When to speak and when to keep mum

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Dec 20, 2011
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Everyone would have heard the quote "Wise men speak when they have something to say, and fools speak when they have to say something."

I've given deep thoughts to this, and found that I usually speak in both conditions, when I've something important to speak, or when I just have to speak something, because I've been quiet for a long time and the other person(s) is/are only speaking.

When in group, I usually speak very less, when there's something going of my interest (maybe this is one of the reasons I'm known as someone who can be relied on and always gives correct information with no pranks or jokes). But when I'm in one-to-one conversation, I just have to speak something. Otherwise I'd look stupid, or the other person might wonder that why this person doesn't speaks anything and look away (like when you're meeting someone for the first time).

I usually just say "hmmm", or give a smile, but that sure would seem really weird to the other person, I know. I just can't figure what should I do.

I wanna be a person that I have in my mind....someone who doesn't speaks much, stays quiet...speaks only very useful information. But is this even ok?
SophiaGrace said:
define very useful information :p

lol...that's a tough task. useful in the sense, speaks only at times when really required to speak, and keeping quiet rest of the times, even when i know i can speak a lot about the topic going on.
i onely speak when something needs to be said, and even than onely if i feel like it :p

if you feel comfortable with the way you are, than there is nothing wrong with it.
if people have a problem with it than that is their problem.
if you feel uncomfortable with people getting uncomfortable than you might need to say a little more at times.

i prefer it when people just say what they mean, what needs to be said without the useless chatter.
ofc its ok, but sometimes people might misunderstand or take it the wrong way.
or if they want to be entertained they might go looking for someone else.
so it is ok if that is what you want but there can be some consequences.

example of verry usefull information,
I find it easier to write down my thoughts. Gives me time to assert what I think, and make adjustments if I am unhappy with how my thoughts 'sound'. Whereas when I get talking, I'm either dumbstruck or gabble on nervously. Really wish I had some more control over it.
Thank everyone for all the responses. I'll give some time specially to think about issues with me...it should help me figure out what do I want to achieve and how should I do it :)