What Do You Think Are The Ingredients That Make Up The Perfect *******?

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Apparently this.

im not sure what the ingredients are to make a perfect one.. but it sure isnt what ever was in my supper last night! that's all i'm gonna say.
This thread fills my toguhts with possible replies that lack decorum...

But why is the word "*******" related to something bad? ******** are a good thing! if it wasn't for them, we would have exploded a long time ago!
:) The perfect ass

:rolleyes2: Oh sorry LK, you wanted the perfect *******.
LoneKiller said:
What things do people say and do make them an *******. I'll begin with guys who walk around constantly talking about how often they sleep with women, and are constantly making sexual jokes. What other factors do you think go into making the perfect *******?

This might be therapeutic for me, haha.  Anyway, what do I think makes the perfect *******?

Definitely what you said: guys who talk about how often/how many women they sleep with and always making sexual jokes.  It's obnoxious, low-class, and rubs their good luck in others' face (I don't care about the amount, but being able to be with someone at all is very hard for some).  I hate when bad people have good luck, but so often, that seems to be the case.

Arrogance, aloofness, dismissiveness, which is bad enough by itself but especially when the person doing it has no business acting like that, because they are far from perfect themselves.

Strength and money.  I'm not saying everyone who has these things is automatically an *******.  There are lots of people who have one or the other or both who are not.  Hell, I'd like to have both myself, I think I would have felt a lot better about myself if I had.  But I have found that often times, when someone has these things, especially if they realize early on in life that they have more of these things than others, it goes to their heads and they believe they are inherently better than others - and a lot of people then go along with this too. Mostly looking at the guys with this one.  But for women, it's usually the ones who realize they are better-looking than others, and it goes to their heads too, and they feel like they can act dismissively of everyone - except the most powerful guys, of course.

The dominant personality.  Someone who can't just do their own thing but has to make their whole life about edging others out or showing others up.  Someone who makes it a point to be tougher or cooler or edgier than others.  People who make a big deal out of being cocky or "dangerous".  Someone who mocks others when the other person didn't do anything to them first.  Basically a person who needs to bully others, or turns everything into a hierarchy or competition, with them at the top, conveniently.  

People who think status is more important than if someone is good or not.

People who take showiness to extremes, because they are using it as a form of competition.  People who peacock.  "Swag" people, mainly.

People who are always mocking other people or things, always making sarcastic remarks about everything, always being critical.  Always playing the game of insults and comebacks, teasing, "negging", being overly facetious and smug, etc.

People who don't get that what's easy for some, isn't easy for all.  People who don't acknowledge their own dumb luck and act like their successes are because they're just "better" than you.  

Social Darwinists. People who are really into survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle, and think that life should be more like that, not less, and if you're having a hard time in life, you deserve it. Of course, they only believe that as long as they think they are the fittest. As soon as that's proven otherwise, they complain and wonder why things aren't working for them, as much as anyone.

People who think kicking others when they are down is OK, especially when they act like they are "the good guys".  Especially those who bully others when they should know better, claiming to be the good guys but really just trying to assert dominance over someone even smaller than them, so they can finally join the "In Crowd".  People who get their rocks off by shaming others who are already struggling.

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