Managing your Emotions through oracles

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To answer your question, I believe that schizophrenia has different severity levels. Because I used to know two local people who were schzoids. One was a lady who was another tenant in my building complex. The meds took away most of the voices in her head. But the other schzoid was a man who was also homeless. He took meds too but the voices in his head persisted and were sometimes intense. Most likely that's why he stayed homeless.
My aunt was schizophenic.
She jumped out of her 6th story apartment window at 75.
She was on all kinds of medication for decades.
It's a tough call.
But I tend to lean towards personal choice.
If you yourself thinks it's time to go, then yeah, I think you should be able to go peacefully and with dignity.
My aunt was schizophenic.
She jumped out of her 6th story apartment window at 75.
She was on all kinds of medication for decades.
It's a tough call.
But I tend to lean towards personal choice.
If you yourself thinks it's time to go, then yeah, I think you should be able to go peacefully and with dignity.
So far, in my state and city, euthanasia is legalized--but it's legal for just those with terminal illness only. How about in your state and city?
It's a matter of semantics because sometimes euthanasia is used interchangeably with the word "physician-assisted" suicide. But the law you linked specifically differentiated between euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. It stated that euthanasia is where the physician can administer the lethal-dose to the recipient--whereas in physician-assisted suicide, the physician only provides the dose but the recipient has to self-administer that dose to himself. So I should have specifically stated that in my state and city that it's not euthanasia but rather physician-assisted suicide which is legal, which is definitely legal in several states. So I ask you again but Re-worded if physician-assisted suicide is legal in your state and city?
Actually that link is wrong because it says that physician-assisted suicide is allowed in only five states. Actually should be six, because Hawaii legalized it too.
In order to gain insight into our emotions, some find it beneficial to consult oracles. Oracles are not confined to any particular religion but can be found in practically every religion. One type of oracle which is Nordic or Scandinavian in origin is the Runestones. A set of runes typically consist of 25 symbols etched on small stones or wood. What you do is cast the runes and then read what they show. This is not fortune telling but instead a form of self-discovery. So you could call it an exploratory tool. It can make you understand why you feel the emotions you have, whether they are envy, fear, resentment, despondency, inferiority, etc. In the beginning, it is an exploratory tool, but as it develops, it becomes guidance. A way to manage our emotions, which is why I post it in this section.
Interesting thread, espescially how it evolves. None the less, intuition unfolding insight. Looking outside yourself to look inwards. Yes i think there are useful tools for divination of life path, and what you believe is true for you and nothing else.
I saw a clairvoyant once, she babbled on about a lot of things. She did however say, I've got a message for you, It's from a man, His name is Dave, he's of the hat, I don't know whether it's army, air force or what but he's wearing a hat and he says; "Don't worry you'll get your money" she said all that.
6 months later I just quit a job, driving home and a friend calls, asks what I'm doing for work. I said I had quit. He says, I've got a job for you, it's in France. I said I'm going to the east Ill talk to you there.
So we talk, he wants me to come to south France for a job, I said its like $2,000 just to return fight to there, I want my cost of flight reimbursed up front, he said, ok I'll talk to the captain. It was a job as engineer on private yacht.
He gets back to me, says, I spoke to Dave and he said, "Don't worry you'll get your money!"
I then remembered the clairvoyant, and the insight she gave me. I accepted, went there, was paid my $2000 in euro on arrival.

So I was amazed, how do they do it. She didn't use runes, or cards, but had something I could validate. So I do validate the relevance of such tools for exploration, however like everything it needs to be used in moderation and an open mind.
Interesting thread, espescially how it evolves. None the less, intuition unfolding insight. Looking outside yourself to look inwards. Yes i think there are useful tools for divination of life path, and what you believe is true for you and nothing else.
I saw a clairvoyant once, she babbled on about a lot of things. She did however say, I've got a message for you, It's from a man, His name is Dave, he's of the hat, I don't know whether it's army, air force or what but he's wearing a hat and he says; "Don't worry you'll get your money" she said all that.
6 months later I just quit a job, driving home and a friend calls, asks what I'm doing for work. I said I had quit. He says, I've got a job for you, it's in France. I said I'm going to the east Ill talk to you there.
So we talk, he wants me to come to south France for a job, I said its like $2,000 just to return fight to there, I want my cost of flight reimbursed up front, he said, ok I'll talk to the captain. It was a job as engineer on private yacht.
He gets back to me, says, I spoke to Dave and he said, "Don't worry you'll get your money!"
I then remembered the clairvoyant, and the insight she gave me. I accepted, went there, was paid my $2000 in euro on arrival.

So I was amazed, how do they do it. She didn't use runes, or cards, but had something I could validate. So I do validate the relevance of such tools for exploration, however like everything it needs to be used in moderation and an open mind.
Interesting? Ok so here's the story prior to this.
I'm working in this contract job three months and the lead for the job I'm on quits, so I'm the lead. Then this guy shows up, he's now my second and I'm the lead. He gets into my head, three days he's there and he decides to throw it in, and he's got me leaving too. I'm out the front of the supervisors office about to quit too, with him. This reminds me of an episode of Highway to Heaven, where this guy blows in and completely encourages change in my life.

It's at the end of that day the previous story takes stage.
Interesting thread, espescially how it evolves. None the less, intuition unfolding insight. Looking outside yourself to look inwards. Yes i think there are useful tools for divination of life path, and what you believe is true for you and nothing else.
I saw a clairvoyant once, she babbled on about a lot of things. She did however say, I've got a message for you, It's from a man, His name is Dave, he's of the hat, I don't know whether it's army, air force or what but he's wearing a hat and he says; "Don't worry you'll get your money" she said all that.
6 months later I just quit a job, driving home and a friend calls, asks what I'm doing for work. I said I had quit. He says, I've got a job for you, it's in France. I said I'm going to the east Ill talk to you there.
So we talk, he wants me to come to south France for a job, I said its like $2,000 just to return fight to there, I want my cost of flight reimbursed up front, he said, ok I'll talk to the captain. It was a job as engineer on private yacht.
He gets back to me, says, I spoke to Dave and he said, "Don't worry you'll get your money!"
I then remembered the clairvoyant, and the insight she gave me. I accepted, went there, was paid my $2000 in euro on arrival.

So I was amazed, how do they do it. She didn't use runes, or cards, but had something I could validate. So I do validate the relevance of such tools for exploration, however like everything it needs to be used in moderation and an open mind.
Thank you for sharing your experience. In another, separate thread, I had related my experience with a Tarot-reader. But you said that your clairvoyant did not use any Tarot or Runes or any equipment. If she did not use any equipment--was she a Palm-reader? Because Palmists don't use any tools but divinate just from what they see on their client's hand or palm. I had bought a book entitled Jewish Hand-reading which I found quite interesting. Palmistry derived from Jewish rabbinical documents. Its palmistry can be seen in their diagram of the Cabalistic Tree of Life.
Thank you for sharing your experience. In another, separate thread, I had related my experience with a Tarot-reader. But you said that your clairvoyant did not use any Tarot or Runes or any equipment. If she did not use any equipment--was she a Palm-reader? Because Palmists don't use any tools but divinate just from what they see on their client's hand or palm. I had bought a book entitled Jewish Hand-reading which I found quite interesting. Palmistry derived from Jewish rabbinical documents. Its palmistry can be seen in their diagram of the Cabalistic Tree of Life.
She was an intuitive Channel if anything. She just sat opposite me. It was quite a few years ago.
A quotation certainly helpful is "What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy."

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