"War on Terror" scam

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2008
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My thoughts on this. Partly in responce to something said elsewhere on the forum. Don't really want to hijack that thread with this.

Our armed forces can choose to follow orders and be pawns where they end up as cannon fodder for an agenda and objectives that no one is really even sure of. I don’t agree with their decisions, but they aren’t mine to make so there really isn’t anything that can be done about it. I have signed impeachment petitions for several of our leaders in office, but for whatever reason they seem able to get away with their tyranny. I personally think this administration is probably the worst in the history of this country. Even with as many people as there are who hate them, they still seem untouchable. Perhaps we don’t even really have a democracy anymore. There seem to be many indicators that this may in fact be true. I just don’t know.

As far as people having good intentions in what they do. Have you forgotten that the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Good intentions only amount to so much. Most of the most evil acts are committed with good intentions as the excuse. What matters more to me, is that in my mind we have only given our enemies more strength. From everything I can tell they are stronger now then they have ever been.

You say we are fighting for freedom. I say wrong, that this is just a lie that is used to manipulate those who can’t see through this deception. Our soldiers are dieing for almost no reason at all. Certainly not for freedom, that isn’t even the issue. Freedom isn’t even remotely threatened. Those who say that it is are out of their minds. We are more of a danger to our own freedom then they are to it. What 10 terrorists are going to invade our border and conquer us?

Our troops today are a different kind of soldier then those who came from days gone by. They are disposable drones, not by my voice to be sure, but I wish more people would figure this out. Maybe not disposable to those that must face them face to face, but to those in power who place agenda before lives. Those who seem blind to the true cost and who fall pray to manipulations of the powerful corporate entities that more and more run this nation. When they speak of the military industrial complex, it is this fact that frightened leaders of old the most. It is the corporate industrial nightmare we have created that places value of their money before life and liberty. Only it isn’t the countries or the individual’s money they are concerned with. It is only their own. Entities within our nation able to drive it in a way that really only serves their cause and fattens their pocket books. This is the very founding bedrock of capitalistic corporate greed. The real danger of corporations to large in size. Large enough to challenge whole governments in their own right. Corporations with profit margins that surpass small nations. That have global power that is unlike anything we have ever faced in history before. That can bankrupt the many for the enrichment of the few. Isn’t it strange that since we started all the meddling that the price of a barrel of oil has only more rapidly gone up? That we seem to have no real interest in specific goals that we are certain can be achieved and instead are bent on creating a chaotic mess. How many good honest leaders have left the military because of the lack of sense of what we are doing? Because of what seems to be a plan drawn out several years ago to attack and “conquer” the whole Middle East. Something that is in and of itself a delusional pipe dream. An idea on drugs.

Is it even possible to create a true democracy under force of arms with suppression of their own media? When so many people in a country disagree with what they want? Is it even possible for a whole nation to be confined to “our” agenda without being a mere puppet? How would we fare if we were told to meet some other nations particular criteria? Would we be crippled from making our own unique decisions? From being ourselves? Are we so perfect that we have the right to tell them what they can and cannot do? We want them to think like us, but they are not us. Nor will they ever be us. Can they ever give us what we want when they want what they want? In the end they will have to think for themselves regardless of what we want. There are no guarantees we will ever get what we want even if we stay 1000 years.

I can’t help but think that by our actions we make our enemy’s cause actually seem saner. To them. To the Arab peoples. To many others the world over. They were already fighting each other. It’s their business and really none of ours. The vast majority of them have no interest in what we are doing outside of how we affect them directly. No one there is completely innocent and we have sacrificed our own innocence and become no better then they. In other parts of the world there are innocents dieing who do not have their own representatives who are armed. Yet still, we play right into our enemy’s hands. We play the game by their rules. They thumb their noses at us to invoke a response and we give them exactly the kind of attention they desire. As if we are their puppets. We behave like cattle following a carrot on a string. We ignore the fact that this idea we face has the patience of a saint. That it cares nothing about the moment. As we slowly cripple ourselves by our own lack of self control, with our own arrogant stupidity. So much money has been utterly thrown away. Do you forget that their goal is to financially break us? That this same foolishness is how they defeated the USSR? They are wining and will always be as long as we are killing their people. This is not a war against people; it is a war against a concept and an idea. An idea that is only made more powerful with act's of violence. Terrorism can never defeat terrorism. Think we are the undisputed good guys? Think again. The only distinction between them and us is that they kill their own people. The bottom line is that no one who gets involved walks away with clean hands. You think our enemy is any different then us? That most don’t only die because of the loss of those they cared about to their cause? They are a people who have fought blood feuds for generations. Why have we allowed ourselves to be sucked in?

One does not even need to even watch the media to form an opinion. Many of the fundamentals of war have been the same for 10,000 years. It will never be different. In that history, mercenaries have always been the worst of the worst. Is it startling that we have so many mercenaries there and have been hiding that fact from the very beginning? I was hardly surprised by the more recent events over the whole mercenaries scandal. The same things that are happening now have always happened. The media never had anything to do with why I think what I think. I often tend to prefer a more independent media anyways. Too often mainstream media does a poor job.

The day we left Afghanistan and set food in Iraq is the day I lost total faith in our leadership. It became obvious then that we were being manipulated and completely lied to. The fact that all the reasons we went in proved to be false was just icing on the cake, I already suspected it was total wash. Truthfully, I had grave concern from the very beginning. The very instant we declared “War on Terror”. Instead of a War on “Al-qaeda”, “The middle east”, “Iraq”, “Afghanistan”, “Islamic Extremism”. Take your pick. Instead of a more precise declaration of war. We declare war on a subjective idea. Who chooses what the term terrorist is defined as? Who decides when someone goes from a nuisance or criminal to a terrorist? When can a war on an idea ever end? Will it ever end? What would be someone’s motive for declaring a war on a subjective noun? Can terror even be defeated? Can fear be defeated? One definition of terror is: feelings of distress brought on by impending danger. Declaring a “War on Terror” comes dangerously close to declaring war on “Everyone who disagrees with us”. Which is not democracy. Such ideals are the works of fascism. It makes me realize many people don’t even understand what democracy is. Which puts us at great risk of losing that which we fail to even recognize. When we don’t even stand up for what is so obviously wrong because we fail to even recognize how or why it is wrong. Many people think this country is on the edge of collapse. There are some that talk of our own civil war. I think we are dangerously close to an abyss. I wonder at the motivations of those who so recklessly push us ever closer to the edge. For reasons that seem uncertain. This is a war that from the very beginning was unlike any other war I know of in all of history. Which gives me grave concerns as to its true objectives and intent. You cannot declare an actual war on “Terror”. How can one defeat a word? It’s not a place, an objective, a people, a nation, or an organization. Nor is it just a code name for a list of finite definitive objectives. You might as well declare a “War on People”. Or call it “Wa er afrid sa wa keel oh”.

I wish we could get more media coverage directly from the mouths of people living in that part of the world. The fact that we don’t. Well that speaks volumes. Of course I fear that if they did. They would be hand picked according to the agenda that was being pushed. Rather then chosen at random to represent the truth or how people feel. I have read some of the Middle East’s media and that speaks volumes as well. As far as I am concerned, most people in the military. They are the ones who have been brainwashed. They have been trained to think what is desired of them. To not think outside the box. Only they don’t know it. Denial is a powerful thing.

It isn’t my fault that members of our military enlisted at a time in history where soldiers are getting the shaft. That they have to fight for every scrap they get. That is just more evidence of how far we have fallen. People don’t even need to be in the armed forces to know that it’s happening. I may have at one point agreed people should still support our troops regardless of how misguided and miss directed our agendas seem, but I don’t anymore. They made the bed they are laying in. At some point people in the right places need to put their foot down and say no more. If enough of our armed forces did that and got the American people involved. I can’t imagine they could do anything to them for standing up for what they believe in. They can follow and they can die and be maimed. But they can’t stand up and take the insults of their peers that don’t agree with them? Well, I say better to die in jail then violate the Geneva Convention or habeas corpus. Habeas corpus has been around for centuries and now we disgrace our ancestors by suddenly forgetting all that they taught us? Have we forgotten why our intelligence agencies were set up as they were as checks and balances of each other? Suddenly that doesn’t matter anymore?

A while back I ran across a good example of what we are doing as a nation. A good example of how foolish we are in our policy and practices.

Economics professors have a standard game they use to demonstrate how apparently rational decisions can create a disastrous result. They call it a 'dollar auction.' The rules are simple. The professor offers a dollar for sale to the highest bidder, with only one wrinkle: the second-highest bidder has to pay up on their losing bid as well. Several students almost always get sucked in. The first bids a penny, looking to make 99 cents. The second bids 2 cents, the third 3 cents, and so on, each feeling they have a chance at something good on the cheap. The early stages are fun, and the bidders wonder what possessed the professor to be willing to lose some money.

The problem surfaces when the bidders get up close to a dollar. After 99 cents the last vestige of profitability disappears, but the bidding continues between the two highest players. They now realize that they stand to lose no matter what, but that they can still buffer their losses by winning the dollar. They just have to outlast the other player. Following this strategy, the two hapless students usually run the bid up several dollars, turning the apparent shot at easy money into a ghastly battle of spiraling disaster.

Theoretically, there is no stable outcome once the dynamic gets going. The only clear limit is the exhaustion of one of the player's total funds. In the classroom, the auction generally ends with the grudging decision of one player to 'irrationally' accept the larger loss and get out of the terrible spiral. Economists call the dollar auction pattern an irrational escalation of commitment. We might also call it the war in Iraq."

This may be the best explanation of where Bush & Co. are in terms of their Iraq war policy. Bush is desperately trying to keep the game going and hand it off to the next president.

This example works on so many levels in so many ways. An over abundant pride that refused to accept ones mistakes hoping to accept the lesser defeat and ignore the only slightly greater. It is this, which destroyed Russia.

Terrorism has always been around. It will always be around. It covers the entire globe. Terrorism is crime. There really is little distinction. Only what is a crime should always be determined by ones peers and not by some elected official. In some ways, it is every person’s right to be a terrorist, “To die for what they believe in”. It is this fact that gives us all freedom. It is a freedom we can only lose by giving up. By failing to see that we can never lose it unless we give it away. That it is only truly in our hearts. All it takes is the belief that one is free. A nation can never lose its freedom to a ragtag bunch of criminals. We are more of a danger to ourselves then they are to us. I can’t see how some people think that terrorists are more of a threat now then they have ever been. The only real threat they pose is with nuclear weapons. That we believe that other populations are more reckless with there use is a dangerous line to tread. It is something that can be debated, but never really proven. The only real difference between now and in history past is we have leadership bent on fear mongering and spreading confusion and lies. Leadership that places value on human being’s based upon who they are and exactly what they stand for. Rather then seeing all humans as being of equal value, regardless of their nationality. Leaders that see nothing wrong with striping terrorist’s basic human rights. The most important of which is a trial by a jury of their peers. A fact that leaves extremely dangerous loopholes in our policies and doctrines. Be thankful that these terrorists we fight kill their own people and are so reckless in their actions. It is this that is their greatest mistake.

We lost utterly that very day that we lost our way and violated others rights. The day that we changed laws in our own country when we already had all the tools we needed. Laws that we had no business changing. When we abandoned the high moral ground. We should never forget that should our government utterly fail us then those who stand up against it would be dubbed terrorists.

A well thought through post, whilst i don't have much time to construct a full detailed response (being at work) I would like to say i agree with you, i may not be from the states and may not be familiar with how the higher powers work on that side of the atlantic, but I have seen our forces dragged into this conflict that (like you said) aint our fight.

The eastern countries have been fighting amongst themselves (ie gaza strip, iraq, etc) and to add to the fray our forces setting down our laws in a forign environment it just wont work, if anything it just adds to the friction and adds to the body count.

What the British governments view on it all is beyond me, whether we saddled up with the americans on this or pursuing another agenda is debatable. Could it be as Borat put it 'We support your war of terror'

With relation to 'expendable / disposable troops' I think Stalin hit the nail on the head when he said, A single death is a tragedy, A million is a statistic. Sad really, to say the forces were once there to serve a just and true purpose to uphold what is right, (i know there are many military forces that still do) Im not knocking the boys n gals on the front line, they do their job very well and have more than proved their heroics and gallentry... but more the powers that send them to fight these wars. Sure i agree Saddam and his regieme did need to be brought down but how long have we been there since? And should someone else upset the powers how long before the forces are moved onto another warzone before the conflict is fully settled in the current one?
Gaining a better understanding of what really is going on in Iraq.

I should warn that some of these are VERY real and graphic.

Interesting video

Long, but good

War Profiteers 1 through 10 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="Iraq+for+Sale:+The+War+Profiteers"+"of+10"&search_type=

I don't know for sure if this is Iraq before us, but I suppose it's possible.

A little humor...

Documentary that is comming out. http://www.noendinsightmovie.com/

We put trained soldiers out of work? Oh, so now they are unemployed and many will probably fight against us rather then with us? Whoops.

Troop Surge? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhtd0yaofoU

Scott Ritter: Iraq WMD weapons inspector http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoJHOSrjQo

Our wonderful leader Bushy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_A77N5WKWM

What do you mean Saddam didn't allow groups in Iraq that didn't support "him"? You mean Al-Qaeda was his enemy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgZsMUn44ds

An Iraqi face. Someone who tells a very believable story. Not only do we fight terrorists we let in, but militias? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbr5d_XX1hA&feature=user

Trying to make sense of it all. The Lies That Lead To War 1 through 4 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="The+Lies+That+Lead+To+War"&search_type=

Dr. Dahlia Wasfi speaks out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=colcD8UVr90

Michael Ware speaks about his experience. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="The+Truth+About+Iraq+-+Michael+Ware"&search_type=

British documentaries.

American Infantry Interrigator speaks out.

General Wesley Clark speaks out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8aOiMmekGk

Permanent Military Presence in Iraq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQHeo-CMQyc

Jeremy Scahill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PckgXXSRxNg

Dr. Naba Saleem Hamid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWG6OPgA8k4

James Goldsborough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5G43TI7Nho

Ghosts of Abu Ghraib 1 through 8 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="Ghosts+of+Abu+Ghraib"&search_type=

US soldier speaks out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwwMF6biCJU

Colonel Ann Wright 1 through 3 http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...ight+-+The+Coming+War+with+Iran"&search_type=

US Soldier speaks out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Wd5dGs_F8
You Can't Win a War Crime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruky7_N2Zyg

Tim Robbins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WjonbdehO0

We are so helping the Iraqi people... right...
We blow up a dozen schools and then rebuild a couple. I don't know what sort of good that is supposed to do them...



It would make so much sense if a group of a few hundred americans met over the web and decided to go to another country and commit some horrible act. That that country would then attack our whole country because of the actions of a few. That makes perfect sense.... Of course to be more accurate it would be that americans attack say France. So then France decides to attack Brazil... It's just so senseless and stupid.

Why attacking Iran is a horrible idea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHNCGqWiufg

Impeachment of president “and” vice president http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="IMPEACH+BUSH+CHENEY+Cindy+Sheehan"&search_type=
"it's their business and none of ours"....

not really the case if you look at it from an economical perspective... they control a vast amount of oil and the world is dependent on oil to function... thus their needs either need to be satisfied (i.e they get help) OR a war breaks out, such as this one (so that someone else gets control over the world's #1 necessity).
Another thing is that intervention is sometimes inevitabe as in the case of the israel/palestine war where innocent people are being the targets of a political battle for land. Also, some of these countries are allies (i.e to US) and rejection of help would not be looked upon positively

"wish we could get more media coverage directly from the mouths of people living in that part of the world...They would be hand picked according to the agenda that was being pushed. Rather then chosen at random to represent the truth or how people feel"

Tough to say what ther truth would be... I knew someone who immigrated (i.e. escaped in his words) from Iran in his 20s... he said how all those flag burnings and people violently protesting against US and all were forced upon them by the government/military. They would be punished or often killed for any resistance... however I wonder if this is still the case sometimes in iraq?

My view onpoliticians (in any country): they don't work for the people but for their own prosperity.

As for the war in iraq... i agree, i don't believe that is was appropriate nor necessary. But unfortunately the world runs on power and wealth.
It's too late to back out from the war now, as much as you may think that they should, it would be a mistake. The reason: because the damage has been already done and now moving out would mean no control over the opposition. With the weapons of this era, US would be putting itself in danger from a security standpoint (thus they are trying to build the missle defense system)

One question though... what exactly doyou mean by disposable drones... are you referring to the soldiers themselves or to them being used as "disposable drones" by their superiors?
Guest said:
"it's their business and none of ours"....

not really the case if you look at it from an economical perspective... they control a vast amount of oil and the world is dependent on oil to function... thus their needs either need to be satisfied (i.e they get help) OR a war breaks out, such as this one (so that someone else gets control over the world's #1 necessity).
Another thing is that intervention is sometimes inevitabe as in the case of the israel/palestine war where innocent people are being the targets of a political battle for land. Also, some of these countries are allies (i.e to US) and rejection of help would not be looked upon positively

"wish we could get more media coverage directly from the mouths of people living in that part of the world...They would be hand picked according to the agenda that was being pushed. Rather then chosen at random to represent the truth or how people feel"

Tough to say what ther truth would be... I knew someone who immigrated (i.e. escaped in his words) from Iran in his 20s... he said how all those flag burnings and people violently protesting against US and all were forced upon them by the government/military. They would be punished or often killed for any resistance... however I wonder if this is still the case sometimes in iraq?

My view onpoliticians (in any country): they don't work for the people but for their own prosperity.

As for the war in iraq... i agree, i don't believe that is was appropriate nor necessary. But unfortunately the world runs on power and wealth.
It's too late to back out from the war now, as much as you may think that they should, it would be a mistake. The reason: because the damage has been already done and now moving out would mean no control over the opposition. With the weapons of this era, US would be putting itself in danger from a security standpoint (thus they are trying to build the missle defense system)

One question though... what exactly doyou mean by disposable drones... are you referring to the soldiers themselves or to them being used as "disposable drones" by their superiors?

I have researched this subject quite a bit in the past and talked to soldiers on several occasions. If you take the time to go through some of these youtube videos. Maybe you will have a better understanding of what is really going on. Honestly, the longer we stay the more dangerous the world will be for us. If we pull out now it would be better. We already have screwed up about as bad as is humanly possible. If US corporations get their hands on this oil it will be worse then it being in the Arabs hands. Though now that they hate us even more then they did before we went in. I dunno what will happen. You do realize people from all over the world travel to that region to join the Arab world against us and try to kill Americans, seriously. The longer we stay the more organized and more dangerous it is all becoming. They are many times more dangerous now then the day we went into the Middle East. We are looked at like Germany was looked at by most of the world in this conflict. Our enemies are gaining far more support then we are. Because of the mountains of innocents we have killed. The whole thing is a bloody hay day for the actual real terrorists. Every day they can declare victory. Our mainstream media is so not reporting the truth that it's frightening. People in other countries are actually getting the real news. We really are not.

Oh and I should also mention that if we do get our hands on the oil. We are more likely going to sell it at an even more insane cost then the Arabs ever did. Why would American companies even sell to America in the first place? Given a chance they will sell to the highest bidder and are likely to be even greedier then the Arabs are... So controlling the oil is rather ridiculous. All it will help is those companies that own it. At an even greater expense to everyone else. I actually learned a bit more about something from one of these videos I ran across. I already knew about this plan we had drawn up to control the Middle East. What I didn't know is that people have the insane idea that setting up a democracy in Iraq they think the whole of the middle east will just follow suit. Considering all the rest of the gross stupidity I have seen. This actually finally makes sense where before it did not. The whole oil argument always seemed to lack a certain real truth about it. I am sure it plays a small part, but it really can't be the real reason. The real reason would have to be as insane as the whole rest of it. Of course I really don't think people in that part of the world are really interested in what we want. They are after their own goals. All we have accomplished is making a total mess of things.

As far as the drones comment. How many new generals have we changed in this whole thing? I haven't even tried to keep track. Every so often Bush just boots out the guys in charge. What it really amounts to is to Bush and who ever exactly is telling him what to do. Our troops are just disposable drones. They might as well be ground hamburger from the get go. They aren't even fighting for anything sane that can be accomplished. We might as well give our troops orders to shoot each other for how stupid this whole thing is. Might as well lob nuclear weapons at our own cities. We didn't even actually go after the terrorists really in the first place. We just kind of sort of did. We are to busy fighting people who aren't even really our enemy. Who fight us because we are invaders. Not because they even want to hurt innocents. If we behaved like we are about any other place in the world as we are in Iraq we would get the exact same sort of behavior and results.

What is worse is we are so close to economically crashing.... The whole thing is just stupid. Seriously consider investing in foreign currency and rare metals. Many people in other parts of the world have been boycotting our goods for years now. The longer we stay and the more angry they become the more our goods will be spit upon. Many people are just not aware of how far we have fallen. We are hated all over the world now... HATED... Look around on the web a bit and just see how many people from other parts of the world spit curses at america.

Yes, it will be a nightmare when we leave, but we are the root of the whole problem in the first place. The fighting will never end as long as we are there killing people. Not in 1000 years. We have to leave for the huge wound we have created to ever heal. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives because of what we did and even more will before it is over. What is even of greater concern is the fact that if we continue cutting off peoples rights in our own country. If we continue this steady progression towards tyrannical fascism. It won't be long before we are attacked by our own, none Muslim, American terrorists. Do a little research and you will realize there is a rapidly growing movement that is very afraid (of our government) and calling right now for civil war. Don't believe it? More and more people are starting to see this as true. Do some web research and the number of websites all saying things in this ballpark are staggering. While I don't really agree with much of what they say. They do speak some amounts of truth.

China's hold on us is growing by leaps and bounds and alot of it is coming about because of this war we cannot afford.


You know what i think of this: useless propaganda. 9/11 was a set up, lets blame illuminati, if you really look at it, these were cargo jets... bullshit. These losers want a revolution, they'll get it and they won;t know what hit them, all because they feel a need to fight some fabricated conspiracies.
Yeah i don't agree with US attacking Iraq, nor do i agree with the way the war is being handled... but this will all change, they'll get smart with time because they'll realise that consequences if this war gets even further out of their grasp.

As for this video, yea, let's fight this new world order and put a smile on the terrorists faces because they or a bunch of loser revolutionists were able to instill a couple of conspiracies and provide a national uproar or even a civil war. And these enlightening lyrics ... wow i never hear anything like it; fight back llike vladimir putin!... yeah i completely agree, let's take example from a former KGB leader (i'll just leave it at that... and just in case, notice the sarcasm in my comment).

You think the US can just pull out of the war, declare defeat and pack up and go home... this thing can never happen, not in this world with the type of warfare available. This war needs to play out until one side drops, and let's **** pray its the terrorists. Like you said, this wound will not be healed anytime soon, and exactly that, if US pulls out, what do you think the likelyhood of an attack is...
Mistakes were made, wars were started, and now peoples lives will pay the price of it no matter if the war continues or not, and these revolution propaganda crap are most definately not helping the cause. Too bad, what the hell is wrong with these people, wars existed since pretty much the beginning of time for the stupidest of reasons... they should stop worring about pointless crap and get a life and job for that matter.

I just felt like neutrally blowing off some steam after a not so great day. and so i picked this topic... just want to let you knw that none of this is against you skorian (if it may seem like it is)

PS. i find the army quite intriguing... i considered it at some point but living in Canada and all i wan't too optimisitc about going to war armed with Plastic forks and knives stolen from KFC (that pretty much sums up the power of our army... lol)
Guest said:
PS. i find the army quite intriguing... i considered it at some point but living in Canada and all i wan't too optimisitc about going to war armed with Plastic forks and knives stolen from KFC (that pretty much sums up the power of our army... lol)

LOL hahaha glad someone over there recognizes it. :)
Guest said:

You know what i think of this: useless propaganda. 9/11 was a set up, lets blame illuminati, if you really look at it, these were cargo jets... bullshit. These losers want a revolution, they'll get it and they won;t know what hit them, all because they feel a need to fight some fabricated conspiracies.
Yeah i don't agree with US attacking Iraq, nor do i agree with the way the war is being handled... but this will all change, they'll get smart with time because they'll realise that consequences if this war gets even further out of their grasp.

As for this video, yea, let's fight this new world order and put a smile on the terrorists faces because they or a bunch of loser revolutionists were able to instill a couple of conspiracies and provide a national uproar or even a civil war. And these enlightening lyrics ... wow i never hear anything like it; fight back llike vladimir putin!... yeah i completely agree, let's take example from a former KGB leader (i'll just leave it at that... and just in case, notice the sarcasm in my comment).

You think the US can just pull out of the war, declare defeat and pack up and go home... this thing can never happen, not in this world with the type of warfare available. This war needs to play out until one side drops, and let's **** pray its the terrorists. Like you said, this wound will not be healed anytime soon, and exactly that, if US pulls out, what do you think the likelyhood of an attack is...
Mistakes were made, wars were started, and now peoples lives will pay the price of it no matter if the war continues or not, and these revolution propaganda crap are most definately not helping the cause. Too bad, what the hell is wrong with these people, wars existed since pretty much the beginning of time for the stupidest of reasons... they should stop worring about pointless crap and get a life and job for that matter.

I just felt like neutrally blowing off some steam after a not so great day. and so i picked this topic... just want to let you knw that none of this is against you skorian (if it may seem like it is)

PS. i find the army quite intriguing... i considered it at some point but living in Canada and all i wan't too optimisitc about going to war armed with Plastic forks and knives stolen from KFC (that pretty much sums up the power of our army... lol)

This post was ages ago, but I just want to say not all of the conspiracy stuff is wrong. Some goes out into wacko land, but some of it may well be true. There is alot of evidence to support that it is. Like the fact that Bin Ladin used to and maybe even still does work for the CIA. His family has powerful connections. One thing I find interesting is there are some arab people who are agast that on several occasions we let Bin Ladin slip away when we knew where he was and had a chance to get him. So some arabs who want him dead think we aren't really interested him. The biggest problem I see is if our media is telling the truth. Then were is all the interviews of muslims? Where is their voice? We dare not let it out because most of them won't tell us what people in power want for us to hear. When you start looking at what the arab peoples are saying you realize just how stupid this war is.

Also, there is no reason we can't just declare victory and leave. No reason at all. We gain absolutly nothing by staying. It benifits no one. There is no greater risk of being attacked. They attack us every few years and no matter what we do that will never change. Mostly though people there who are interested in that kind of thing are more interested in attacking their own people then us. It's kind of like in Star Wars where the tigher the empire squeezes the more people will rebel. There is a point at which agression results in an opposing force because it goes too far. We have done so many horrible things to the arabs over the decades that it can't really be said that we don't have it comming. That said events as large as 9/11 can not happen without people in a high place in our own country either being directly responsible or pulling strings to let it happen. Too many things just magically didn't take place that day that usually take place. There were too many oddities to be a coincidence.

Not leaving is so rediculous. It's no different then trying to outright defeat all crime, drugs, or poverty. It's never going to happen. There will always be terrorists. The harder you try to abuse a people the more people will rise up. It's crazy to think we can just subjugate a whole population and then be shocked that they resist.

It's all just so crazy. We are not really going after the terrorists. We never really went after them other then a little bit in afganistan. The majority of those who we kill are members of militias and innocents. We can't really want a democracy in Iraq. Iran had a democracy and we destroyed it a good while back. We can't really be after oil. Because even if an american company has that oil so the heck what. Doesn't mean they won't still sell to the highest bidder american or not. It can't be because we are trying to help Iraqies. We have killed so many innocents, made even more homeless, and ruined their infastructor. What it amounts to is corporations are pushing our government and we the people around. This war is so a few companies can get rich while our people and government are drained of money. How stupid are we?
no, i don't what are you refering to cleocatra?

Anyways, it probably wasn't too bad just to go in adn look for memebers of al-quaida

But to go in and just take out some ones government was a bad idea, even if saddam was a dictator. Without a government chaos is rampant, and we caused a lot of distress for the civilians and i really don't think it was worth it. I highly doubt we will be able to set up a stable government.
Princess Cleocatra said:
You really thing we're in Iraq to spread democracy..? A lot of people believe we're in Iraq because of China.. Anyone here know what I'm referring to? Or has someone already mentioned it..?

China could be pulling some strings. It's possible, but honestly, I think more likely companies like Halaburton themselves are pulling the strings.

If you listen to what some of the generals who have left our armed forces are saying you will find out there is a war plan made several years ago that posses the idea that we can force the whole area to adopt democracy. The whole idea is retarted, but who ever created the whole plan may well have believed their idiocy. The arab people aren't against democracy. Iran had a democracy. Many people there want a democracy. Only they want "their" own democracy. Not ours. There is a huge difference.
evanescencefan91 said:
no, i don't what are you refering to cleocatra?

Anyways, it probably wasn't too bad just to go in adn look for memebers of al-quaida

But to go in and just take out some ones government was a bad idea, even if saddam was a dictator. Without a government chaos is rampant, and we caused a lot of distress for the civilians and i really don't think it was worth it. I highly doubt we will be able to set up a stable government.

Evan. Saddam hated al-quaida. There were no known al-quaida members in Iraq until we made a mess of the situation and they got in and stared recruiting tons of people to their cause. Cause some of all these people Saddam murdered were like people like al-quaida members. Saddam killed them if he knew they were there. More like murdered them, but still. Saddam didn't just kill random people. He killed people that resisted and disliked him. Including members of al-quaida. Now we are doing exactly the same honeysuckle as Saddam was. Only we are even worse, by far, then he was.

Tons of people who are fighting us there now that we call terrorists or enemy combatants. A whole bunch of them are literally just members of militias. No different from our minute men who fought the British. We are unwanted invaders trying to conqure them. Only a few people are setting up bombs to blow others up. These militias do I think go around trying to cleanse other groups who believe in slightly different religions. They are not members of al-quaida, out to attack america, or really terrorists. Largely though people are just trying to protect one another from each other and from americans who are butching tons of innocent women and children. They really don't like us bombing their schools and hospitals.

We act like they are all idiots, but they aren't. They have schools, hospitals, universities. There are alot of poor people as they are a very class ridgid type of society, but all in all they aren't that different then we are. They have huge buildings and cities just like we do. If they were so stupid, they wouldn't have all the things they do or I should say did. We have blown whole towns up. Then we say we are rebuilding honeysuckle for them. Why yes, now that we blew up their schools they do need more new ones... Most of them don't live in mud huts. They have alot of the stuff we have. Especially their wealthy. Now because of us half a million are dead and a third of the country is homeless.
Al-Quaida (sp) wasn't ever very strong of an organization to begin with. It's not like a standing army. What we did though is made them a freaking household name. Most people all over the world had never heard of them before all our stupidity. Now we have basically gave them a HUGE recruiting bill board. Billions of people know about it now. Which is great for them and terrible for us. I still think they aren't very powerul, but they are stronger and more connected now then they were a few years ago. They have grown in size and number. Bush is a retard. Fighting will never end as long as people are dieing. We fuel their freaking cause with every arab we kill. Everyone we kill is like good for at least 2 fresh recruits. From what I understand now because of how stupid we are Al-quaida is in South America too. Which is what really has people scared because they can walk honeysuckle across our borders now. I think we should give Bush to them and let them hack his head off. Though probably they love him. Cause he is giving them exactly what they really want. They want to unite the arab world against everyone else. Only most Arabs are not interested. The more we push the more enemys we will get cause people will consider what they once wouldn't have considered. If someone hates you and you don't want them to. Do you sling curses at them or try to be nice to them? Even if you don't give them what they want or back down to them. Doesn't mean you treat them like crap.

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