forever a virgin

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Oct 22, 2014
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I know when u read this, you'll think im crazy but in all fairness... I don't see my future ending in a happily ever after fairytale w/ my prince charming anymore! im so done with people telling me that im not thinking clearly or that im stupid 4 waiting and that I should've just "did it" already... believe it or not, I actually value myself and deem that part of me a gift only my future husband should have. unfortunately that 2 will not happen seeing as how I don't plan on ever marrying which means... yes you guessed it, im staying a virgin til the day I die! and hey I think I might be the first to pull it off... if anyone can, It'll be me...
I'm pretty sure there are tons of nuns who are still virgins. :p
There's nothing wrong with waiting. If that's what you feel is right, then that's what you should do. I don't think anyone is crazy for thinking or believing that. It's their body. Your body. Why should anyone else have the right to say what's correct in how you present yourself in that manner. It's no one's business but yours.
blackfire, I don't think you're crazy - and I agree with what Nilla said. It's your right, and it's only right that you're proud of your own decision and preference. Nothing wrong with that at all. You never know what's in store for you in the future either, so I hope you'll meet someone good who'll treat you, love you and respect you for the way you are - good luck.
thanks, that's exactly what im doing... I don't care what others say... im staying this way as its my choice...
VanillaCreme said:
There's nothing wrong with waiting. If that's what you feel is right, then that's what you should do. I don't think anyone is crazy for thinking or believing that. It's their body. Your body. Why should anyone else have the right to say what's correct in how you present yourself in that manner. It's no one's business but yours.
they already made one, well a virgin movie with steve carell as the 40 year old virgin... lol
that's gonna be me, only i'll go longer than that....

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