Doctor of the Day (venting)

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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You know, like soup of the day... Except with soup at least it is good and if you do not want it you can refuse it.

But not doctors. The doctors here are stupid. Okay, sorry, MOST doctors here are stupid. The good ones are taken.

Just a bright look into life when pregnant: finally get a doctor, a great doctor... My last visit was with his "assistant" so I did not even ask the questions I had.

Then the news! I am transfered elsewhere to see "whatever doctor is in". I love these sudden surprises...

Asides my dislike of doctors, I do not like strangers too much. Makes me uncomfortable. What's worse? A strange doctor. Every week or so. I can stand meeting new people, if we get along and it is not a "hello goodbye" thing like these doctor visits will be. I hate strangers touching me.

This right here ensures my refusal to have more kids. Also ensures my lowered tolerance for any crazy fresia I get as a doctor. If ANY of them treat me like a moron, they're probably going to find my breaking point is NOW and I am not putting up with their bullshit. I do not think anyone, pregnant or not, should be talked down to like these doctors do... And most of these doctors do their job half assed. And not to protocol. It is more of a "as they please" profession it seems. And when they are like that you do NOT have an opinion or choice. How can you when they explain things later (or never)??

Midwives used to be covered here. If they still were, I would have gone that route.

Better yet if I had grasped the full crappiness of this place... I wouldn't have bothered having a kid. And that is just how I feel right now.
I am going to also add, being confused does not help. I was told (third trimester) the walk in would be where I go... There are two clinics! No one clarified which one, but now I am going just to a different section of the clinic? Not a walk in? Section A is for respiratory mainly... Wtf?
Midwives.. wow haven't heard of midwives for some time now. I bet they do still exist?

I don't usually like dealing with doctors myself. At times I feel like I'm just an object of experimentation for them really.

Don't recall reading you being pregnant but I see that you are now, hope you're doing okay Senamian! *hugs*
Yes I am lol :) it has been mentioned here and there. Thanks! Other than this run around nothing has been bad. No morning sickness, I am not as big as a whale... Oh, baby is a girl just so you know lol :)

Midwives are still around. With too many of them our health care said "screw it! Pay through your nose or go to shitty doctors. Your choice!" And sorry but "free healthcare" is a bad joke scribbled onto a mustard stained napkin. Our doctors suck. I seeked an American friend to help me with an injury... **** smart! I nicked the tenon and have nerve damage. Sucks... But it was an answer.

I agree with being an "object" when you go in. Especially here.
One doc assumed my mild stress/activity/allergy asthma was acid reflux. Wtf?! I had 5 attacks that year. I "acquired" (erm...) an inhaler from a coworker. Low dose, but since the docs did not believe me... (allergy to the industrial cleaners I worked around brought on the attacks).

I have not had luck. Now I get to meet a ton of them. -.- I cannot wait for this to be over.
Aww how precious! A baby girl :D aaaah I was just mentioning somewhere in the forum how I was helping someone take care of her baby girl and it was just so adorable awwwwwww it made me want my own now. :p

Oh my.. sounds really painful your injury. Internal injuries are usually a *****.. I had a ligament tear before and that took me a year or so to actually get rid of the pain/soreness/swelling and it just is never right anymore. I hope yours isn't as bad. :\

Wth.. acid reflux. You know I have sensitive airways and apparently they got even more sensitive after I underwent thyroidectomy surgery and the doctors kept saying that I'm probably developing asthma and prescribes me the inhalers which they have seen and observed and been told by me a million times that they do not help or work whenever I get breathless. It's just something I have to endure cos it's like an allergy reaction. It can be curbed.. but not gone entirely with anything (so far).

I'm really sorry you have to go through a ton of them now. Meh.. wish there's something good and healthy that can be done for you especially since you're pregnant. I'll keep hoping for the best for you though and keep us updated how you're doing! Please take care, Senamian *hugs*
Thanks :)

Lol gotta love that maternal instinct :p

It was a kitchen accident, 2010. And it took a year to become healed. Now and then it aches but thankfully not as painful as it was. Ouch! Ligament tear? My mom had that... Never heals back to how it was before the injury. Sorry that happened - that's a bad injury.

Yeah doctors do not seem to listen too well... A bad doctor is the one who thinks they know everything. A good doctor is the one who always knows there is something new to learn.
I know exactly what you're talking about with OB doctors. I'll never forget my first one when I was pregnant with my son. All talking was directed to my husband like talking to the actual pregnant woman was somehow a waste of time because a) women are some kind of idiots or b) talking to a woman was forbidden with the woman's man around. Then he literally rolled his eyes after I stepped on the scale and (directing this at my husband) said "You should watch what she eats because there's no reason for a petite woman to gain more than 15 pounds while pregnant". I gained 30 pounds which I lost afterward while breastfeeding. And that doctor wasn't the one in the delivery room because I kicked his *ss to the curb after that visit and got a new one right away while 8 months pregnant. I didn't even care that it was late in the game at that point because he was soooo offensive!

Congrats on your baby girl, and I hope you weather the storm of "doctors" better than I did :)
Don't take any s**t off doctors, the number of times I've had to stand up and say "no that's not right" and then even argue with some of them is silly. That all started when I was having back pain and told them the ibuprofen wasn't working this time and she said "take some paracetamol too"

Telling her I'm not being 23 years old and having to take two sets of painkillers for the rest of my life got me a referral to the physio

Look everything up and it'll help tune you BS meter :)
ForGranted I gained 14 pounds in a month ;( and sad thing is I bet it is all boobs and baby because nowhere else has grown! D: Each person is different but not to doctors!

Jzinsky I do look things up :p before or after visits lol! Like "membrane sweep"... Only needed if recommended or you are past due. Yet some docs do it without telling you?! At least my doctor walked me through everything... Who knows what the "doctor of the day" will say or do. Though thanks to hormones I have all ability to be equally as snarky if they treat me badly or act like I am a moron...
Say what you want about nationalized health care (it's not free but supported by tax money) of the reasons you & others run into these problems is that HMOs have changed the field. Ever since they arose, usually one encounters the new breed of dumb doctor. The physician of old is gone. These days it's all specialists in a time crunch, which means you're usually dealing with someone who knows a great deal about one subsystem (i.e., lymphatic) & almost nothing else about the body--& can only see you for a half-hour, tops.

Midwives do indeed exist. I used to know a woman who was trained as one. They are called "doulas" nowadays & if you expect your birth to be healthy & want to go without painkillers, I recommend one. Women have been giving birth naturally at home for thousands of years. They can keep doing that today.
MTrip said:
Midwives do indeed exist. I used to know a woman who was trained as one. They are called "doulas" nowadays & if you expect your birth to be healthy & want to go without painkillers, I recommend one. Women have been giving birth naturally at home for thousands of years. They can keep doing that today.

Have women been giving birth for thousands, hundreds of thousands of years at home, naturally? Yes.

Have billions fewer babies died during birth since the advent of modern medicine? Yes.

Infant mortality rates and deaths at birth have reduced dramatically as a result of modern medicine and modern birthing procedure/techniques.

Just something to think about before making a big decision.
Yeah if I wanted a doctor who googles crap I would go home and do it myself. I have cracked my foot, obtained a boxer's fracture, even lived through a potential life threatening kitchen accident... But because of these doctors I literally was better off by myself. And I have healed the same if not better as I would have seeing a doctor!


Midwives here are a pretty penny. Estimation is around 5 grand... If you have planned a pregnancy - great! Save up. Otherwise... Like the rest of us save up for baby and deal with random doctors. (and this town has a lot of bad doctors...)

Another note: people in my area have had a "mandatory" (lies!) nurse visit. This means they come to your home. The point is to give pointers, tips, and help for the hour or so they are there...

Except 80% of shared experiences... Are of rude, pushy and judgemental nurses! There's very few things I would need help with. I helped raise my niece and nephew, and with my brother's gf who is having twins (we are a couple weeks or so apart)... She is quite smart and can be helpful. If I wanted someone to come over and tell me I am an idiot goddamn I will invite my family over. I'm not a push over now. I'm not going to magically change later.

If I want a visit I will say so. If not and they push it.. They better be ready for me to push back. It is not mandatory. Having a baby does not make you a victim to their behavior; nor take away your rights.
Some doctors do tend to forget there's an actual person attached to the medical situation, and that a lot of us do try to learn as much as we can in order to be as healthy as possible!

When I went into labor with my son, we were out of town, but I wanted MY doctor. We drove two hours to get there. He wasn't there, and the doctor on call told me that she wouldn't call him. I was having a high risk pregnancy. I'd already been hospitalized for two weeks because if my blood pressure had gone any higher, I would have been comatose. Then she told me that I wasn't in labor, that I didn't have the condition I said I had (Seriously? I hadn't even been allowed to stand up to take a shower!) and that these were just Braxton Hicks contractions. I'd already had Braxton Hicks contractions, and I knew this was different, but she sent me home and said not to come back unless the contractions became stronger.

A week later, I went in for my next checkup, my doctor said, "You're in labor." I said, "I know! I've already been in and sent home again!" He tried to be professional about it and quickly put a small calm smile on his face to reassure me, but I'd ready seen how furious he was. He sent for a wheelchair to get me to the maternity ward. While we waited, he asked me what had happened and who I'd seen. He was getting madder with each moment. I didn't know her name, so he started going through my file, and you could see the tension in his whole body as he went through the pages, muttering the whole time that it was right there in my file that if anything happened, he was supposed to be called right away, and he was going to be sure to have a word with her. While I kind of wish I'd been there to see her receive that word... I'm kind of glad I wasn't!
My gosh! she definitely would have had multiple words said to her lol... That was not professional of her and put you and the baby at risk...

Luckily I am absolutely healthy.

"oh my god 14 pounds in a month?!" firstly, idk where it went. And not gaining much throughout the whole pregnancy except last month... They act like I am obese! No two people are the same. I am tall, and have also been unfortunate to gain a LOT of weight in the chest -.- and only this last month have I begun to show a baby bump. I was quite offended by their reaction...

I do not understand why people "should be" cookie cut in these professions. The way I put it: I am pregnant. NOT broken. And thanks to hormones, I am twice as likely to let it be known.

At least I only have a few more months...
Everything I have read from moms in my area...**** my area sucks. One had the nurse barge in, when she was trying to nap and forced her to wake up her baby, so she could weigh him! -.- They do that, I call the cops.

I may opt for the city or somewhere else.... If I can...
Badjedidude said:
MTrip said:
Midwives do indeed exist. I used to know a woman who was trained as one. They are called "doulas" nowadays & if you expect your birth to be healthy & want to go without painkillers, I recommend one. Women have been giving birth naturally at home for thousands of years. They can keep doing that today.

Have women been giving birth for thousands, hundreds of thousands of years at home, naturally? Yes.

Have billions fewer babies died during birth since the advent of modern medicine? Yes.

Infant mortality rates and deaths at birth have reduced dramatically as a result of modern medicine and modern birthing procedure/techniques.

Just something to think about before making a big decision.

Billions fewer babies? Somehow I suspect that's overstating the case, though modern medicine brought positive advances--at first. What is true is that over 70,000 people die in American hospitals each year from post-op infections & complications thereof. Hospitals are supposed to be kept clean, but you gotta wonder how clean it can really be with hundreds of sick people in one building...many of whom carry something contagious. I try not to go to a hospital unless I have no other choice.

Senamian said:
My gosh! she definitely would have had multiple words said to her lol... That was not professional of her and put you and the baby at risk...

Luckily I am absolutely healthy.

"oh my god 14 pounds in a month?!" firstly, idk where it went. And not gaining much throughout the whole pregnancy except last month... They act like I am obese! No two people are the same. I am tall, and have also been unfortunate to gain a LOT of weight in the chest -.- and only this last month have I begun to show a baby bump. I was quite offended by their reaction...

I do not understand why people "should be" cookie cut in these professions. The way I put it: I am pregnant. NOT broken. And thanks to hormones, I am twice as likely to let it be known.

At least I only have a few more months...

And I hope the father is around to help. Seriously.
Well, I am still with him if that is what you mean! :p He has actually been with someone before, who was pregnant with someone else's kid...So he has already been on the "hormone rollercoaster". He shrugs off a lot of what I do/say when I am cranky (none of which is directed at him!). Thankfully... He is the one who took his time to break down every wall I had built up since last August.

And speaking of that rollercoaster... It sucks. It really, really does. And on the behalf of pregnant women I sincerely apologize for any guys who have to go for the ride as well... Seriously sorry. I don't even want to be on it. ;(
Senamian said:
Everything I have read from moms in my area...**** my area sucks. One had the nurse barge in, when she was trying to nap and forced her to wake up her baby, so she could weigh him! -.- They do that, I call the cops.

I may opt for the city or somewhere else.... If I can...

Wow they try that on me they're going to have another picture for the "don't attack the hospital staff" poster... someone would get the quietest beating of their life lol..

They would of course be politely told to "foxtrot oscar" first though
jzinsky said:
Senamian said:
Everything I have read from moms in my area...**** my area sucks. One had the nurse barge in, when she was trying to nap and forced her to wake up her baby, so she could weigh him! -.- They do that, I call the cops.

I may opt for the city or somewhere else.... If I can...

Wow they try that on me they're going to have another picture for the "don't attack the hospital staff" poster... someone would get the quietest beating of their life lol..

They would of course be politely told to "foxtrot oscar" first though

Hahaha! That is **** right... I have had someone come to my door unannounced. The cops? "We don't do anything unless she is still there". Well, then I will deal with it. This is MY home. Uninvited? There's the fence. I'll time you!

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