where do you go?

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I just sit in my room and maybe listen to some music. Nowhere to go around here.
Hello, I just listen to this... . After I listen to it everything becomes alot better...
Dudes, some posts made me depressed. Gee!!! Lets try to be a bit more positive!!! Bluey and Robin, you both are really nice.
When i used to live in rio, i used to like to drive in the night, all the city with the lights on and people on the beach playing soccer or exercising themselves and the stores and restaurants opened with music and people laughing. Aterro do Flamengo is the most beautiful place to drive at night. I miss it.
I would say adopt a pet, I once had a boxer we named Sox, he is long past now but that ole boy loved me and i did the same. Whenever I would come home he was always waiting for me just to sit next too he would love to sit on my feet and low howl to my music......Whenever life was bad Sox would be there with the innocense of a child in his eyes:( God I miss him
Hmm, well when I feel like that I do not go anywhere near any of the larger cities (SF or SJ) they just make me feel lonelier. All the people trekking to and fro, no one talks to you, no one looks up from whatever it is they are doing.. No, cities emmanate too much of an isolating feeling for me. I got to the mountains. I go for short hikes, I get away from people and sometimes when I do, I meet a few people out doing the same thing as I. And if I can't go out into the hills, I play with my cats, read, watch an awesome mood-boosting video that Robin was so kind enough to share with us, and whatever else I can manage to do, and hope the feeling passes quickly by not thinking on it too much..
Princess Cleocatra said:
Hmm, well when I feel like that I do not go anywhere near any of the larger cities (SF or SJ) they just make me feel lonelier. All the people trekking to and fro, no one talks to you, no one looks up from whatever it is they are doing.. No, cities emmanate too much of an isolating feeling for me. I got to the mountains. I go for short hikes, I get away from people and sometimes when I do, I meet a few people out doing the same thing as I. And if I can't go out into the hills, I play with my cats, read, watch an awesome mood-boosting video that Robin was so kind enough to share with us, and whatever else I can manage to do, and hope the feeling passes quickly by not thinking on it too much..

I know what you mean, you never feel as lonely as when you're drowning in a crowd of people.

Sean, I think that it's not just England where people act so coldly. I'm fairly convinced it's just in those sort of pressure cooker metropolitan areas, where (whether out of malice or fear) people feel the need to distance themselves from others.

Personally I just coup myself up in my room or take a walk at night (I get to nervous in the day). Maybe watch some "slice of life" crap or mash some buttons on melty blood, anything that makes you forget that you're in the room at all.
i don't want to live... don't want to die either... I drink alot and hate... thats where i go.
You shouldnt drink... Why you dont look for a doc. Maybe he will give you some pills that will make you feel better. I dunno but yeah.. I feel the same as you.
Music helps, preferably something that gets you pumped and pissed off at life so you start thinking about how to kick life's ass.
I'm in high school and cant drive...so I tend to sneak out a lot at night to just walk around. I've learned to aviod the police (we have a curfew in town...I'm not a criminal or anything, quite the contrary >.<) and enjoy the night. Its my only time during the week I have to really just feel free and relaxed and think.

there are times when I just want to get away from it all, when my nightly escapades arent enough. I wish to just walk off into the night and not stop, to journey into the unknown and really experience life. Sitting here alone in a room filled with distraction devices is unhealthy and not what I want from life. I dont want to be distracted, I want to be enjoying life and all its nooks and cranny's...I'm not a hippy but can be considered a radical socialist (but not communist radical...) and I like technology even if it will be my downfall, I just want freedom from a system that has held me down all my life.
Fulgrim said:
I'm in high school and cant drive...so I tend to sneak out a lot at night to just walk around. I've learned to aviod the police (we have a curfew in town...I'm not a criminal or anything, quite the contrary >.<) and enjoy the night. Its my only time during the week I have to really just feel free and relaxed and think.

there are times when I just want to get away from it all, when my nightly escapades arent enough. I wish to just walk off into the night and not stop, to journey into the unknown and really experience life. Sitting here alone in a room filled with distraction devices is unhealthy and not what I want from life. I dont want to be distracted, I want to be enjoying life and all its nooks and cranny's...I'm not a hippy but can be considered a radical socialist (but not communist radical...) and I like technology even if it will be my downfall, I just want freedom from a system that has held me down all my life.

Hey, thats kool man , i really wish i could do that ,it sounds so soothing.

I just have to face the honeysuckle as its thrown at me. cant say i like it but it makes u really strong from inside. Like about a month ago i was feeling lonely and i called this guy i knew, cant say i enjoyed that call coz. All he does is try to demean me, and say this person said this bad thing about me eventhough they havnt really said so as well as telling honeysuckle like that to ppl with my name on it. Ah well...i know this kinda stuff makes u stronger inside...but how strong does one really need to get if he or she cant even enjoy life???
I escape from my horrific pain and emotions hiding myself in my world, trying to disconnect myself from reality.

It's an unfathomable journey, a world where pain never existed for me and will never. I can create my world, the way I want it.

I lose myself in my imagination. First I start visualizing myself falling in a big black hole, after this I imagine the new place where I want to be. Then I fantasize myself there present, I imagine myself there among some landscapes I want. And many other things which make me feel better. The best to imagine is, things I wish to have, visualizing that I already have them and enjoy them. That is really great.

I create my own world of dreams and live in it.
I do self meditation (just TRY to think about nothing)
I dream about erotic fantasies.

That is what I do to get away from pain. I deny the pain, and the reality.
When reality is the pain. I deny reality, then automatically pain.

I try to imagine beautiful things as much as I can.
Later I start thinking how I'm, Who I'm, What I'm. etc. Almighty, Immortal, etc.

It's very important when I am in my world to think like "I'm a god", "A flawless and immortal being".
I load my imaginations always only with positiveness. Sometimes when my evil thoughts try to attack me,
I Imagine all them trapped in a cloud, watching at the cloud how it gets away and I laughter at it until it disappears.

It's my world, there everything is perfect and I am the god.

Go beyond the reality. Create your own world of dreams.
And you will escape from pain. Forget about reality.

This is what I do, to escape from my joyless solitude, which causes me horrific pain.
Ekstra said:
Music helps, preferably something that gets you pumped and pissed off at life so you start thinking about how to kick life's ass.

Good description.