Would you rather..

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Well, I've played the part of a goody two shoes for most of my life, so I might as well just stick to it.

Would you rather be quickly forgotten or hatefully remembered?
hatefully remembered then at keast i could leave with a smug grin

hatefully remembered

Would you rather be quickly forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Incognita said:
Would you rather be quickly forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Well, it's not going to bother me one way or the other 'cause I'm gonna be dead. It's each and every person left behind that needs to worry about which choice is made: either choosing to lose their peace of mind by keeping their heart filled with hate, or deciding to say, "You know what, to Hell with that guy," and MOOOOVE ONNN!!!

SADNESS, until finally leveling out to an even keel, or EUPHORIA, with immediate, extreme let-down?

Idea from---> .
Sadness. I'm always like that anyway, well, more bittersweet than anything, but still. It'd be nice to know it'd even out in the end.


If you could have only one would it be perfect health or an extremely large back account?
I would live in a shack with someone I like. Money is good and all, but it doesn't make you love someone.

Plan a B-day party for a friend or ditch to go on a blind date?
birthday party. because my next friend to have a birthday is my best friend, and I wouldn't ditch him for someone I didn't know. Now, if it wasn't a blind date I would invite him and his girlfriend too.

birthday party

Have Italian food or Mexican food?
ocean. i love the way it feels :] and pools give me the wiggins.

same. pool or ocean.

Teach a class or take a class?
Take a class,

(I teach classes but hate being in front of all those people.)

Ride a bus across the country or take a train across the country?
take a train a million times over that would be sooo much better than being in a car all that time

travel to the moon or to mars?
I would love to go to the moon and see the earth from space.

If your friends played a prank on you after you fell asleep
Would you rather they;
Put funny makeup on you
put whipped cream on you face?
whipped cream

Would you rather attend Math class or English class?

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