Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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Animals are more intelligent than i think most people would like to admit
Put it like this, I’d have more faith in the survival of the planet if the animals were in charge.
Nope... they definately have feelings. I've had a cat who was very sassy and gave me dirty looks /attack another cat if I had to move them off of me to get up. A cat who looks at me adoringly like ohh I'm so comfy... I love you like my DP I have. I have seen confusion as well... that wtf look. lol
animals r nt dumb
just the fact that humans evn say this?
proves how dumb HUMANS r

Seriously, though... Animals have different levels of intelligence. Monkeys and octopusses and cats and dogs are quite smart. Rats, as well, for their cranial size.
I'd have more faith in the survival of the world if more people thought as much of other people as they do animals.

Yes some animals have different degrees of intelligence. However lots of them its difficult to gauge because how do you even quantify or test it. I did see an amazing video of a crow like bird that on first being shown a piece of metal with a hook on it worked out to use it to get a bucket of food out of a tube. Clearing intelligent, problem solving.

Anyone who classes all dogs as intelligent clearly has never been near a labrador...
I think that animals are smarter than humans give credit for, but also that it's another sort of intelligence.
Compared to humans, animals aren't too intelligent but they clearly posses enough intellect to survive.
In a pack environment that is void of culture and higher levels of self awareness, you don't need much brain power beyond survival instincts and basic communication skills.
Hi Everyone.

You might have noticed that over the last couple of months I've been a little impatient and sometimes aggressive when I shouldn't have. Since I first joined here I've had bouts of dizziness and have passed out twice recently. The doctor is concerned that it might be a neurological disorder
and has ordered extensive blood tests among other tests to see what the cause might be.

I have been feeling absolutely horrible for a while now no matter how hard I've tried to hide it from you all, and it has been affecting my post content in a negative manner which isn't fair to the other members. For this, I can only apologize. All I know is that I'm a very sick man right now.

For these reasons, I will be dismissing myself from the forum in the hopes that maybe one day I will return in better health. I just wanted to say to you all that despite the disagreements I've had with some members, I am very proud and blessed to have met you all. It is my sincere hope that I have helped some of you have a better life, even if it's just one of you.

You all have treated me very well and have been an extraordinary source of help and laughter as well a true feeling of acceptance to me. I wish all of you nothing but joy and happiness in your lives however little. In the various posts I've read since I joined, I could see the pain, laughter, and sadness in your words.

I've made some goofy jokes and comments, but it was all designed to bring laughter to your lives in the midst of so much sadness that this forum displays in almost every thread.

I do hope to return one day, but it's really not looking to good. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all and am very proud to be a member of a forum with such compassionate members. You all are good people. Don't ever betray your heart to make others accept you. Be yourself and love yourself and you will shine in other's eyes because that is something you cannot fake.

Lastly, I don't know Skorian as well as some of you, but I wish you would consider letting him back in. His harsh words and attitude spawn from pain. He's suffering with his demons like the rest of us are.

God bless all of you.

P.S. @Callie: You are correct. I make far too many Goddamn threads at times.:)

i sincerely hope you get better LK. I am sorry to hear that you are sick. :(
Sorry to hear of your illness, LoneKiller. Best of luck to you on your travels, and hopefully they'll bring you back here, one day, and in better health. :)
Hope you get better soon LK.

Would be good to see you back at full health at some point

Bread said:
Sorry to hear of your illness, LoneKiller. Best of luck to you on your travels, and hopefully they'll bring you back here, one day, and in better health. :)


I shall miss you, dear friend.
I'm sitting here with tears on my cheeks,
Though understand why you have to leave.
I only hope, I only pray you will get better
In body and in mind, and in spirit,
And return on all four wheels with cylinders hammering,
Raring to go.
Thank you for inspiring me,
Your always having time
For this young 'un,
Your words of gentle encouragement, too.

To me you will always be,
One more star in the night sky.

Love Anna Mouse xox

Hi there

I only recently just joined so I don't think I've seen any of your posts or really know who you are yet, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear what your going through there. I'm kind of worried that I might have something vaguely similar but I won't go into that now. I haven't been passing out but have had severe I guess you could call them 'weak spots' where I've lost my balance a few times. Could be any number of reasons really and probably related to sleep problems but this post isn't about me here it's about you so just wanted to wish you the very best, thank you for your kind words to everyone and hope to see you back here someday.

Give us all an update sometime to see how you are. :)
I wish you well in finding a path to good health. Although your posts could be overwhelming in number, you always kept a positive and caring attitude here on the forums. I respect your input and devotion during your time here. Farewell, LoneKiller, hope we will hear from you again in time.
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