Its a catch 22. in stravation mode ...without
friends or U need some TLC.
Or your sort ta desperate
Change your thinking..change ur life..
Change your beliefs and ideas
about yourself or whatever unworkable beliefs your running
This is a concept or idea that helped
Im complete, whole and perfect already....
If Im complete already..then I wouldnt be so needie wouldnt I?
Try letting go of your feelings of
lack, less than or wanting.
Or you can just think everyone
is fucken retarded???
I dont need fucken retarded peoplle
in my life as much.LOL
The sugar coated version
of that is....NO one is better than you.
So stop comparing yourself to other people.
or dont get in so deep with just one perrson...kind da spread yourellf around...Be shallow or whatever...
This way your not suckin all the life
force out of one person....
Write your problems in a journal
amd just leave it there...
When you socailize with poeple
dont talk about your problems..
Ill let you in on a little secret....
I uise this board kinda like an on line
journall....I write about whatever
thays going on in my life or sone
of the stuff thats bothering...
It dosnt matter if it makesense ..really.
Most of the crap thats bothering dosnt
make sence cuz it ****** up begin with.
This way I dont carry the **** around
with me .
This way im more mellow and easy going in real life.....
You might also try watching less cable TV ,dont read Mags or anything with
advertizing for a while...
Advertizements are designed to get to
NEED to buy something...
Whatever the **** they re trying to sell
you feels like your not ok unless u Buy
It triggers a lot of NEEDING feeling
and thoughts.
It reinfores or program that neediness
in you.