Religulous - Bill Maher

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Feb 25, 2009
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Did anyone watch this documentary "Religulous". I just finished and it could stir up some stuff, but I think because of who he is it won't get a lot of attention - now if Micheal Moore did something like this, there could be some waves.

He asked all the right questions, I just don't know if it moved deep - I agreed with it, but I wasn't moved to do anything about it???
i was just looking at this moving in the store today. i was thinking about watching it but i hate watching movies that just aim at provoking people and can be crude. Was it disrespectful at all?
Actually - considering his sence of humor - he did it pretty good. There were a few crude spots, but he was just asking direct questions in different places to various people of religion. So, from his background it could have been bad bad bad, but I really think he was trying to make a point here.
I watched it when it was out in theaters, although it was only playing in one local (and remote) theater in my area, but I loved it. I love Maher's type of humor anyway, so that's one reason why I enjoyed it. His aim wasn't so much to try to provoke people (in terms of aggression, or trying to piss them off) but to provoke thought in people who have never questioned their beliefs, but he did it via humor. There were a few points where yes, it did border on crude, but I thought he did a good job. I wasn't offended by any of it, and it gave me a bit to think about afterwards. :) I would definitely recommend it if it seems at all interesting to you.
I saw it and it was halarious! There were a few times when I cringed at what he said but, over all, it was good and I would definately recommend it if your in the mood to laugh!
Usually I enjoy Bill Maher and his show Real Time, which unfortunately I can no longer watch since I do not have access to HBO. I did enjoy Religulous and thought he made many good points, but then again I do consider myself an agnostic. Like the others in this thread, I though there were a few rough spots, but overall it was a decent film.

However, if you consider yourself a Christain, especially of the born again variety, I am pretty sure you will despise this movie.
Antihero said:
However, if you consider yourself a Christain, especially of the born again variety, I am pretty sure you will despise this movie.

I definitely agree with this.

I also consider myself agnostic; I think that's why I liked it even more.
I saw it and thought it was great. I think one of the main problems with the people he interviewed is that their answers to his logical questions were based on either random coincidence or stories that had no real evidence to support them. Does anyone know when the bible was written by the way? I tried to look it up but I just end up on Christian sites that tell me the bible is fully supported by archaeology and scientific evidence and I immediately close them before I read anymore.

The best part is at the trucker's chapel when he thanks those nice people for being christ-like :D I wish all religious people would act like that.
Needles said:
I saw it and thought it was great. I think one of the main problems with the people he interviewed is that their answers to his logical questions were based on either random coincidence or stories that had no real evidence to support them. Does anyone know when the bible was written by the way? I tried to look it up but I just end up on Christian sites that tell me the bible is fully supported by archaeology and scientific evidence and I immediately close them before I read anymore.

The best part is at the trucker's chapel when he thanks those nice people for being christ-like :D I wish all religious people would act like that.

Haha, yeah that was great! :D I remember that one dude getting really pissed off at one point. =P

Bill definitely made some good points in that movie.
He made good points, but I doubt this movie will change anyone. This was for those of us who are already skeptical of modern religion.

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