Horror Films

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DigitxGeno said:
I remember scaring the living crap out of my brother, there this video on the internet that has a backstreet boys song on it. And when it plays you relax saying 'oh this is a great song' but then this monstrosity appears on the screen and screams. Its like the face from the excorsist, I got into so much trouble that night, because he was crying so loud. Hehe..I think he had nightmares for months. To this day he gets scared of little things, I think I traumatized him :/

*makes sure no one can hear*
... Har har har ;P
I really enjoy horror films. I wouldn't say they nesscessarly(I can never spell this word right <_<) scare me, put I enjoy a good jump every now and then hehe. I seen Dead Silence not too long ago...it was okay. Except the directors (who also directed Saw) have a hard time choosing convincing actors I think.

Every now and then there are creepy images that pop back in my head. Like the Exorcist girl doing that spider walk down the stairs, and all the ghosts in J-horror movies have these haunting wide-eyed stars which is a bit creepy as well. But I can't say they've ever really kept me up at night. Haha except when I was 9 and I watched Jaws and I was awake for months thinking a shark was under my bed even though I knew that could never have been possible XDDD. Oh good times.
stone-rose said:
I really enjoy horror films. I wouldn't say they nesscessarly(I can never spell this word right <_<) scare me, put I enjoy a good jump every now and then hehe. I seen Dead Silence not too long ago...it was okay. Except the directors (who also directed Saw) have a hard time choosing convincing actors I think.

Every now and then there are creepy images that pop back in my head. Like the Exorcist girl doing that spider walk down the stairs, and all the ghosts in J-horror movies have these haunting wide-eyed stars which is a bit creepy as well. But I can't say they've ever really kept me up at night. Haha except when I was 9 and I watched Jaws and I was awake for months thinking a shark was under my bed even though I knew that could never have been possible XDDD. Oh good times.

Haha, Jaws made me afraid of open waters.
That has happened to me a couple times before. I read a book recently (Cell by Stephen King) which wasn't especially scary or anything...but for some reason something about it bothered me at night when I was trying to sleep for a couple weeks.

Jaws freaked me out too when I was a kid :roll:
stone-rose said:
I really enjoy horror films. I wouldn't say they nesscessarly(I can never spell this word right <_<) scare me, put I enjoy a good jump every now and then hehe.

I don't know that i actually have to find them scary either, to enjoy them. I do like a little bit of originality. I gave up on them for awhile when they all seemed to be the same teen slasher story.

Creature from the Black Lagoon from around 1954
Minus said:
stone-rose said:
I really enjoy horror films. I wouldn't say they nesscessarly(I can never spell this word right <_<) scare me, put I enjoy a good jump every now and then hehe.

I don't know that i actually have to find them scary either, to enjoy them. I do like a little bit of originality. I gave up on them for awhile when they all seemed to be the same teen slasher story.

Believe me. Lots of people including myself don't find any horror scary. Its a dying genre of film that lived at its highest point during the late 70s and throughout the 80s.

Two films that really shocked and disturbed me were Jacob's Ladder and SALO : 120 Days of Sodom.
Minus said:

Creature from the Black Lagoon from around 1954

I wouldn't be born for about another 14 years or so, but I saw this movie when I was about 6. It scared the crap out of me. :shy:
Oh hell yeah, you ever see the movie Gothica? The movie itself wasn't too great, but there's a mental health facility in Los Angeles that looks EXACTLY like the interior of the one in the movie, complete with flickering lights and no one in the hallways... (Last time I was there, some guy got out and barricaded himself in a strangers house across the street, lord only knows where he got a shotgun, but that was scary as hell)
EveWasFramed said:
I wouldn't be born for about another 14 years or so, but I saw this movie when I was about 6. It scared the crap out of me. :shy:

Good thing we can watch movies made before we were born or we would miss a lot of classics.


loketron said:
the last horror movie that actually got me shaking was hostel.

That was decent, haven't seen 2 either
loketron said:
minus whats your favorite horror flick???

That would be hard to pick. I like the Universal horror of the 30's. Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy and them. Then every decade had some great horror.

If i had to pick one at this moment it would probably be the Exorcist. tomorrow something else.

Can you pick one?
All horror movies freaks me out (even now at the age of 22) n i wil have nightmares for a couple of days.. after 2 or 3 days, everything wl be back to normal.......

Last one i saw was Grudge 2 n as usual, that also freaked me out....

But the movie which really made me sick, i would say Wrong turn 2 (i havent seen 1st part)... not because of scare... i couldnt eat food for 2 days...

The Mummy [1932]
one movie that scared me was the Descent. i dont know if it was meant to be a horror movie or not, but It made me freak out real bad lol

another movie that really scared me too was Hostel 1 and 2. now that one freaked me out cause it was pretty messed up all that torture and whatever....woah.

I HATE movies like that, movies that involve torture..
Jacob's Ladder is not really categorized as a 'horror' film but its the only film I have seen to really freak me out. Amazing thriller. VERY underrated.


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