I am not BiPolar, and if you look it up, BPD is an abbreviation for Borderline Personality Disorder, not BiPolar Disorder. I know it is confusing. I have Borderline Personality Disorder.

I hope someone else can help you. I have a host of mental illnesses, but BiPolar isn't one.

I wish you the best in getting treatment. My friend in Chicago is BiPolar and I know it is a very difficult illness to live with.

I hope more people answer your Thread!
Wishing Well, I know. I am Bi-polar AND BPD! amongst other things.. just wanted to know anyone who shared in this illness so we could relate.
I was diagnosed Bipolar and Borderline in 2006 (had a HORRIBLE childhood hence the BPD!

being bi-polar only adds to the complications! (:)
Nolife Princess said:
Just curious as to if anyone here shares in my crazy illness? most folks do not understand it, only another person who suffers will and does understand

I'm bipolar. I don't care for it much. Gives me the *******.

But on a more serious note THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT honeysuckle THEY TRY TO GIVE YOU. Lamotrigine and Lithium and all the rest of it. Try to avoid it if you can. Nasty stuff. Talking therapies like Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Social Rythem Therapy are extremely helpful for managing this. But such therapies are a hell of a lot more expensive than these poisons. So they try to fob you off with a pill. As is cardiovascular exercise - I don't get so bad since I joined the gym. Also correct sleep is important. Going to bed at nigh and sleeping for 8 hrs and waking up the same time every morning.
Oh my James.

well I am taking Lamictal and Klonopin... was taking Zyprexa for a while but it made me like a zombie. I hated it.
I am in therapy and I guess it is helping me<? however the BPD is and has tore me up, and all the folks around me. I am very angry and bitter. and have so much trouble trusting people.

"Gives you the *******" heeh
i was diagnosed as both by a few doctors. i dont know what to believe or what i believe in though..
I think I have BPD. I heard about it from a youtuber who thinks she has it, too. I was reading about it, and it sounds so much like me. Haha.
Arcane said:
i was diagnosed as both by a few doctors. i dont know what to believe or what i believe in though..

That is a good point - because you can have co morbid conditions like depression + Anxiety disorders, or borderline personality or OCD or ADHD. If you had Borderline personality + ADHD it would surely look the same as bipolar? and they just seem to lump it in as bipolar. Its all too much time and effort to diagnose and treat several conditions with therapies. I'm not dissing the doctors and consultants, but in the NHS in the UK at least they seem to have decided on 2 flavors of depression - normal depression or "the other one" (bipolar). It seems if you dont fit into normal depression then your "the other one". Now take a potentially life threatening pill and go away.

But seriously, Google the pills and look very closely at the side effects before you take them. One lot they gave me made me impotent and obese. It has taken me over a year to lose 4 of the 6 stone it made me put on and Ive only just got my man bits working again.

Nolife Princess said:
Oh my James.

well I am taking Lamictal and Klonopin... was taking Zyprexa for a while but it made me like a zombie. I hated it.
I am in therapy and I guess it is helping me<? however the BPD is and has tore me up, and all the folks around me. I am very angry and bitter. and have so much trouble trusting people.

"Gives you the *******" heeh

I was offered Lamactil/Lamotrigine. Very scary drug. Even if you dont get that horrible rash where your skin peels off and you die a horrid death they dont know what the long term damage is. There are reports of cognitive and or motor function disruption. If your at risk of harming yourself or others or you absolutely can not function then that is the time to take these nasty drugs. Otherwise try everything else first.

Push your Doctors for therapies and if they refuse ******* complain!

Skorian said:
Mind if I ask what you guy's/gal's diet is like?

My diet is good. I dont always get my 5 a day but I have a **** good go!. I have found that regular exercise works better than SSRI antidepressants. I mean I am still depressed and all full of issues but I am not so depressed I cant get out of bed anymore.
cumulus.james said:
Push your Doctors for therapies and if they refuse ******* complain!

Skorian said:
Mind if I ask what you guy's/gal's diet is like?

My diet is good. I dont always get my 5 a day but I have a **** good go!. I have found that regular exercise works better than SSRI antidepressants. I mean I am still depressed and all full of issues but I am not so depressed I cant get out of bed anymore.

What does good mean? Many people think they eat good and don't.
Skorian said:
cumulus.james said:
Push your Doctors for therapies and if they refuse ******* complain!

Skorian said:
Mind if I ask what you guy's/gal's diet is like?

My diet is good. I dont always get my 5 a day but I have a **** good go!. I have found that regular exercise works better than SSRI antidepressants. I mean I am still depressed and all full of issues but I am not so depressed I cant get out of bed anymore.

What does good mean? Many people think they eat good and don't.

Well if your going to start on about this macrobiotic or stone age diet or quinoa I wont be interested!

lean meats, vegetables and whole grains and lots of nuts. I dont believe in quorn, its a mold grown in vats with little or no research behind it.

Whey protein and all those scary "health" drinks. Now they just give me the willy's. We are always told processed food is the way to bad health and more and more studies link artificial supplements with increased cancer risk. Nothing more processed and artificial than that junk.

I try to eat organic and cook my meals form scratch where possible, that's as best as you can do.
Hi I suffer from depression that would be the downside to bi polar. I'm on meds and see a therapist and it helps
Nolife Princess said:
Oh my James.

well I am taking Lamictal and Klonopin... was taking Zyprexa for a while but it made me like a zombie. I hated it.
I am in therapy and I guess it is helping me<? however the BPD is and has tore me up, and all the folks around me. I am very angry and bitter. and have so much trouble trusting people.

"Gives you the *******" heeh

I struggle with BPD. Its horrible. I know exactly what you mean when you say it has "tore" you up and the people around you.
I've been through far too many medications, klonopin amongst them. Not for me. Klonopin made me forget conversations minutes after having them. I disagree with how the majority of psychiatry is handled nowadays, most just writing prescriptions left and right to mask the true issues at hand.
My emotions are my worst enemy. I am not in therapy. I struggle with this mostly alone. It has pushed away every person I have ever loved.
I read somewhere, that most symptoms seem to settle with age. Time. Healing. At least you're in therapy, I'm sure that helps somewhat. But you're not alone. I know I feel so, so alone sometimes, with these emotions and tangled anger... But I'm not. You're not. We're not. And it'll get better with time.
cumulus.james said:
Nolife Princess said:
Just curious as to if anyone here shares in my crazy illness? most folks do not understand it, only another person who suffers will and does understand

I'm bipolar. I don't care for it much. Gives me the *******.

But on a more serious note THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT honeysuckle THEY TRY TO GIVE YOU. Lamotrigine and Lithium and all the rest of it. Try to avoid it if you can. Nasty stuff. Talking therapies like Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Social Rythem Therapy are extremely helpful for managing this. But such therapies are a hell of a lot more expensive than these poisons. So they try to fob you off with a pill. As is cardiovascular exercise - I don't get so bad since I joined the gym. Also correct sleep is important. Going to bed at nigh and sleeping for 8 hrs and waking up the same time every morning.

I was diagnosed bipolar in 2001. It's the shits. Blah. But I agree with you here, if you can explore other methods of therapy aside from pharmaceutical, please do so for your own health and wellness. I understand that there are extreme circumstances where these may be necessary for a period of time, but don't take them if you can avoid them. Be well.
Nolife Princess said:
well I am taking Lamictal and Klonopin... was taking Zyprexa for a while but it made me like a zombie. I hated it.

Bipolar here. I used to be on Klonopin, now I'm on one pill only which is Zyprexa. I don't feel like a zombie though. Guess the side-effects are different for everyone.
Without Zyprexa I'd be so manic with racing thoughts. I stopped taking my meds before and I got so euphoric and elated and delusional and I had so much energy. I would also interpret all the signs I see. I thought I was someone special, like a god/prophet and I would make up all these stories in my head. I also thought that death was a conspiracy...
...That maybe too much information for now, lol.

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I am bipolar, type 2.

I forgot which one I am and I don't know the difference. Do you? I'd ask my psychiatrist but I don't like him.
I've had some therapists tell me that I have BPD. And other ones that tell me that I don't. Some people, who work with autistic people, say that they think I am autistic. But the doctor says that I'm not. I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 1999, but, I know I've had them for a lot longer, probably as young as 3 or 4 years old. Huh, as with most things, I just don't seem to fit in anywhere ....
I dont see anyone or take anything. I should be according to the psych doctor im supposed to see. I kinda just stopped showing up for appointments.

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