You have an STD.. No what?

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Oct 13, 2011
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In your response you must tell us if you're a man or woman.

How would you act socially when around girls if you have an STD?
You are a charismatic guy and never had hard time getting together with girls before.
What would you do if a girl starts flirting with you or if your friends starts wondering why you avoiding girls?

Would you still have sex without telling them you got an STD?
I'm a guy.
Why would you avoid girls just because you have an STD?
It would depend on what STD I have whether or not I tell them. I definitely wouldn't be having unprotected sex if I had one, and I probably would never get one in the first place...but that's just me.

[edit- If this turns out to be spam I will be disappointed :( ]
id tell them. But that's just me.

Your friends don't need to know your private business.
Must tell my gender? Well, clearly, I am of rabbit gender.

I wouldn't have an STD in the first place.
...I hope to never get and STD but if I did I would tell them. In some area's I think you can be charged with sexual assault or something, if you transmit an STD and not inform the person before, or maybe that's just AIDS.
Erm........thats a hard one ...NO! get rid of your STD then go for it cant understand why you would need to ask this?
Make a game of it and see how many people you can spread your STD to, call it "Sharing the crabs!" and make some theme music to go along with it. Chicks love it when you do that.
Having an STD, (I am assuming you are talking about HPV, oral or genital herpes, maybe you mean hep B or AIds though) shouldnt affect how one interacts with the other sex. Even people with AIDS still have normal friendly relationships.

Flirt back if someone you find interesting starts flirting with you, why wouldnt you, its just flirting?

The time to tell a possible sexual partner about any uncureable stds is just before things start heating up.

I would still have sex with someone who has herpes or HPV because I have both of them already. I know there are various strains of both viruses, and of course being careful is the key. Using protection and not having sex when there is a flare up. LOTS of people have herpes and hpv, basically if somoene has had sex with someone else who isnt a virgin, chances are they have already been exposed.
fightclub said:
Erm........thats a hard one ...NO! get rid of your STD then go for it cant understand why you would need to ask this?

A number of STDs have no cure. Why ask? As far as the last question, possibly because some people are up front about potentially risky behavior and others couldn't care less as long as they get what they want.

Minus said:
fightclub said:
Erm........thats a hard one ...NO! get rid of your STD then go for it cant understand why you would need to ask this?

A number of STDs have no cure. Why ask? As far as the last question, possibly because some people are up front about potentially risky behavior and others couldn't care less as long as they get what they want.

No one is going to admit to that, but if it makes people aware it goes on good thing, as it does go on 3 months waiting to see if you have HIV is no fun. Its also just been reported to be on the rise HIV that is, in hetrosexuals and its often not dx as GPs in the uk anyway dont like to ask you to go for a HIV test as if they are acusing you of something. I went to a clininc where they didnt do all the tests about a year ago and asked my gp if the test was still current and they said yes so some arse wipe nurse cant be botherd taking swaps when people come to get tested, what an arse????????
Thrasymachus said:
Why do so many in this forum like to mental masturbate with hypothetical scenarios?

So they can experimentally orgasm.
Thrasymachus said:
Why do so many in this forum like to mental masturbate with hypothetical scenarios?

Because masturbation is fun!
STDs aren't as fun as the movies make them seem. :(


P.S. I'm clean. :cool:
IgnoredOne said:
I would spread the crabs.

Why do that when you can do this?


Anyway, I neatly sidestep awkward situations like this by not having sex ever. Simple :D
Thrasymachus said:
Why do so many in this forum like to mental masturbate with hypothetical scenarios?

I like the term but dont think it applies to this subject not a turn on talking about STDs bit weird maybe. Mental masturbate would be more to do I guess with sex, or the other sex and I think quiet healthy,unless there is some sub culture getting their kicks looking at pics of STDs?
i think its horny with std because it is disease and dangerous... and they put you in danger of your life when you have sex and love.

also dont forget i want good reputaion for creation of this thread.
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