That moment, when you realize, you're nobody...

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May 4, 2013
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It sucks, doesn't it?

Suddenly you realize, you don't have any skills/knowledge/hobbies, no significant other, 2-3 friends you see from time to time and that you've wasted 4 years of your life working for a greedy a-hole who doesn't care about you at all and can replace you with anyone at any given time.

It hurts, it really hurts...
Better get used to it as basicly all humans are essentially nobody's and it doesnt matter rich or poor really, in the end we all die just the same. If you actually mean your social life sucks and you have trouble keeping up economics, we are not all equal in those departments, fact of our live's.

Can hurt but dont have to be that bad, assuming you still have your health and are able to pay for your internet your relatively rich :)

Memphis Slim sang about it long ago allready
VegetableMan said:
It sucks, doesn't it?

Suddenly you realize, you don't have any skills/knowledge/hobbies, no significant other, 2-3 friends you see from time to time and that you've wasted 4 years of your life working for a greedy a-hole who doesn't care about you at all and can replace you with anyone at any given time.

It hurts, it really hurts...

Yeah, it does. Here you are, so here is where you start from, right?
Skills, knowledge, hobbies sound like a good place to start. Pretty soon you'll be so interesting that everyone will want to be around you, and if not, you'll be so interesting to yourself it won't matter!
Yeah, I am a nobody, no one knows me. I won't ever have a significant other. I went up to a hot girl today, asked for her number, got turned down, laughed at by her friends, and walked out the store in a hurry feeling stupid. I can't even find friends either; can't find anyone similar to me. I don't work for anybody, though, so I don't know that feeling yet.
You know... right there with you bub. Except, here is the thing... I became someone. I mean I did it right. I work in a place that gives me power and power over my world. Stuff that I do, makes the news. Stuff that my friends do, makes the news... stuff that happens goes on to be movies... people I talk to one day are pop culture stars the next.

So, you would think this would be fulfilling. Except, to my horror and shock, no one cares. No one wants to talk about it. To them, it doesn't mean anything. Most normal people just care about what effects them in their small world. Their soft ball game... their kid... and if they know you are part of something, it is as if they go out of their way NOT to talk with you about it because it makes them feel bad.

Also feeding into something in another thread... people just want to talk about themselves. Last night something important happened that made the local news and it was pretty big and there is no one in the area that didn't know about it. I got home and two friends who know that I was involved in it, literally didn't say one thing about it. They talked about them, and their mundane concerns.

I am interesting. I have nothing but interesting stories... but no one ever asks me about them. Because it would take away from their 10 seconds of talking about themselves.

I also have no friends, or hobbies and just got done with a boss who abused me for 10 years... and, even though my new boss is great, I am starting to feel like it does hurt. Like maybe it would be better to quit, rent a studio apartment, and get a job as a bartender and just work on relationships and people... learn to bowl? Learn to drink. Learn to care about Sports teams. I woudn't be important but I would have a life and people who give a crap.
No one is a nobody. Everyone is a somebody. Everyone has skills and talent, maybe you just are recognizing them or allowing yourself to see them.
niceguysfinishlast said:
I realized that as soon as i got to college where i hardly knew anyone..

But doesn't everyone not know each other when they go to college?
HoodedMonk said:
niceguysfinishlast said:
I realized that as soon as i got to college where i hardly knew anyone..

But doesn't everyone not know each other when they go to college?

Not necessarily. In some cases a good number of grads from the same high school go to the same college. My social life nosedived after i turned 18. Yay adulthood.... fun.... not.
VegetableMan said:
It sucks, doesn't it?

Suddenly you realize, you don't have any skills/knowledge/hobbies, no significant other, 2-3 friends you see from time to time and that you've wasted 4 years of your life working for a greedy a-hole who doesn't care about you at all and can replace you with anyone at any given time.

It hurts, it really hurts...

Been there a few times, especially the working for a greedy a-hole bit.

In the grand scheme of things with the billions of people on this planet we're all nobody unless we want to be somebody. I'd rather be a nobody, when you are somebody it draws too much attention to yourself.
I'm sorry you're hurting, VegetableMan

You said that you have no skills, knowledge, or hobbies... why is that? Maybe take time to pursue your interests, if you can.. or if you don't know what your interests are, try new things until you find something you like. That is a very good basis to create friendships. But even the goal of friendships aside, finding things you love and immersing yourself in them can make life feel more worthwhile. If you can have passion about something, perhaps it won't matter so much any more whether you are "nobody" or "somebody"..

I'm very sorry if this doesn't apply to you or seems cheesy.. best of luck to you
I'm pretty much in the same boat, I wish I could become interesting or develop myself a bit more so that I can better interact with others but the process of doing that is where I always get stuck. I can't really think of much about me that remains for people to like. It seems difficult to stand out in some way other than that person who sucks at everything.
MisunderstoodVacancy said:
I'm pretty much in the same boat, I wish I could become interesting or develop myself a bit more so that I can better interact with others but the process of doing that is where I always get stuck. I can't really think of much about me that remains for people to like. It seems difficult to stand out in some way other than that person who sucks at everything.
Why does everyone need to 'stand out' and why does everyone need to be that 'unique little snowflake' all the time? Everyone really is unique, whether you know it or not, but I don't see why so much emphasis is always put on this.
Sometimes the best thing you can be for someone else is just someone there to 'listen' and talk to. You don't need any special skills or anything to do that. You just need to be there, be open, and be understanding.
That's all many people want and need. They don't need someone with remarkable abilities to do that for them, they just need 'someone' who is willing to understand and accept them.

It applies to friends, significant others, and etc. You can even apply it to the workplace, too, if you want.

Maybe it's you who isn't happy just being there for someone else? And if that's the case, the solution to that is very simple: Just do something about it.
It doesn't really matter what you do, exactly, so long as it's something you want to do. Though, if you have yet to realize what it is you want, that might be a little harder to figure out.
I personally have committed myself against the lies of the modern world.

This gives me a feeling of purpose, that my existence is not entirely futile.
It does suck. I have no one anymore. I could vanish and no one would care.
Jafo said:
It does suck. I have no one anymore. I could vanish and no one would care.

Stick around here Jafo. Help others, talk about yourself, be kind. It takes a while but people do begin to care.

I "see" all of you. All of you matter to me. I know your (online)names and see what you think, when you choose to voice it. The question is, does mattering to me, matter to you? So ok, I'm not bringing you a plate of cookies or drinking a beer with you. But I am real. What is available has got to be enough. Because it's what is available.

oooo, that felt risky.
Instead of complaining about being a nobody, what are you gonna do about it?

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