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What is weakness to you? Does it exist, according to you?

How do you treat people you percieve as weak? Or avoid them altogether?

I "believe" in weakness, and see quite some of it in me. And that's good, would be boring if i didn't have that at this age, need some goals to work on, don't we?
Yes it exists. Weakness is when I succumb to the feelings of faltering or falling through, or allowing myself to be negative.

I used to take honeysuckle from people... who would fall in this category. I perhaps still do. But I've learned to avoid them or abandon if it is only making me feel badly.
ladyforsaken said:
Yes it exists. Weakness is when I succumb to the feelings of faltering or falling through, or allowing myself to be negative.

I used to take honeysuckle from people... who would fall in this category. I perhaps still do. But I've learned to avoid them or abandon if it is only making me feel badly.

Would you agree that it is weakness that you would take honeysuckle from people?
Depends totally on the version of 'weak', and yes, it exists. I myself am very weak and succumb easily to blind rages after certain criteria have been met. I'm also weak to anime, but that's rather inconsequential. :)

Guess it depends on what you consider weakness. While some may view the meek and clumsy to weak, I certainly don't. Some dude accidentally trips and throws a slushee at me, it's not too big a deal. I get to smell fantastic until I shower next, and my only concern would be ants. Just an example. :)

Weak people, though, that have no strength to push forward, to try and change their lives, deserve at least consideration, and a helping hand. If you can't convince someone to stand up and do something, it's their loss. They have to either get their willpower up, or find some motivation. If all else fails, then let someone else try and step in.

But, in the end, it all depends on what we each see as a detriment, or a weakness. Some people may even see themselves as frail, and unable, weak, but are truly strong, and just need that helping hand to let them see clearly.
It depends really... I considered it a weakness to feel bad about things like being alone, and be happy for what I have. I considered it a weakness to talk about it or try to find help for it. But for some reason...here I am. I guess overall weak people tend to take things out on others, which I often do. There's also quite a few other forms of weak, and I feel that it all depends on someone's perspective.
Everyone has some weakness. For instance, I have a weakness to chocolate chip cookies. :p I don't like to be judged on my cookie addiction, so I try not to judge others based on what I perceive as their weakness.

The only time I do judge is when a persons weakness puts themselves or others in harms way. Even then I try and help, if possible. So I guess my answer is, if a person's weakness is mostly harmless, I try to understand. If the weakness is dangerous, I do my best to help in any way I can.
ladyforsaken said:
Yes it exists. Weakness is when I succumb to the feelings of faltering or falling through, or allowing myself to be negative.

I used to take honeysuckle from people... who would fall in this category. I perhaps still do. But I've learned to avoid them or abandon if it is only making me feel badly.

You do seem like you've added a layer of armor lately LF.
Rosebolt said:
Would you agree that it is weakness that you would take honeysuckle from people?

Yeah, that is a form of weakness, I suppose. Guess I still have quite a lot of weaknesses, eh? :\

SophiaGrace said:
You do seem like you've added a layer of armor lately LF.

You think so? Just don't want to go into a deep dark hole of depression again.. it wasn't very nice the last time I was there. So.. no one is there to protect me, but myself. I'm still trying..
I believe that weakness does exist. To me Weakness refers to always making mistakes (not learning from previous experiences), not resisting certain things in your life, giving in to peer pressure too easily and giving up without a fight. I'm definitely weak when it comes to food and a lot of the time it is consumed out of boredom, unhappiness and because I just love food.
Weakness is not necessarily a bad thing. It's often simply a comparative term when one person's strength is less than the norm.

I am generally compassionate toward people who have weaknesses, as we all have them, but not at the expense of my own mental well-being. If someone else's weakness is pulling me down and all help is being refused, I'm hitting "EJECT" before we both go down in flames.

Sometimes though, I wish we all saw the human race as one large cooperative where when one person stumbles another is right there to pick them up to carry on. But that's not always the case, is it?
Of course weakness exists, if we didn't have them we wouldn't be human. There is no such thing as perfect.

One of my weaknesses is that i have no self confidence at all ever but i am trying to work on it (long hard process)

If i see someone with a weakness i try and offer any help or support i can if they want it. If not then i will leave them alone until they ask for any. If they are rude about it however that does annoy me.
I don't know what weakness looks like. I wish I knew because I've been tormented all of my life and I assume its because I'm an easy target. People take my kindness for weakness continuously. If I were to describe in me what may be perceive as weakness it would be not being assertive enough, maybe smiling too much, the desire to treat everyone with kindness and respect, and giving people chance after chance when they treat me poorly.

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