I Don't Like Being Called A "*******"

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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
******* may refer to: A child whose birth lacks legal legitimacy—that is, one born to a woman and a man who are not legally married

I read a comment on here today, and there was a comment on one of my favorite tv programs last night that is really bugging me. I just want to rant about his for a bit.

Are we not in the 21st Century? Yeah I'm a child who was born "out of wedlock" (seriously like that holds any meaning these days) and I've tried to joke about it myself. But in all honesty, it really, REALLY bothers me. It's normally used in a derogatory way too, to put someone down or insult another person.

When someone says "don't call me a ******* cause my parents were married", that is such a kick in the ass to others who's parents weren't, or those who preach about not having children out of wedlock. We're not lesser people.

We're not.

Recently, someone called me a ******* on here. I pointed out that my parents were married. My point wasnt that I really gave a honeysuckle whether or not my parents had been married, but more just a sarcastic remark taken from the literal meaning of the word.
Do people even still mean the out of wedlock thing now when they call someone a *******? To me, it's just sort of turned into one more word used to insult someone, that's about as far from its original meaning as it can get.
The only Bastards are the ones calling out the folks who were born out of their parents married life.

The ones judging are the meanies!

I'm technically a ******* but whatever. That word means nothing to me. It's like calling a white guy honky/cracker.
Yeah people do. I've had conversations with people who've made comments. I get that it might not be in their belief system, to each their own. Usually I don't say anything, except for one time cause I was getting really irritated. This guy was going on about how "they" won't go to heaven (not to turn this into religion it was just the conversation) so I popped up and said that my parents weren't married. To add to it I also revealed that my dad was actually married, but not to my mom. That shut him up so fast and the look on his face, priceless.

I dunno, it's just hurtful to me every time I hear it used that way. Growing up with people looking down on you because you were born out of wedlock makes you feel about as big as an ant. I feel like that from my family, all my cousins were born in wedlock, my brother and I are the only ones that weren't. Sometimes it feels like they look down on us as lesser.

I once had a friend who thought it was fun to tease me because I "didn't have a father". I quickly came back with "I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a father." Which made my mom very proud that I said that.

Guess I'm feeling extra sensitive today :D
Words are words. You choose what to find offensive. If you didn't know that your parents weren't married when you were born, you wouldn't find it offensive. Just brush it off like you should any other insult.
Ha ha, yeah...I don't brush off other insults, they get bottled up and stored. My storage unit is getting a bit full though. Especially if it comes from someone who I like/respect
EveWasFramed said:
Do people even still mean the out of wedlock thing now when they call someone a *******? To me, it's just sort of turned into one more word used to insult someone, that's about as far from its original meaning as it can get.

My dictionary, having been published in 1993 is starting to get old but it still defines one meaning of the word as "a mean, despicable person."
Minus said:
EveWasFramed said:
Do people even still mean the out of wedlock thing now when they call someone a *******? To me, it's just sort of turned into one more word used to insult someone, that's about as far from its original meaning as it can get.

My dictionary, having been published in 1993 is starting to get old but it still defines one meaning of the word as "a mean, despicable person."

Lol...that word in the literal sense must have stopped being used for the circumstances of one's birth a loooooooong time ago. :p
If your dictionary only has that one meaning it must be a pocket one. It's also a colour apparently too.
In theatre lighting, a ******* color refers to a color, typically in a color gel, wherein the predominant color is blended with small amounts of complementary colors; for example, a "******* orange" gel would produce predominantly orange light with undertones of blue. ******* colors appear warmer, more neutral, and more natural than pure colors and are used to replicate natural light.

About what Eve said, internet and all, woo yeah I know who cares. Let's take that into real life though for a second it might convey more what I'm talking about, it's a real good example. So one of you are out with me, you know (now) that I'm born out of wedlock. Some angry person calls you a *******, and you come back with what Eve said to another person, "my parents were married" as your knee jerk reaction to the name calling. You then realize that I'm standing there, parents never married, and you know I heard that comment.

I've been called a ******* before, mostly out of joking. It's not so much the word but the meaning behind it and the context it gets used as/in.
Im a fucken ******* and i wasnt borned out of wedlock.

Im asain...
They shoild had named me..
ZUM TANG WONG...instead of sunshine.

This isn't a joke. What the hell is so difficult to understand? I don't like it when people want to use the term as a ******* child to insult, humiliate, or belittle someone. It's insulting when someone, like Eve has admitted she did, whom I respect on here, makes a comment like that. It's a slap in the face. It sticks out to me as being a lesser of a person. It is no different than calling a person derogatory names.

When I was little my church had an issue with baptizing us because we were born out of wedlock and my mother wasn't married. They had no problems with us being members or my mom being an active volunteer in the church.

When people call you that to insult you because your parents weren't married, it's no different calling someone gay (or worse names) or the n word to insult a person.

This is why I posted it in Miscellaneous Issues.


Stcks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me...

I don't give people that much power over me.

Its none of my business what people
Think or say about me.

Dont let people rent space in my head.

I just don't give a fresia what people thinks
Say or do.

In one ear and out the other.

Or the one Kilsie made up.
Put on your haters blocker. Hahaha

Or the one my ministor say.
Bd teflon man.lol
When I was 14. my father grounded me for acting up.
I remember calling him a *******. Next thing I know, a big paw right on the nose.

Here's a pic of my grandson,(legitimate) holding my new granddaughter,(illegitimate),see any difference?


First person to call her a ******* gets decked! (first by me,then by my grandson)
when it was utterly dispicably unheard off and shamefull to have a child and not be married it would have been a nasty thing to say to someone.
now that no one cares if your married or not when you have a baby the word means nothing anymore in that way.
some one calling you a ******* now means your being an ass or they dont like you.

but if they really mean to say :"Eyy dude, your parrents werent married when they had you, ooo the shame on you."

than they are either really really old, verry religous (i still believe it matters in the eyes of god or something like that),or just plain stupid thinking it still matters to anyone.

so how offensive is it for people to say your parents arent married really ??
Jilted John said:
Here's a pic of my grandson,(legitimate) holding my new granddaughter,(illegitimate),see any difference?

One is smaller than the other?


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