Maybe we are meant to be lonely a product of modern life dysfunctional families society etc. Maybe if we except a solitary life we could be happy and just accept it, I think this is where I am, for the time being. I cant be arsed thinking about it anymore life is what it is for some its amazing for others a bit of a let down, that’s life, and getting wound up about it is just a waste of your time. Why not look at good things you have in your life and be happy like thank fook I haven’t got a girl friend who nags about keeping the house tidy all the time or whatever or looking good or having a cool personality. Maybe being lonely is the new in thing and all the popular people are going to start standing round in corners at parties alone. Most of the people I have come across who are popular are just false fcukers who have no real friends just a ream of people who feed of each other and *****. So here is to saying fook you to being part of the in crowd go fook yourself you bunch of bankers.