Stopped A Bully

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
This was years ago, but I wanted to share it. I'm sharing a lot today :p

There was this bully on the school bus I rode during my senior year of high school (didn't have my license yet, yeah loser i know jk). He would pick on these two brothers. The eldest was not a small kid, the bully was for his age, which is why most just laughed at him, but with these two brothers he would torment because they wouldn't fight back. I knew how it felt to be picked on, it was the main reason my brother and I didn't ride the school bus when we were younger.

One day I was in a bad mood, so he picked the wrong day to be a jerk. Half the kids on our bus were related s would sit anywhere on the bus. He started to pick on these two brothers, and was sitting behind me so he'd have to pass by me. One time I tripped him causing him to fall face first on the floor. Everyone laughed. This didn't stop him though. He tried again, so this time I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and slammed him into the empty seat in front of me. I glared at him and growled (in what some kids called my batman voice) and told him to sit there and not move. He was scared, I could see it on his face. Everyone on the bus started to cheer. Even the bus driver gave me a smile in the mirror. After that whenever I was on the bus he never bullied the brothers or anyone else. When I wasn't he did, and I'd have the kids tell me they wish I was on the bus, even after I finished high school they wanted me to ride the bus.

It felt so good to be needed by someone, to actually help and stop others from being picked on, to protect them. I just wanted to share this because it showed me I could do something instead of sitting by an watching it happen. I could be a positive influence and not let the bullies win.
wow that's awesome sci fi :D

totally bad ass

although it usually isn't good to resort to violence, but I often feel that people dealing with dickheads are exempt

the important thing is standing up to someone, letting they know they can't just do whatever they want and harass people

I'm really glad that taught him a lesson, at least while you were on the bus.

And I'm glad that you helped to make the bus a better environment for students

kudos :)

Holy Cow, SciFi. It's great you used your "alpha male powers" to stop the violence. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr sit there and don't move" **giggles** You did a good thing. I'm sure the brothers will always remember you for that.
AncientBard said:
I wish you were on my bus when I was growing up

Its a good thing you don't wear underwear under your kilt. Who knows how many wedges you avoided? :p Heres a little kick ass Scot spirirt for ya!
evanescencefan91 said:
the important thing is standing up to someone, letting they know they can't just do whatever they want and harass people

Agreed. :)

was picked on in high school on the bus in grades 9 and 10. mostly just verbal assholery by the other kids. I sat right near the front like a n00b, and didn't talk to anyone.

I remember one time a senior told one particular dick in my grade to leave me alone. i still vividly remember the rush of gratitude I felt towards this guy, just for that one act.

funny. I remember that one act more than I remember all the stupid comments.

on behalf of disenfranchised bus kids everywhere, I salute you, Sci-Fi! :D
The discussion going on in this forum is very fruitful and am very pleased to know all of this stories about people who are from different backgrounds.
Its a shame moor ppl don't get involved like you. Kids that are bullied would normally not tell anyone.
You being an older kid obviously sees whats happens with riding the bus at the same time unlike the kids parents.
You did stop him from bulling but it is unfortunate that he still gets bullied when your not there.
Maybe you should try to think of a way in which you can help this kid not get bullied by helping him realize he can tell other ppl and it be OK and not be anything to feel ashamed about has well. Still you have done something which is better then doing nothing in this case.
And was good you did not go to far. Sounds like by not going to far you set a good example. After all two wrongs have never made a right.
A lot of kids bully cos they have been bullied at some point in there lives. Try and remember that at lest :)

You rock, Scifi, my man.

I had a tough time in school back in the day, always getting picked on. Worsened by the fact that nobody gave a toss in the teacher hierarchy, and even the school councelor pretty much told me that 'this is life- you gotta tuff it out'. Bullies of course threatened continued violence if their acts were made public. Which in itself seems rather insane, because they would do their stuff regardless. Guess I just thought it could somehow be made worse... Of course, we were taught that we couldn't let them egg us on, we shouldn't fight back. 'Ignore them and they will go away.' Great (bleeping) advice right there. *Grumble*

I don't think I ever stopped a bully myself, but I was lucky enough to have some help like this back then too. During one unlucky recess, one of the worse ones grabbed me by the front of my shirt and threw me down, basically, with the usual tirade of namecalling. Didn't expect one of the other kids, who basically hung out with a bully himself, to get up with his friend and scare the stuffing out of him. That one event taught me a lot about people, I'm still very grateful to the guy for his timely intervention. Met him later on when I was moving here, so the little I could do in my power, I paid him back by letting him store his stuff in the 'chickencoop' (basically a storage base at ground level with chickenwire spaces behind locks) of the apartment, and lending a hand when he needed to move it into his car. Wish I coulda done more, 'tho.

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