Pessimism is good

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All my life I have this problem where I get my hopes up with people, and when they change plans, lie to me, dump me, etc.. I crumble to pieces. Until I learned the secret to not getting hurt... is to just stay broken.

This is especially true in relationships... If you trust someone, you make yourself vulnurable, you even assume there is intimacy where there may only be infatuation. If you're pessimistic then you assume she will dump you, you assume she will cheat on you, you assume she doesn't love you, and you know what? Every little thing she (or he) does will have the added advantage of making you unexpectedly happy. Expect to get hurt and you'll be happy, expect to be happy and you'll get hurt. Or humble yourself and be exalted, exalt yourself and be humbled. It works... every... single.... time.

Depend on no one... Define the true source of your loneliness... Don't focus on where you are, focus on where you're going. You can't just permanently maintain a state of absolute positivity. If you're at the top of the world, the only way to go is down. So start each day at the very bottom, expecting the worst. Then you will appreciate every little thing, because we are always moving. That's why the grass is always greener.

Life is a very deep interplay of polar opposites... Yin and yang, action and reaction. If you have a strict heaven that is always paradise, then paradise itself becomes meaningless. If you can't get away with from that paradise and suffer, then you can't ever really appreciate it.

We as humans try to have a good, fun, existence, but we always forget to give the negative the respect it deserves. No matter what you believe or explore, there is room for doubt. The stars would not shine without the black canvas of space, and light alone is as blinding as darkness.

Even knowing this, it is easy to forget. It is hard to put this concept into practice, but let me assure you of one thing. If you DON'T give the negative yin energy it's proper place in your life, the Universe WILL do it for you. Every good thing in your life will be taken for granted and diluted to compensate.

So be a pessimist... Make a daily affirmation of humility... Embrace the broken empty negative... That way everyone in the universe will want to brighten your day... And when you've got this down, try to work in the law of attraction (which requires positive thinking.) If I ever figure out how to do this without my head asploding, I'll let you know.
idk.. sounds like it could all turn into a self fullfilling prophecy..

yep, this person is 'going to screw me over'.. ooh is 5mins passed 4 and they still haven't stuck a knife in my back.. now i am happy? no, wait gotta wait a bit.. nother minute goes by.. they still haven't betrayed me.. all's well... and again.. and again.. sounds exhausting and crazy.

how about just not having expectations of ideal outcomes ALL the time.. just letting go.. hope for the best but deal with reality as it comes..

things don't work out the way you imagine.. if they do, enjoy,.. if they don't.. DEAL.

just do your best..

there is no flawless KEY to life..

..oh look, its sunny outside, reckon i'll go and grab me a bit of sunshine.. hell, might even buy a nice roll for lunch..
fresia it...I've had sorrows and pain in my life...darkness or what the fresia you wanna call it..
Yeah it was a time to cry..a time to hurt, a time for sadness, a time for hate, a time for anger. a time to fight.
Done with that honeysuckle for now...

Surely if i can embrace my pains...I'm capiable of embracing happiness just the same.

Now it's the time for happiness, the time for luaghter, the time for love the time for joy, the time for peace
I got this down pretty good...I don't think about it much. What's there to think about?...just do it., Just be...
The next darkness cycle will come when I fucken die.

Happily ever after....that's my reality and chioce today. Today is all I'm ever going to have...
This moment right here, right now is all I'm ever going to have. Life and living is always in the moment. daughter is going through great pains at the moment...I'm aware of this. I love her very much.
I'm alway going to love her.
When she gets done with her pains and will be of her own chioce.
I guess I'm somebody who has to have some idea of what the future holds. Actually since I embrace despair, expecting the worst, I'm actually expecting whatever happens to be better then my expectations and therefore am actually expecting a positive outcome. So theres the law of attrraction, and my head has not asploded (and im sorry if yours has) my title is in err, it's more like finding a harmony of both pessimism and optimism.

Still... you can't appreciate what you have until you've left it for a while.
Awhile ago I decided the best way to protect myself from hurt was to think pessimistically about certain aspects of life, and for a time I thought it was working. Maybe it did. But now I'm starting to realize the other effects it has had on me, things I never intended to occur. A lot of the time I find myself unable to look forward to things anymore, even to the extent that I feel almost as though I *have* no future. By expecting the worst, I've lost the ability to daydream about the nice things in life. I remember I used to daydream about impossible scenarios and other silly thoughts, and while it was a let down to come back to reality afterwards, I was at least able to be happy for a moment. Now, even though my life has improved considerably and I HAVE a future worth looking forward to and a life worth being happy about, I feel somehow numb. It's terrible because now that I should be happy, I can't be. I've lost my ability to have hope.

You have to be careful, because while at first you may intend only to expect the worst from minor situations, it may escalate into something much larger that you never intended it to. To change from optimism to pessimism is quite easy... but the the other way around? Not so much.
Despair said:
Still... you can't appreciate what you have until you've left it for a while.

Bullshit. That assumes that no one can learn from OTHERS' mistakes or experiences...and that's just not true. You definitely CAN appreciate what you have without leaving it.

Way to prove that you missed the whole point. The point of this endeavor is so you CAN appreciate something WITHOUT having to leave it. If you CAN, then you've already mastered some degree of this way of thinking without even knowing it.

When you appreciate something, you have to at least remember what it means NOT to have it. The act of appreciating is imagining the negative to reinforce that the positive is better.

SO, you may not have left it physically, but you did leave it mentally, or remember a time when you didn't have it. The statement, therefore, remains valid.
yeah its true..its hard to trust anyone when the person you love always end up braking your heart. everyone has been hurt before and everyone experiences a broken heart...

Go out and have fun and just take realationships rush. Just give your self some time and let your heart heal.... :)
Despair said:
The statement, therefore, remains valid.

If you say so.

Lol if the point is to imagine being without to appreciate having something...then why say this at all?

Despair said:
Still... you can't appreciate what you have until you've left it for a while.

Why not just say, "You CAN appreciate something without leaving it, if you can imagine being without it."

Just seems like you're bouncing back and forth a bit, is all. :p

The OP does make a good point. If hardships and low-points help us in any way, it's to make us appreciate what we have when we do have it. Life would be horrible if we were always depressed and having a hard time, but it would be boring if it were all candies and flowers.

I remember that my power went out during Hurricane Katrina and Wilma. Until then, I had been taking for granted the light that I have in my room, being able to keep food cold in the refrigerator, having traffic lights that work, and so on. Sometimes you have to experience a hardship in order to really appreciate something.

I can definitely appreciate, for example, my ability to walk when I think about quadriplegics. But I believe that appreciation for life overall is enhanced when we actually experience some suffering for ourselves. Life is full of highs and lows.... and the highs are that much sweeter when you have experienced the low-points.
I don't know. I don't see how this is fair to the people in your life. Sure, there are a great many people out there will lie and cheat and kick you to the ground. But there are people out there who really do deserve our trust and I just can't see how it is fair to them to treat them as liars, or why for that matter they would hang around us if we did nothing but expect the worst of them. I think I'd rather go through the pain of being treated horribly by many just to avoid driving away the few people who do care or will be there.

I'm not suggesting that pure unbridled optimism is the answer, and honestly I don't think it's all that much better that pessimism. But a good mix of the two. Or simply avoid expectations as best you can. Or simply try to avoid having any expectations one way or the other.
I think its like... don't set yourself up, like get all happy and excited about something that only has a possibility of happening... so that if it doesn't happen no big deal, if it does.. awesome! Like appreciate some of the bad as in.... hey im all alone today nothing to do, i could take this situation and drown in the misery of it all, or i can accept the sucky situation and anything that randomly happens during it is fun :) I don't think he meant enjoy being miserable, more of enjoy the miserable situation and you might be suprised. I know I feel like that alot. Like i'm here, i might as well enjoy it haha. One time I got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic at a bridge toll, there was absolutely nothing I could do, there was a deadly motorcycle accident on the bridge and it was closed for the time being, it happened just a quarter mile ahead of me so I was pretty much stuck. It was hot out, middle of summer. I got stuck in the car in the heat for 2 hours with no air conditioning. I ended up having a good time haha while other people were mad, I played cards with my friend in the car :) I'm glad it wasn't me in the accident, it didn't ruin my day, it gave me an interesting memory.
Where am I going to walk to? LOL I was 20 miles from home and I wouldn't abandon my car in a 8 lane bridge toll, who knows when the traffic would start moving again?
LOL you walk past the crash and then hitch a ride, silly. :p Just make sure your car is locked.

haha but I like my car and wouldn't abandon it like that and have it towed, I probably would never hitch a ride either, lol and I was on my way to the beach so lol, nowhere to go, no point in getting a ride home if i'm just going to have to get a ride back to my car.
Haha ^_^ oh well. I dunno, it would just kill me to swelter in a hot car for 2 hrs. :p

IDK...I havn't shot heroin before. It's a total downer, I heard.
There is an easier softer way.

Life is not without pains....suffering is optional.

If you expect the best you'll get the best.

No pains, no gain

Nothing to fear but fear itself.

Happiness is an inside is misery.

You can't win if you take a risk.

Errr....I can't imagine making myself feel like honeysuckle everyday without being a god **** nutcase.
I try to be a realist, even though I have a tendency towards being a pessimist.

You become your own worst enemy by being pessimistic.
Realism is fine. Pessimism isn't.

Seriously, if you start thinking the worst about someone and you are never going to trust them then you are never going to have a proper relationship with them. You are going to start assuming affairs where there are none, distance where there's actually a headache and who knows what else.

I know it's hard when you have been badly hurt in the past, but I think being cautious with someone and allowing that trust to build up slowly is a far more constructive, and far less dangerous, attitude.

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