Thread for anyone you know of who might need our support..

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
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i dont know what to call this but you know in church they have a prayer box that you put peoples name in

well i'm putting LONLEYLOSERS name in.

hes very suicidal and i need you'll to flood him with PM's saying not to do it.. or giving him hope or just tell him to have a nice day..

anyone else putting another name in here of someone who needs support??

please help lonelyloser!!!
You know where he lives? I think another one of those location-threads would be good for him and others here in his area to get to meet someone and get crackin!
i think he committed suicide.. or at least attempted it.. i'll update you'll when i know more. i guess i was too late
yea i hope he was punking me.. but i dont know.. does anyone else know him? did the mods see him online after sunday night?
I sent a PM when you fist made this thread hoping he would loge in to read it. He has not and has not logged into hes account for about 3 weeks now :(

lonelyloser if you read this here please let us know your still here with us. There is ppl that care you just have to fined them.

Also if you have tried taking your life you should not feel ashamed here for that. A lot here have tried it and if not tried it at least thought about it myself included :( The pain hurts when its like this and totally sucks I know. I just wish there was something moor we could do.
Bluey said:
I sent a PM when you fist made this thread hoping he would loge in to read it. He has not and has not logged into hes account for about 3 weeks now :(

lonelyloser if you read this here please let us know your still here with us. There is ppl that care you just have to fined them.

Also if you have tried taking your life you should not feel ashamed here for that. A lot here have tried it and if not tried it at least thought about it myself included :( The pain hurts when its like this and totally sucks I know. I just wish there was something moor we could do.

I also messaged him when I first saw this thread. I hope the guy's alright. Suicide is such heartbreaking stuff.
We don't know. It may well be to late :(

I guess Jales has his phone number and he has never responded.
lonelyloser is alive and well. Sorry for the scare!
That SOB. Why did he do that to you Jales?

I swear next time he does that I am going to tell you to call him and leave a message asking him how you can help him to do what ever it is. Cause he can't go making people thinking that.
jales said:
lonelyloser is alive and well. Sorry for the scare!

That is good to hear :)

And I to hope Chris is ok

Hears to old friends *risers my cup of tea cos its 7:30 in the morning*
Yeah i've PM'd quite a few silent members i used to see too. It's really not fun to not get a reply to those.
Try not to worry too much. Sometimes coming to this forum feels like pushing against the surf, it can take some effort to fight loneliness and sometimes it's hard to have that strength. I'm not sure about this but I suspect that I'm not the only one that has trouble being here when I don't feel strong enough to fight those feelings on my own.
I'm not sure if that came out right, but leaving an email to express some concern is as far as you really need to go. That will, however, be appreciated, even if you get no reply back.
I suppose sometimes it's enough just to know someone is willing to help, without ever actually receiving that aid. Knowing it's there is enough. I hope that makes sense, but if it doesn't I don't know if I can explain it better. But if you've ever felt that way I'm sure you'd understand.
I dont know if to delete this thread now or to leave it.. it was also intended to be somewhere where you can post that someone that you know needs support. (if this situation arises)

I dont know what to say about LonelyLoser either..

Right now I cant find the thing to delete threads either so I guess it will stay for a while longer
Well we stopped ppl from being able to delete there own thread a long time ago. The reason we did this was because there was some ppl that would take like 2 minutes to make a thread then there was ppl that would take a great deal of time in replying to that person and even other ppl in that thread to try and help and the creator of the thread would get upset about something and then delete it. I mean you know how a thread can change. And that the person that created it may not be hear and another person in their may be waiting to read a reply from someone and if it gets deleted that is just not fare on the ppl that took there time out to reply. Get me?

So if you want a thread deleting you still can but you have to ask one of the moderator team for it to be deleted. I would recommend to you that you do not ask for this to be deleted as it is I think a very good idea and thread.
Ouch! Sometimes deleting used to be useful to avoid fights and problems... We still being able to edit? If we change what we wrote cause we felt bad about it cause we wrote without thinking before and in not smart moment, can we edit it and put some smiles in its place? =/
Kristen is ok, but all next week really really needs people to pray, hope, wish or whatever you can say or do. She is going to have a very hard week. If thing's don't work out it's going to be bad.

Please don't ask why or question her about it. She just needs peoples support.

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