Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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I am sorry that you are feeling so poorly. I hope you get better soon.
...I don't know you really, But I am sorry that you are ill. Being sick sux! being sick and lonely/depressed sux more.
I do hope for you better health.. and lots of happiness.

You will be missed. Feel better soon.
Sending well wishes your way that you feel better very soon. I have read and enjoyed many of your posts I will miss you.

I just went for the blood and urine tests earlier today. I should hear something in a week or so. I got to thinking about something. Unless I'm hospitalized, there is no reason I need to leave the forum, unless you guys prefer it that way.:)
Hi All.:)

I just want to take the time to thank you all for your kind and supportive words. Like I posted earlier, as long as I'm not hospitalized, there's no reason to leave the forum. Again, your words are very touching.

Thank you all.:)
Glad to see you back.:D

I hope the tests reveal your illness and that a medication can make you feel better.
Mouse said:

I shall miss you, dear friend.
I'm sitting here with tears on my cheeks,
Though understand why you have to leave.
I only hope, I only pray you will get better
In body and in mind, and in spirit,
And return on all four wheels with cylinders hammering,
Raring to go.
Thank you for inspiring me,
Your always having time
For this young 'un,
Your words of gentle encouragement, too.

To me you will always be,
One more star in the night sky.

Love Anna Mouse xox

Thank you for your poem Mouse. You have talent.:)

Hey Lk,

I'm glad you've decided to stay. I hope your test results will come out well and that you'll know a speedy recovery. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that you're always welcome to share your burdens with us :)

Take care Lk and hope to hear from you again soon!
I hope you feel better, get well soon, and glad to see you are posting again today. :)
Is "sexy" ever really sexy?
They should rename that article "How to perform billboard sexuality."

I agree with #5 and #6 completely!!!

"5. Get in touch with yourself sexually.

Yep, masturbate and enjoy your body. I love sex. I sell Pure Romance so obviously I have no problem with being sexual. lol A woman who enjoys herself sexually is like a MAGNET. I think it’s the pheromones or something. :) Whatever it is, I know that it gets noticed.

6. Flirt. With. Everyone.

Guys, girls, waiters, mechanics, old ladies crossing the street. Be flirtatious. Make it a part of your personality. And if you don’t know how do a google search"
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