What do you regret the most?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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Where the faeries live, Silly.
What's the one thing/event/decision that has occurred in the past that you regret the most? If you could, would you go back and change it?? Why or why not? Does regret serve any purpose?
Naleena said:
Does regret serve any purpose?
No useful purpose IMHO.
It can cause depression, envy and other maladies.
Don't look in the rear-view mirror. Learn from the past to make the future brighter, but forget regret. Regret is futile.
I regret not telling Jenni how much i love her.
I regret not following my heart and my gut.
I regret not accepting that she turely loves me.
I regret taking her for granted..that she would always be here and alive.
I regret for not being able to face my fears or let go of whatever fucken BS i was carrying.
I regret for not being a strong enough.

I'm not sure if it served my purpose...
but it drove me out of my fucken mind and cutted me at the fucken core my being.
I fucken hated myself...and that's the god **** truth....ok
I don't need any fucken ass wipes to remind me of how much of a fresia up i am.

Life is too fucken short..real short. It's cut N dry and direct without the fucken red tape for me ,now.
I don't worry about any fucken BS anymore. I don't worry about what anyone thinks about me anymore.
You can redicule me a million times...it's is not worth an ounce of the love Jenni had for me.

I'm not afriad any more...I'm not afriad to tell someone i love and care for them anymore.
I appriciate whatever love, friendship anyone gives me today, i don't take it for grated anymore.
I aprriciate every little breathe i take today.
I aprriciate even the tears i cry today.

She's fucken dead
And I'm still alive...
Acceptence is a son of a fucken *****.
I'm not fucken hard wired anymore that's for god **** sure.
l regret buying in Turkey to start a new life,which l thought would be something of a benefit towards me.
l should've taken the easier option and downgrade with some of the capital left over and invest in that in England.
Change of subject:l wondered if it is allowed on here to post the photos of my two properties on here,with the thought of selling them.
I can only pick one?

I regret not asking my friend Ashley out, back in the 6th-8th grade or so. She was cute, nice, smart...a decent individual. And I think she was the only girl to ever actually like me or even talk to me, really. Maybe she'd have friendzoned me for good but at least I would know, then. I constantly wonder if maybe I didn't miss out on something there.

I would not change it. I might still be stuck in California. And given such an early change in my path, I probably wouldn't have gone in to the line of work I chose...and I think I love my work more than I will ever love a person.

I regret not manning up when I met Alex face-to-face. I regret making eye contact all of twice, being too shy and lost to say anything for two days, and I regret letting shame take over and multiply the effect a thousand-fold. I regret being boring and basically having no life, nothing of substance to present to her as a person. Maybe I'd be the guy in these pictures instead of the guy looking at them.

Then again, maybe not.

I would change this. I knew what I wanted to do when I knew Alex. I have followed that plan almost exactly. If only I had her to at least talk to when I get off work, I think I'd be just *loving* life. Instead, I am left with regret. This is possibly my greatest regret, for I can think of no other to match it. Things have brought me tension, stress, disappointment in myself and others. Sadness. But nothing has ever brought me such outright Woe. To have known the touch of her lips, just once. Just once...

I think regret serves a heavy purpose to some. Most people have at least some regrets, even if they say otherwise (though some are genuinely regret-free). But I think regrets are the learnings of life's hard-taught lessons, permanent or no, and they teach us that we better not fresia up again. Regrets are the punishments we bear for our mistakes. They're the reminders of the past that will always be with us in all their severity, never letting us forget, lest we repeat the error. We begin collecting them when we're young, and depending on the sort of person you are, they accompany us in to the grave.

I wonder, when all is said and done and I'm on my death bed, if perhaps the regrets will be all I'm left with. Will anyone be with me? What will be my final thoughts? Will I be able to take comfort in relics from my career? Or after recounting everything, before my terminal breath, will I be thinking of Alex, and that sinking feeling? Will my last instant be one of suffering and incompletion?

Does it really matter?

In the end, I guess not...once I'm dead, I won't care anymore, I suppose.

I like these topics Naleena posts in bunches every now and again. Makes ya think.
I regret not finishing school and getting a degree so I could have a well paying job, the last two years have been tough not being able to work because of my back and now I've taken a job under the table part time because thats all I could get and I'm grateful it pays me something but it's half the normal wage and to top it off I'm sure I'm gonna get fired soon because I'm not making the quota of sales today I was so stressed out waiting to see what would happen and tomorrow is going to be another stressful day I didn't get any sleep lastnight. Life's not good when you don't have any money that's why I had to go back to school but thank god I'm learning a job that will see me through to my 60's I just need to finish this year and all would be good.

I regret being a quiet person and an introvert in my early 20's and teens it did me no good and all I had was bad self esteem, it's only now since I have gotten older that the memories have faded and Ive changed, I've missed out on opportunities. Like the times I wouldn't talk to people because I had anxiety, the times I have cried over thinking "What's wrong with me", the days going up the wall because I had no one to do anything with and a year ago I regretted being born, didn't want to live here what was the point and couldn't see a future ahead of me. I regret not having children when I had the chance, it's going to be a while and I don't want to be an old mother.
Not working hard in study.There was a major exam that I should study for but I went play in the arcades.And now I cannot go to the course and end up in a course that I am bad at.(I dun really like the course too.)
I regret being loser for the last 7 years.. MAJOR fresia-up.. can anyone do me one better (or worse?) ..didn't think so
I regret getting involved with my ex and for screwing around in college when I was 18. I could have my bachelor's now instead of having to wait till December of 2010. I also regret not appreciating my family and some of my lost friends.
Well the biggest descision I made that most regret, was moving to Connecticut from Kansas.

Had I known how things were going to be, and how I was going to be accepted by my family here (or should I say UN-accepted) I would have stayed in Kansas.

I have been in CT now for about 10 years, and It's just not for me. I am not much of a snow/winter person, I have had no luck finding a companion here, and I don't get to do a lot of things in my line of work that I got to do back home that I liked to do.

That being said, I think it actually did me good to get out of Kansas and experiance life somewhere else. Although I have a lot of bad memories here, I have gotten to do a lot of things since I have been here that I would not have gotten to do had I stayed in Kansas.

So it's kind of 50/50 for me.

This year I am going to start visiting places, probably down further south (where it stays warm all year, LOL) and find some place I like and probably move down that way.
I regret being too afraid to do anything out of my 'comfort zone'. Like talk to people or join in on an activity.

I also regret how I dealt with high school. I had a lot of bitterness during that time and it prevented me from enjoying many aspects of school.

I also regret certain situations that I could have probably handled better. I guess all I can do is live with my mistakes and learn from them.
I have lots and lots of regrets but what is done is done.

I think people do what they think is right at the time and it's all life experiences that make you what you are.
Not taking adequate measures to help myself recover from a violent street attack. Instead of getting back on the horse, or going to the doctors, I did nothing except allow the paranioa to brew - stupid, costly and infinately avoidable.
There are plenty of things I regret. I'll condense much of it down to wasting my junior high ang high school years. Now, I'm playing catch up :( If things don't change, I'll be adding, "wasting my college years."
I regret not standing up to my "father".

I regret allowing him to destroy my self confidence.

I regret not dating Joyce when I had the chance. (Long story)

But I regret wasting the last few years in a dead end marriage the most.:(
I regret so many things, almost everything? There are few things in life that I have been truly satisfied with, you know, things that have made me think that I actually made the right choice. In the end I wouldn't want to do any of it differently though, becouse even the dark and painful times have made me grow as a person.
I'm regretting that I've spent the last 2 months being selfish and idle, but I'm glad I've finally hit rock bottom. I now have motivation to get off my arse and try...
I think having regrets ensures we will not repeat our mistakes. regret is a constant reminder hanging over our heads, reminding us not to repeat our mistakes. Its a neccessary evil in my opinion. And I basically never forgive myself for things i've done beccause of this bit of logic :/

I regret leading a dear friend on, making him believe I was available and then having to tell him i was going out with someone. he never forgave me for it and now he's dead :(

I mean in hindsight I understand exactly what my errors were, but this realization means nothing. I'm still not sure he would forgive me today if he was still alive. And that really kills me.

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