Body positivity

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Hello body negative people.

When i feel bad about my body and how it looks, i always think "well alright, my ass isnt the best looking ass in town BUT(T) atleast i have an ass that works correctly"

It makes me sad when people complain about their bodies, i just want people to feel beautiful in any shell they dwell in.

I need a confidence boost at times myself so! idk.

Does anybody have any wisdom to share about this certain subject?

Im adding a picture of me flashing my non existent abs just as a hm idk, semi confidence boost for me/other people without abs/ my narcissism


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Nice tummy. :cool:

I'm not sure what I could add to this thread. I like my body, and I think I'm average in looks. *shrug* So I've never really had image problems or anything. I dunno. Maybe I was just lucky to not have people around me who bashed me into anxiety about my looks.
I just feel like this body shunning is going way to far. People not only shun other, but themselves aswell. I think we need to STOP thinking so much about what other people look like and critize them for it.

This society has taken honeysuckle to far and im so tired of hearing girls and boys complaining about their bodies and saying that "nobody could ever love me because im FAT"

fresia it makes me mad because i see so many beautiful people who consider themselves ugly becuase their legs arent as skinny as someone elses or because their ass isnt the biggest roundest thing or just because their arms is a bit flabby.

all because media pumps pictures of skinny girls into our subconcious every single day telling us to be this and to be that. be yourselves and be confident in not only your personality but also in your body!!

When someone tells you that you are not pretty enough i recommend this:
To play devil's advocate for a bit, society had kind of a point in that often times the people that become overweight become so because of poor dietary habits and a lack of regimen. I am in no way excused from this, as I am starting to put on a few extra pounds because I've taken on a desk job that dominates 9 hours a day, and I don't exactly eat the best food. I should definitely look into exercising more and eating better, if not for an improved appearance, but to keep from going into cardiac arrest before I'm 40.

But when it comes down to it, you are right in that we as a society shouldn't hold people up to ridiculous standards, like those of the shapeless, anorexic girls, or the athletic, steroid-injected muscle men that play the stereotypes of their genders in media. Not everyone can or even wants to look like them. There are a couple people I've known that have said that being overweight has shown them who their true friends are because the people they connect with bond with them at an emotional and mental level instead of being shallow and repulsed by their appearance.
I may stand a chance of confidence after i drop another 80lbs. Until then, not so much....
Dissident said:
To play devil's advocate for a bit, society had kind of a point in that often times the people that become overweight become so because of poor dietary habits and a lack of regimen. I am in no way excused from this, as I am starting to put on a few extra pounds because I've taken on a desk job that dominates 9 hours a day, and I don't exactly eat the best food. I should definitely look into exercising more and eating better, if not for an improved appearance, but to keep from going into cardiac arrest before I'm 40.

But when it comes down to it, you are right in that we as a society shouldn't hold people up to ridiculous standards, like those of the shapeless, anorexic girls, or the athletic, steroid-injected muscle men that play the stereotypes of their genders in media. Not everyone can or even wants to look like them. There are a couple people I've known that have said that being overweight has shown them who their true friends are because the people they connect with bond with them at an emotional and mental level instead of being shallow and repulsed by their appearance.

I dont think that we should decide for other people how they should look.
I dont think that we should decide ANYTHING for another individual.

Ofc there is health issues to both obesity and being too skinny, but everyone has different lives and different opinions. And if I was obese and someone would tell me to loose weight because of "health issues" i would still be hurt. Also i belive that bodyshunners use health issues to critize fat/skinny people in "secret".

don't shun ANY body.

LonelyInAtl said:
I may stand a chance of confidence after i drop another 80lbs. Until then, not so much....

Don't do that to yourself. Its your lack of confidence that stands in your way, not your body.

If you want to loose weight to feel good about yourself, DO IT.
But don't loose weight because you want other people to like you.
its YOUR body. no one else should tell you how it should look.
No, I agree with you, fat-shaming is cruel. I'm just explaining a possible source for it. Not trying to justify it.
Dissident said:
No, I agree with you, fat-shaming is cruel. I'm just explaining a possible source for it. Not trying to justify it.

Oh i know, and im happy for your input! But you kinda made my point by saying it because WHO THE fresia is society to tell you what to look like?
A hype/marketing machine built to drive a consumerist populace to buy things based on appeal to popularity reinforced by planned obsolescence?
Dissident said:
A hype/marketing machine built to drive a consumerist populace to buy things based on appeal to popularity reinforced by planned obsolescence?

YES!!! all these beauty products being marketed is selling a lifestyle connected to their product.

Your sadness puts money in the pockets of the greedy. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY
It's sad that people suffer and strive to become boring shades of beige, but at the same time I enjoy my niches of underground music, avant garde cinema and "fat chicks". I'm glad the things I am attracted to are not all over everything and in my face 24/7. This way I decide when I indulge in it, not society, and it also leaves plenty of room for the freedom of expression.
I don't think you have an issue with confidence at all, you seem willing to share pictures of yourself no problem.

I'm the same as BJD, for some people, their neglect of health results in subtle changes accumulating over years until they finally take notice one day, or develop some illness, or anything else like that (diabetes), and by then it may be too late, which then results in self-bashing, loss of confidence/self-esteem and even self-respect.
This thread makes me feel slightly sarcastic.

Okay, not just slightly.

That is all.
9006 said:
I don't think you have an issue with confidence at all, you seem willing to share pictures of yourself no problem.

I'm the same as BJD, for some people, their neglect of health results in subtle changes accumulating over years until they finally take notice one day, or develop some illness, or anything else like that (diabetes), and by then it may be too late, which then results in self-bashing, loss of confidence/self-esteem and even self-respect.

well haha, just because i can distance myself weithposting a pic of my tummy doesnt mean i have issues.

Ive suffered from eating disorder because i myself thought that nobody could find me attractive just because i saw so many pretty girls in the magazine with almost no fat at all.

Im glad that you are confident in your body, but everyone cant be. and i still think that nobody deserves to be shunned even tho their body is considered "unhealthy"
Are you still having trouble with those issues? You shouldn't if you are. :p

ilios said:
Dissident said:
A hype/marketing machine built to drive a consumerist populace to buy things based on appeal to popularity reinforced by planned obsolescence?

YES!!! all these beauty products being marketed is selling a lifestyle connected to their product.

Your sadness puts money in the pockets of the greedy. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY

perfanoff said:
This thread makes me feel slightly sarcastic.

Okay, not just slightly.

That is all.

Wow! thank you for your amazing input!! ill store that in my "good to remember" files

Dissident said:
Are you still having trouble with those issues? You shouldn't if you are. :p

ilios said:
Dissident said:
A hype/marketing machine built to drive a consumerist populace to buy things based on appeal to popularity reinforced by planned obsolescence?

YES!!! all these beauty products being marketed is selling a lifestyle connected to their product.

Your sadness puts money in the pockets of the greedy. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY


At times I do. I am still struggling with accepting my own body but im on my way!
9006 said:
I don't think you have an issue with confidence at all, you seem willing to share pictures of yourself no problem.

Often the biggest camwhores* are the most insecure about their bodies.
Some different types I have encountered:

>Posts pictures all the time because they know they're hot and are addicted to compliments, have no other way of feeling good about themselves or their dull personalities

>Posts pictures frequently, think they are OK looking but not completely sure, need validation, likes the compliments when received

>Posts pictures in phases or when they get dressed up/have a haircut etc, know they are OK looking but like a boost sometimes

>Very unsure what they look like, what people think of them, need to know either way

>Doesn't post self pictures very often, probably only one or two in existance of them, doesn't care for it, nor what people think


*not a nice word, perhaps, but hey that's what it's called these days :p I am one myself, I must admit
Dissident said:
Good! You have nothing to worry about, I don't think.

thank you, but this shouldnt be about me and myself.
It should be about the fact that everyday there are people looking in the mirror and having negative thoughts. Im sorry if this thread doesnt come of as serious, i have a way of ruining posts because i write whatever comes to mind.

I was triggered making this thread because i have friends that have starved themselves, vomited up their food just because they feel like they arent good enough. And about an hour ago my friend wrote to me that if she doesnt loose weight shes gonna kill herself.

i KNOW that there are people here that faces the same issues and that the negative body image they suffer from is making an impact in their daily life and crippling them.

I added a picture of me flashing my stomache because i was hoping that if I can show my unperfect stomache and still be proud of it, someone else maybe would look at their body in a better light. If it makes you draw the conclusion that im not insecure at all about how i look, i might have fooled you as good as i fooled my friends. Because i know how it feels not wanting to leave your home because you feel so ugly its almost ludacris.

People seem to be blind to their own beauty just because their outer self doesnt display the beauty that dwells within them, and that breaks my heart.

painter said:
9006 said:
I don't think you have an issue with confidence at all, you seem willing to share pictures of yourself no problem.

Often the biggest camwhores* are the most insecure about their bodies.
Some different types I have encountered:

>Posts pictures all the time because they know they're hot and are addicted to compliments, have no other way of feeling good about themselves or their dull personalities

>Posts pictures frequently, think they are OK looking but not completely sure, need validation, likes the compliments when received

>Posts pictures in phases or when they get dressed up/have a haircut etc, know they are OK looking but like a boost sometimes

>Very unsure what they look like, what people think of them, need to know either way

>Doesn't post self pictures very often, probably only one or two in existance of them, doesn't care for it, nor what people think


*not a nice word, perhaps, but hey that's what it's called these days :p I am one myself, I must admit

this applies to me aswell.
ilios said:
well haha, just because i can distance myself weithposting a pic of my tummy doesnt mean i have issues.

What Dissident said.

ilios said:
Im glad that you are confident in your body, but everyone cant be. and i still think that nobody deserves to be shunned even tho their body is considered "unhealthy"

I suppose I am confident in my body, and it's obvious not everybody else is. Realistically, being shunned for how you look is something most people with these problems will have to go through in this modern society, as sad as that is.

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