Evil People.

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Solitary man

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
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Is it just my perceptions, or as you get older, people seem to becoming increasingly hostile, aggressive, authoritarian, controlling and evil?

Sometimes I think I'm going f***ing nuts.
Solitary man said:
Is it just my perceptions, or as you get older, people seem to becoming increasingly hostile, aggressive, authoritarian, controlling and evil?

Sometimes I think I'm going f***ing nuts.

I know what you're saying.
My assessment?
part projection, part true. When you were young you only saw everyone's nice side. Then you slowly got disappointed and realised even nice people have selfish agendas. You get so used to seeing people's shortcomings, you become blind to their good points.
Also we begin to realise we are not as perfect or as successful as we first thought.

What do you think?
I know what you're saying.
My assessment?
part projection, part true. When you were young you only saw everyone's nice side. Then you slowly got disappointed and realised even nice people have selfish agendas. You get so used to seeing people's shortcomings, you become blind to their good points.
Also we begin to realise we are not as perfect or as successful as we first thought.

What do you think?

I think you want to know what I think about your assessment, in order to probe a little deeper? When you say "projection" you are saying that I am projecting my own aggression, hostility, evil et al. onto others, and that this is being mirrored back. I'm not so sure.

It's true that even "nice" people have selfish agendas, and in fact especially seemingly "nice" people; they're the ones you must be wary of as they are usually very deceptive.

Perhaps a lot of people have a tendency to focus in on people's negatives whilst ignoring their positives, but unfortunately the negatives can be more salient and thus more demanding of our attention.

I read somewhere a long time ago that as you get older the world becomes a more hostile place, and my own personal experience would seem to bear this out.
And possibly oldies become bossy because they fear being bossed around themselves....their greatest fear.....what they hate they become.

I think "projection" means what we dislike in others is actually part of our own personality.

For me, I tend to dislike people who like to play the clown all the time, because that is what I often do myself. I dislike negative people who always find fault in others, because that is also part of my personality.

Just my guess. Am i right?

Perhaps a lot of people have a tendency to focus in on people's negatives whilst ignoring their positives, but unfortunately the negatives can be more salient and thus more demanding of our attention.

Yes and no. I'm beginning to think it takes more intelligence to see people's good points . Their faults are often glaringly obvious.
isthatso said:
And possibly oldies become bossy because they fear being bossed around themselves....their greatest fear.....what they hate they become.

Probably some truth in this. Dominate others as a defence against being dominated; a sort of pre-emptive dominance.

I think "projection" means what we dislike in others is actually part of our own personality.

We're supposed to dislike those characteristics in others which we dislike most about ourselves, but I'm not an aggressive domineering person, as I hate aggressive, domineering people, so it's not a universal truth. Sometimes we just dislike other people because they are very different, not similar to ourselves.

For me, I tend to dislike people who like to play the clown all the time, because that is what I often do myself. I dislike negative people who always find fault in others, because that is also part of my personality.

Just my guess. Am i right?

Why not like yourself for playing the light-hearted clown and appreciate others who similarly don't take themselves too seriously?

And why not appreciate people who are not 100% positive and who are prepared to speak about the negative aspects of human nature instead of ignoring them?

There's a positive flip side to even so-called negativity.

Yes and no. I'm beginning to think it takes more intelligence to see people's good points. Their faults are often glaringly obvious.

Perhaps it takes more patience and/or curiosity as opposed to intelligence per se? I mean, even intelligent people are guilty of not bothering or wanting to scratch the surface of a person's behaviour to investigate what is motivating that behaviour.
Sometimes we just dislike other people because they are very different, not similar to ourselves.

of course you are right. So it's not projection in this case for you.
I know i don't like authoritarian agressive types either. Almost universal. In fact I hate micro management the worst. It's an invasion of privacy of your space. It's totally disrespectful.
I think that with age, people become bitter about all of the things in life they didn't get to do. Also they become bitter about their health as it worsens and the way others can go around so carefree.
Evil... I can hardly call anyone I know like that.
Many people do terrible actions but most are out of little motives such as desires, sex and power, envy, fear. Even Stalin and Hitler can hardly be called evil. Their means were evil, but their aims were only common selfishness.

The only person I can come close to call evil is someone who ENJOYS and STRIVES to make people suffer.

As for old people, it's mostly true, they have fallen from fate's grace, lost and keep losing their power, especially if they have learned to be in control, it's very hard for them to give that up along with their pride.
Ah, the age old question. Does evil exist? I believe that it does. This dovetails with my general belief that spirit flows through all things and is simultaneously indistinguishable and inseparable.
Solitary man said:
Is it just my perceptions, or as you get older, people seem to becoming increasingly hostile, aggressive, authoritarian, controlling and evil?

Sometimes I think I'm going f***ing nuts.

No, you're not going nuts. I'd say that's a fairly accurate assessment. Added to the fact that; as you get older, you become more adept at seeing through peoples bs.
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
― William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Not much more to say. ;)
No, you're not going nuts. I'd say that's a fairly accurate assessment. Added to the fact that; as you get older, you become more adept at seeing through peoples bs.

And the level of BS you see through in so many people really does become scary. It gets to the stage where you begin to feel that there isn't a genuine person out there and everyone is a fake.
Solitary man said:
Is it just my perceptions, or as you get older, people seem to becoming increasingly hostile, aggressive, authoritarian, controlling and evil?

Sometimes I think I'm going f***ing nuts.

NOPE your not f***ing nut's WE ARE ALL F***ING NUT'S

Your absolutely right though, it sucks out there !!
The way I see it, the older you get the less naive you get.

Which means that people who you used to look at starry eyed, well they've fallen from grace. It's definitely true that, the older you get, the more you realize who your true friends are. You simply don't misunderstand people anymore, they become clearer.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
The way I see it, the older you get the less naive you get.

Which means that people who you used to look at starry eyed, well they've fallen from grace. It's definitely true that, the older you get, the more you realize who your true friends are. You simply don't misunderstand people anymore, they become clearer.

Is that why we all met on a web site for loners ?
Is that why we all met on a web site for loners ?

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here because I'm a chronic loner, a social recluse and a misanthrope. I don't like people, but I'm okay with other people who don't like people.
Solitary man said:
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here because I'm a chronic loner, a social recluse and a misanthrope. I don't like people, but I'm okay with other people who don't like people.

Meaning that you don't really dislike people, but aspects that the overwhelming majority have? What are these aspects exactly? For me it's mostly their stupidity and egocentric behavior.
I'm not a loner.

I'm an introvert. I have friends, but I get together with them very rarely. Like, once every 6 months. I last saw people who weren't in my immediate family about 2 months ago, almost.

I don't get much out of socializing. To be honest, I'd rather be with my computer, because I can say things without never being able to take it back. If the wrong words come out, I can always delete them. Not so much with socializing.

And the funny thing is, 10 years ago when I was 20, I was a complete social animal. I would seek out companionship, and couldn't stand to be alone or without a friend. It's been a u-Turn, in that I realized that I won't die without social contact.
-Sai- said:
Solitary man said:
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here because I'm a chronic loner, a social recluse and a misanthrope. I don't like people, but I'm okay with other people who don't like people.

Meaning that you don't really dislike people, but aspects that the overwhelming majority have? What are these aspects exactly? For me it's mostly their stupidity and egocentric behavior.

I don't like mainstream society and people's inherent selfishness, phoniness, ruthlessness, egocentrism and greed. And yeah, most people are stupid and stupid people are dangerous.

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