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Do you think aliens exist. I don't mean aliens as alien bacteria. I am speaking of thinking creature

  • Yes.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
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Uhmm I am not going to try to explain. Let me show you a sample instead. Men fight right? There's only a question on time before the man realises that they need something better, faster, stronger and hardyer on the battlefield. So the human raze mixes animal DNA with human DNA. Hoping to create a better soldier. Let's say this do happend. The war is going on. More fiercer now than ever. Again we need something better. Not something faster or stronger... Something smarter. I do not know how this would happen but if, only IF it would happen'. Imagine us then. As little green men. Being smart enough to stop fighting our own kind, we start to counquer space. And other civilizations *I am pretty sure there is*. Then it's we who get's that name. Aliens.

So.... Do you also have a weird thing/theory stuck in you're head? Let us all hear it!
I think there are thinking, reasoning creatures out there. More like an alternate universe kind of thing though.

Has anyone ever read the space trilogy by C.S Lewis? A man ends up going to mars and they find another whole world there, unspoiled and pure. Without pain, they have no understanding of it. The man fights his friend to keep the innocence of the unspoiled planet. It's really good. They were actually furry soft creatures and the planet was covered in colorful vegetation.

This is more what I think might be out there. Well not the whole unspoiled planet thing but more like a world somewhere that isn't all reptillian and scaly.

But of course they're so far away it'd be stupid to think they'd show up in a space ship. I think they'd be more likely to show up after they've discovered how to fold time and space or something. Slip though a dimension.

This sort of a weird theory of what is on my mind: There has to be more than what we can see with our senses. Sometimes I feel someone obsurving me. I look up and might nervously laugh or even address it, but I get no answer.

So i'm just weird like that...
Why make better soldiers when you can have better weapons? Have the machines go fight the wars instead of trying to mix human and animal DNA. It is probably easier to make a really destructive and 'smart' weapon than trying to meddle with genetics.
Katia said:
Why make better soldiers when you can have better weapons? Have the machines go fight the wars instead of trying to mix human and animal DNA. It is probably easier to make a really destructive and 'smart' weapon than trying to meddle with genetics.

Yea, you're problaly right. But then, it's just a theory :)
*shrugs* I think aliens exist. I say that because we honestly can't be the only intelligent lifeform in the whole Universe.

I mean, really...., THE UNIVERSE IS MASSIVE!
Phyxi said:
*shrugs* I think aliens exist. I say that because we honestly can't be the only intelligent lifeform in the whole Universe.

I mean, really...., THE UNIVERSE IS MASSIVE!

Yep ^,^
there's so many undiscovered worlds out there, there could be one with the optimum conditions for creating advanced life
The universe is so massive (and by common consent, getting larger by the day) that statistically speaking, the probability that there isn't life out there, is almost nil.
I saw Watchmen last week. I'm an atheist, but I think I'd be ok with a super being like John existing. I wouldn't worship him or anything, but I think a super being that had the power to create life but didn't really care about his creations makes more sense than a god who claims to love us, but punishes us for being imperfect (even though a god would have created us imperfect).

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