On the bad boy and the nice guy.

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LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
This is what I've noticed about women and "bad boys"...

If someone seems even a little dangerous or exciting, they're instantly attractive. Take soldiers, for instance. Or policemen. Or firefighters. Jobs that put you in danger and the possibility of losing your life is attractive to women for some odd reason.

Take a computer geek like me, whose biggest problem is a PC crashing, or a database failing, and you get nowhere. Even musicians who don't have dangerous music are not noticed (that is, unless they are filthy rich.)

Just an observation.

Do you realize how ignorant you sound after posting such a message? Do you realize how many people have died from those "dangerous or exciting" jobs you're talking about, just so you have the ability to post ANONYMOUSLY on the internet about how they are more attractive to others? And what about how the large numbers of the people in those positions who are women themselves?

The sheer chuzpah it takes to write this response is staggering and incredibly infantile.
ghbarnaby2 said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
This is what I've noticed about women and "bad boys"...

If someone seems even a little dangerous or exciting, they're instantly attractive. Take soldiers, for instance. Or policemen. Or firefighters. Jobs that put you in danger and the possibility of losing your life is attractive to women for some odd reason.

Take a computer geek like me, whose biggest problem is a PC crashing, or a database failing, and you get nowhere. Even musicians who don't have dangerous music are not noticed (that is, unless they are filthy rich.)

Just an observation.

Do you realize how ignorant you sound after posting such a message? Do you realize how many people have died from those "dangerous or exciting" jobs you're talking about, just so you have the ability to post ANONYMOUSLY on the internet about how they are more attractive to others? And what about how the large numbers of the people in those positions who are women themselves?

The sheer chuzpah it takes to write this response is staggering and incredibly infantile.

Soldiers' job is to kill and serve their nation's interests by conquering other countries / securing economic treaties and resources.
Policemen's job is to maintain "law & order" - they're less concerned with justice than with maintaining the balance of power as it is.

Your soldiers haven't fought a defensive war since the press war of 1812. Pearl Harbor doesn't count because Hawaii wasn't a state; it had been forcibly annexed by USA 50 years prior (evidently to construct that military installation lol) even though there was strong local opposition. They just marched their freedom fighter soldiers and "liberated" Hawaii, I gather.

Bow your hats down to the soldiers because they have guns, yo.
perfanoff said:
ghbarnaby2 said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
This is what I've noticed about women and "bad boys"...

If someone seems even a little dangerous or exciting, they're instantly attractive. Take soldiers, for instance. Or policemen. Or firefighters. Jobs that put you in danger and the possibility of losing your life is attractive to women for some odd reason.

Take a computer geek like me, whose biggest problem is a PC crashing, or a database failing, and you get nowhere. Even musicians who don't have dangerous music are not noticed (that is, unless they are filthy rich.)

Just an observation.

Do you realize how ignorant you sound after posting such a message? Do you realize how many people have died from those "dangerous or exciting" jobs you're talking about, just so you have the ability to post ANONYMOUSLY on the internet about how they are more attractive to others? And what about how the large numbers of the people in those positions who are women themselves?

The sheer chuzpah it takes to write this response is staggering and incredibly infantile.

Soldiers' job is to kill and serve their nation's interests by conquering other countries / securing economic treaties and resources.
Policemen's job is to maintain "law & order" - they're less concerned with justice than with maintaining the balance of power as it is.

Your soldiers haven't fought a defensive war since the press war of 1812. Pearl Harbor doesn't count because Hawaii wasn't a state; it had been forcibly annexed by USA 50 years prior (evidently to construct that military installation lol) even though there was strong local opposition. They just marched their freedom fighter soldiers and "liberated" Hawaii, I gather.

Bow your hats down to the soldiers because they have guns, yo.

:p lol, I think you went a wee bit off topic didnt you there, Perfies?
Drake said:
Why would I be confident when I'm fat, ugly and stupid :\

Because I am also fat and unattractive and I simply learned to play-act at confidence by getting 'into-character' now I am confident because I realised the role I was playing was still me, just a me I wanted to be not the one I was at the time.

Women like the idea of risk and power too. Studies show that they want to mother bad boys and bring them around to their way of thinking. It won't happen, but the ego trip is there too.
Evil_Genius said:
Studies show that they want to mother bad boys and bring them around to their way of thinking. It won't happen, but the ego trip is there too.

The only person I want to "mother" is my CHILD. :p
That's just me I guess... lol
Wait a second, I am not saying that they're not useful. I respect soldiers and policemen, they have to deal with things in their life that I never would have to. They get respect from me.

But just hang around a place where military is, and watch how many women hang out there, hoping to speak to the soldiers. And there are things said about "a man in uniform."

Of course I don't want to go into those jobs, but there is no denying that it is attractive to a lot of women. I've never met a soldier who hasn't had a wife sitting at home, waiting for him.
I'm talking about observations, Eve.

My best friend from high school is now a high ranking army official. I spent a lot of time around the military, despite never actually being in it.

Of course, my observations could be based on the fact that these guys have girlfriends, and I struggle, for some unknown reason. I am ready to try to figure out exactly why.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I'm talking about observations, Eve.

My best friend from high school is now a high ranking army official. I spent a lot of time around the military, despite never actually being in it.

Then I will take that as "no" you don't.
Well, I DO. Your obversations are apparently based on very little real experience around the military community. What happens in military communities would likely surprise you, as well as destroying those preconceived notions you have about military guys.
Might be best to use another example to try to make your point - whatever that may have been.
That's because you never seem to be willing to re-evaluate your opinions and the things you say.
Still curious to know you resurrected a 3.5 year old thread anyway -especially one of this nature.
Because I didn't want to start another thread, and I wanted to talk about an observation I had made.

This is a discussion forum, right? We discuss things?

Nevermind. In one ear and out the other. Goodbye.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Because I didn't want to start another thread, and I wanted to talk about an observation I had made.

This is a discussion forum, right? We discuss things?

Nevermind. In one ear and out the other. Goodbye.

Yeah, he didn't present his "observation" so well and stereotyping women like that isn't right. Infact, it was demeaning. Apparently, he didn't think it through on all sides, but could we just give him a break while bringing to light why his perception is clouded by his beliefs? I'm just asking for a little grace period to see if he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I think is his pain talking. Ofcourse, I dont know him. I could be wrong.
I think it's because in this society it's considered "cool" to date a bad boy, even though in most cases it ends in disaster. Luckily, though, not all women are like this.

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
This is what I've noticed about women and "bad boys"...

If someone seems even a little dangerous or exciting, they're instantly attractive. Take soldiers, for instance. Or policemen. Or firefighters. Jobs that put you in danger and the possibility of losing your life is attractive to women for some odd reason.

Take a computer geek like me, whose biggest problem is a PC crashing, or a database failing, and you get nowhere. Even musicians who don't have dangerous music are not noticed (that is, unless they are filthy rich.)

Just an observation.
Yes, I think it is my pain talking. I generally feel confused and rejected by women nowadays, and I don't know where to turn. I don't know how to fix what is wrong, when I don't know what is wrong?

I get told I'm relatively good looking. I get told I'm funny, smart, musically talented, tall, have good hair. So why in the world doesn't anybody want to date me?

EDIT: Removed some stuff. I think it's best to just ignore the people I don't like.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
*sigh* I can never win around here.

We're in a contest? Awesome! What's the prize? Where do I sign up? I wanna be a WINNAH!
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Yes, I think it is my pain talking. I generally feel confused and rejected by women nowadays, and I don't know where to turn. I don't know how to fix what is wrong, when I don't know what is wrong?

I get told I'm relatively good looking. I get told I'm funny, smart, musically talented, tall, have good hair. So why in the world doesn't anybody want to date me?

EDIT: Removed some stuff. I think it's best to just ignore the people I don't like.

I dont follow you around and take a piss in every post you make.
However, when you make baseless assumptions about the opposite sex, expect me to take notice and point out obvious stereotypes that you make.
Since you edited your post, everyone won't know what you removed, but I saw it.
It's fine if you don't like me - feel free to ignore me...Im perfectly OK with that. However, I won't stop responding to some of the absurd criticism that women get around here, no matter WHO posts it. Stop making it about YOU - it's about negativity around here.
Naleena said:
perfanoff said:
Maybe just a little bit :p

The history professor...lol I like history, but you would have to go back about 2000-5000 years for me to get into it. :)

Oh an ancient history fan? :) Can't say I know too many details about it, except Roman and Greek history that is.

Wish there were any documents left behind from the people in my land back then, to know how people used to live here.

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Yes, I think it is my pain talking. I generally feel confused and rejected by women nowadays, and I don't know where to turn. I don't know how to fix what is wrong, when I don't know what is wrong?

I get told I'm relatively good looking. I get told I'm funny, smart, musically talented, tall, have good hair. So why in the world doesn't anybody want to date me?

EDIT: Removed some stuff. I think it's best to just ignore the people I don't like.

Most women like men and most men like women who don't have too many issues and don't second guess themselves all the time.

Additionally, one can be single without being un-dateable. You don't need to beat yourself up (or women) for being single.

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