What quality are you working on?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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Do you have a quality or habit that you want to better or lessen or stop altogether.

I don't like passive aggression, but when faced with people who urk me for whatever reason (usually two faced people) I find myself formulating passive aggressive responses.   They rarely make it outside my mouth, but would love to change my thinking.
Saying "I don't know".

"I don't know" doesn't mean that when I use it. It typically means "I don't like that I feel uncomfortable, and I am scared to talk about my discomfort." Fortunately, I have someone that knows if I say "I'm not sure" it's truth. And helps me with the "I don't know".
I'm trying to become more self-aware. I think NOT doing this has kept me lost in life this whole time.

I'm trying to find out who I am, what I'm doing, and why.

I guess I didn't do this on time, and it's causing problems. At the time I thought I knew who I was, and therefore didn't need to do this. I wasn't aware of how I really was and how I came across.

Also, I was distracted with negative obsessions and catastrophic thinking, which directed my attention away from what I should have been focusing on instead - my real life.
I want to forgive myself for things I used to do. I just dont know where to start, I hate who I used to be... talking to people on here makes me hate that girl even more... knowing the damage and hurt I probably caused. I wonder if I should say sorry to all the men I used to inflate my ego... idk.. maybe it's too late to apologise.
Anger. Sometimes it jumps out of nowhere when it has no place to. Well, it does have a place, it's when people are asses, but sometimes it's disproportionate to the level of assholery. I don't want to become that guy again. Sometimes he sneaks in.
Work on not doing things in access when I am fascinated by them, I lose so much sleep because I am interested in the topics it consumes my free time :D
I do that...get completely consumed...obsessed. Ive chased so many white whales in my life. You always lose something when giving into a fixation.
What was it...in accordance with Marx "changes in quantity lead to changes in quality" (edit, found it and it was rather Engels: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1883/don/ch02.htm).

I'm not working on my self qualities so to speak, I continue to insist that the issue is with my family and in my country so that money, ambition, lack of drinking and so on won't help.
Patience. Calmness maybe? Being able to handle excess stress and keep in mind this part of my life is not anyone's fault, not even mine. Remembering that I am the only one who can control how I behave and react. Life is short, life can suck, life is fickle.
Anger. Sometimes it jumps out of nowhere when it has no place to. Well, it does have a place, it's when people are asses, but sometimes it's disproportionate to the level of assholery. I don't want to become that guy again. Sometimes he sneaks in.
Ughhhh sometimes I feel like this, issue is I don't get "angry" I get petty... and my pettiness knows no bounds lolz Takes everything not to say something clever and be a right so and so... but I am a different woman... let the church say Amen!
Work on not doing things in access when I am fascinated by them, I lose so much sleep because I am interested in the topics it consumes my free time :D
Yeah, Microsoft Access can be a time suck with all those tables, queries, charts, and macros. Ha! Ha! It took me a few reads before I realized you meant excess. I was like, hey, I like MS Access. Ha! ha! I use completely wrong words on a regular basis. I'm surprised people understand what I type sometimes. But, I just felt like teasing you on this one because it made me laugh. ;)
Yeah, Microsoft Access can be a time suck with all those tables, queries, charts, and macros. Ha! Ha! It took me a few reads before I realized you meant excess. I was like, hey, I like MS Access. Ha! ha! I use completely wrong words on a regular basis. I'm surprised people understand what I type sometimes. But, I just felt like teasing you on this one because it made me laugh. ;)
I don't speak English? :D you caught me bravo sir :)
am working on being merciless and unsympathetic to people who neither deserve mercy nor sympathy. which is hard cause im a happy person and thus project happiness externally. but im working...and when im done, will be able to play 85% of the population like a fiddle.
am working on being merciless and unsympathetic to people who neither deserve mercy nor sympathy. which is hard cause im a happy person and thus project happiness externally. but im working...and when im done, will be able to play 85% of the population like a fiddle.
Are you speaking of a certain person / certain people or all people that you decide are undeserving? Like in general?

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