Feels like I always say somthing wrong.

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It feels like no matter the subject I always say something wrong, or once said realise it was not quite what I ment. I just feel like I don't fit in any where and that the why I see things are not the way they really are. It is hard to explain. Maybe I'm just really the idiot I think I am. I think that even idiots think I'm an idiot. Maybe it's because English is not my mother tongue. I don't know, and no one ever tells me.
Are you depressed? That can make everything look bad. Also, maybe your going through culture shock? I felt that way in Italy, because Italian is not my mother tongue. I felt like everything I said in Italian was stupid and people were laughing at me, in reality they just wanted to help me to get better!
I do suffer from depresstion, but its not just that. It feels like no one wants to listen to what I have to say. Maybe I just need to know someone is really listening to me.
Ladysphinx said:
I do suffer from depresstion, but its not just that. It feels like no one wants to listen to what I have to say. Maybe I just need to know someone is really listening to me.

Hi Ladysphinx,

Im not disregarding your depression when I say this But I dont like depression being used as the reason behind peoples problems. You don't need to be depressed to feel ignored, rejected which equals feeling sad. This is something alot of people have gone through for different reasons at differenet time sin their life.

I had a foriegn friend who wasn't good at english and sometimes said the wrong thing, but I didn't bother me. I don't think it would bother any decent person who had consideration for others. Maybe it is the enviroment you are currently in which doesn't make you feel comfortable. Sometimes the change of enviroment makes all the difference.

Hope this helps.
Thx, maybe it just feels like that cause I'm sensitive and seeing things that I fear not what is real.
I think it's all about confidence. When you speak, know what you're talking about rather than just speaking of something you know very little about.If you have confidence when you speak, then people will be more likely to listen.
LadySphinx, there is nothing wrong with you. You just need to practice talking to people more. Go to stores you don't normally shop at and just talk to the workers and ask them questions about products and stuff. When you talk to people just let them do the talking and try to really listen to what they're saying and ask a question to keep them talking. Just keep asking questions about the last thing they're talking about. You'll get better and then you can let them know about yourself later on when you're ready and you'll probably make a friend or two!
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
She is no longer here!

What is with all these threads being bumped lately?

Wait til someone brings one back that NONE of the previous posters are here anymore. lol
Those are always fun.
Who cares. Maybe what he said will help someone that reads this thread. Never know. :)
To comment on the original topic.

I feel this way sometimes. I have social anxiety, recovering, and sometimes feel like I'm going to say or do something that the other person won't like. I have been told by my therapist that this isn't healthy, but it's like I'm constantly analyzing my actions, and trying to understand why people react the way they do.

In retrospect, I believe that this is social anxiety that you are feeling, if you are still here. And to anybody who feels this way, it is social anxiety, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help clear it up.
I always feel this way. That's why I don't really talk to many people.
Unless I really know the person I always limit the conversation to the topic at hand. I'm always paranoid of saying something wrong and offending a person.
Ladysphinx said:
It feels like no matter the subject I always say something wrong, or once said realise it was not quite what I ment. I just feel like I don't fit in any where and that the why I see things are not the way they really are. It is hard to explain. Maybe I'm just really the idiot I think I am. I think that even idiots think I'm an idiot. Maybe it's because English is not my mother tongue. I don't know, and no one ever tells me.

First of all, you're not an idiot... if English isn't your first language and you still use poetically viable and functionally clear expressions like "mother tongue", you're no fool. I feel like self awareness and anxiety make it really hard to adapt moment by moment conversationally, because with every word it feels like a lot is at stake, but I wouldn't doubt that your self doubt is significantly less justified than you think... I'm getting to think that either, in groups, less conscientious people suspend their personal convictions (if they have them) and, without agonizing internal deliberation, comfortably express a more "homogenized" and less potentially insoluble behavior simply to ease the process of taking personal reward from social exchange, (and manage to do so without feeling like they've been "compromised") or, some people really couldn't be bothered thinking about what others want, and therefore what other's want from them... Basically, think of how many times people around you seem to say "the wrong thing"... it's probably more often than you would think. I find that if I think about how I would feel about some of things said by others if I had said them myself, I can't even fathom how displeased with myself I would be. What, for me, has always been so confusing, is how people manage to not agonize over the validity of what they say... and in not agonizing over validity of their expression preemptively, or agonizing over their own words retrospectively, they kind of validate the authenticity of both what they say, and their persona, because whether they're saying the right or wrong thing, they clearly weren't faking it...
I dunno, sorry...

PS HAH, for instance, here, because of the nature of what the forum aims to accomplish, I feel preemptively apologetic, just in case my words are in fact somehow counterproductive to aiding you.