Do You Think God Is Out To Get You? Punishing You?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
I know that it's a touchy topic so please be patient with me. I'm not assuming that everyone believes in God mind you. I'm just curious to know how you feel about it.
X thought that for years. Not sure how he feels now, but as I said to him, that's a pretty ridiculous notion.

With all of the people out there in the world, and with all of the terrible things so many people have done... Why would God punish you in particular? What is so (for lack of a better word) special about you that He would specifically punish you?
nerdygirl said:
X thought that for years. Not sure how he feels now, but as I said to him, that's a pretty ridiculous notion.

With all of the people out there in the world, and with all of the terrible things so many people have done... Why would God punish you in particular? What is so (for lack of a better word) special about you that He would specifically punish you?
I'm not saying that He is singling out people. Some people have such a horrible life where that no matter what they do it fails. Bad things happen to them all the time for absolutely no reason in their minds. It's out of pure despair they blame God because they can't figure out why all this happens to them all the time with no valid reason.

They probably did something horrible in a previous life ... is a theory some people will use. It could be true, I have no idea.
i dont because i am pretty sure at this point in my life that i dont believe there is a god.
honeysuckle will occur, God or no God. People think that if we suddenly remove anything religious the world will be a better place; or if we instate a single religion worldwide everyone will be at peace and will be friends.

Bad stuff occurs each day, we should just be thankful we aren't in a worse position (God or just plain luck).
honeysuckle happens.

With or without God.

I don't know why people always have to bring God or religion into these things.
Badjedidude said:
honeysuckle happens.

With or without God.

I don't know why people always have to bring God or religion into these things.

Becuase you're not ******* GOD??? People can believe or not believe and say whatever the fresia they want without your god **** approval or permission? fucken lack the almight fucken power to fucken control me.
I write this sht just for fucken proof...

Becuase believing a Loving god or HP is a concept of me not getting controlled or brIan washed like a little ***** by other humans.

And it's also helps for people that self destruct. As you fucken know we're our own worst enemy. Even in this lonliness bullshit.
Turning my will and life over to a loving god so that my not hurt myself or others. To get out of yourself
To get out of my ego or little mind into greater awearness or consiocus. it's the same principle as your higher self.
Some people believe in the power of the universe...its still a power greater than man or himself....
Becuase as intelligent or whatever the fresia you might think you are...You simply lack the power to make the sun shine.
God created man in his image....Therefore for I'm perfectly complete, whole and perfect already....
Having this awearness of completeness brings peace. In peace we make better decisions. In peace we live happier and productive

So why in the fresia would I have poor self esteem and all that bullshit?
I wouldnt...knowing this simple truth.

Becuase people get miss lead or mis inturpret the message...or some people use religion for thier own self serving purpose..
Controll, guilt,shame and judgemental Bullshit....etc

" I came into this world...not to save it. I came so that you may live"....
I inturprate that as....Stopped worrying so god **** much about the world or whatever the fresia people think, say about me.
There's nothing wrong with me. I stay focus or centered in GOD's LOVE and consious.

"Be of good cheers cuase I've overcame the world" happy, be possitive, laugh, live and enjoy life....fresia whatever the world dose, or thinks. its in gods hands. it's taken care
Any hardship in my life could be karma, could be fate. Fate is a weapon (of sorts).
No, I do not think God is out to get me, nor is God punishing me. I personally feel that there is some sort of intelligence in the scheme of things, but don't really buy into the biblical thing.
LoneKiller said:
I'm not saying that He is singling out people. Some people have such a horrible life where that no matter what they do it fails. Bad things happen to them all the time for absolutely no reason in their minds. It's out of pure despair they blame God because they can't figure out why all this happens to them all the time with no valid reason.

No, of course you're not saying that. Those people are, though, and that's what I say to them. If you sincerely believe in God, then you know the Bible describes him as a divine entity who is all merciful and loving. Believing in God and then stating He is targeting you to send evil into your life is pretty close to committing blasphemy.
I don't know,but sometimes during the honeysuckle storm that is my life,I think "why me,what did I do to deserve this?"
And please don't say I'm being paranoid,I have witnesses!
Nah, not big on religion at all. Generally in favour of the 'universe is a mess of random chances, interpreted by men as good and bad in how they affect us personally' sort of thinking. No gods, no kings...only man. :p Also, first quote in my signature.
I often joke that there is a God and that he has a cruel sense of humor -- but no, I don't really think a powerful being is trying to manipulate my life. If I did, I'd be more than a little terrified.
20 yrs ago I got into a ver freaky accident. I suffered from 1st and second degree burns on my face, and body...
About 30% of my body.

I was hospitalized for over a month.
I had to be fed through a tube and hook up to IVs.

I was wrapped like a mummie.
I couldnt moved. Every breath I took was painful. Even the morpine that was injected into didnt numb the pains

I wasnt healing...I had to be dipped into a tank twice p day and scrub to prevent infections...It was very..very painful .

The doctors advised me that a Skin graph would be required.

My face was burnt pretty day...I peep LOL I was otld not too...but my curiousity got the best of me...Plus I can see in the faces of the nurses and doctors eyes when they worked on me.

My GF would cry everyday..becuase I was going to disfigured for life....

I couldnt moved anyway...So by default I became very very still..I cried after recieving that news from the doctors..
Plus I didnt wanna get my skin removed or go under the kinfe.

honeysuckle HAPPRNED alright....

POWERLESS I WAS...I couldnt move a fucken muscle, wrap like a fucken burito and was bed ridden...

I remember saying my prayer...
I put everything in GODS hands...
No matter the outcome...I was in GODs hands. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I awaken the next day...I asked the nurses I wished to get out of bed..
after the doctors approval I was allow to get out of matter my pains.
But it was a good sign ...

Within another 24 hours I was released from the burn unit...NO skin graph..
My sexy face shows no signs of being burnt or any deformaty..

I struggle with GOD after Jenni.s death 3 years ago...honeysuckle happened alright.

I reunited with my daughter the other day. She was given up for adoption @ birth. Shes a mirracle to me. Its the first time we both met in person...
She could had easily not want to not anything to do with me.
Theres some events in my life that cant logically be explained. This I know....

So yeah...Im like why the fucken me..
and why the fucken all of the bullshit...
I already tried sueicide attemps 20s yrs ago...I got strapped to a fucken bed then too.lmao
I hated doctors..nurses for bringing me back to life....
I hated myself. I hated my exwf.

I was so full of hate...even when a beautiful drop dead gorgeous nurse took me home with her to live with her. To love me back to life. She was pretier than my exwf. She did anything and everything for me..Like the perfect wife that my exwf couldnt...
I was so wrapped up in my hatred and hurted...I was blinded by the light.
Love was there in front of me...given to me and then some .
Theres a pattern to my madness....I did the samething to Jennifer last month.
The woman is prettier than Renae..Jennifer was the perfect wife or GF..more than I could ever ask for..

LOVE IS BLINDE....I love Renae every much..
Renae told me that She was praying to GOD before she came back to me.
I believe it was a god thing that she and I got back togehter.
I'm sure that all powerful deities have better things to do.

But I think it helps to have something of a measure of acceptance for me; when something negative happens, I can only try to think of a solution. If there is a disaster, I go to find what can be done to improve it. If I am not what I like, I try to counter it by learning how to avoid the same pattern. If I am hurt by someone, I heal and sometimes seek revenge.

Its always the next step that generally concerns me. Occasionally, I think I may be opposed to typical "Godly" virtues, in whcih case I more or less carry on as before if I find it justified anyway. If God truly intends me to learn a lesson, He will manage it.

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