Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I think horses are so beautiful, but I am terrified of them. However, I love a good, juicy steak so I guess cows win.

Driver's license: smile or not?
I feel like a moron for saying this, but...whatever Cool Ranch Doritos are made from.

Corsage: wrist or pin-on?
^ ah, thanks - I just know they taste good, and that is saying a lot as you are well aware of my processed food phobia.

Vest, definitely.

Snacks: sweet or salty?
Jesus, aren't they basically the same? I gotta go with Springer....

Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler?
Ew...I have to pick Chevy....Steve has always creeped me out like that dirty uncle that gets drunk at family functions and leers at the young girls.

Twilight: Edward or Jacob? :p
^ cop out....

I actually prefer bowling! Great way to make an idiot of yourself and still not care that you did.

Christmas lights: multi-colored or clear?

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