Are there any good men out there?

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I sincerely did not mean to offend anyone. Sorry if I did.

I'm simply emphasizing the obvious: that women who know they have options (for the most part being physically attractive) will seldom if ever choose the nice guy (unless he's LOADED with cash, or a prestigious job title--or actually really has a great talent--like spontaenous intellect, charisma, or humor)--because nice guys bore them to the point of revulsion, simply because they're so predictable. Finding a guy to treat them right is not difficult at all. But type-A jerks, including the ones who treat them like honeysuckle are more attractive, because they're giving her something that's a challenge to deal with--even if they're violent. A nice guy who kisses ass--buying flowers on a first date, etc.--for attention is not a challenge.

In fact, nice guys are so boring to women who have options that many of them would rather get battered over and over again by a type A guys in a trailer home, then spend any amount of time with a nice guy.

But on the other hand, women at the other side of the spectrum are not bored by nice guys at all--because from their point of view, nice guys are so hard to obtain in general. Any attention at all from any guy--nice or not--is a plus.

I've known several very good-looking women who could obtain any guy they wanted, and always chose the abusive one for this reason.

I believe this is universally true--as consistent as gravity. I sincerely wish it weren't. I've hated this reality my whole entire life.

I'm simply saying I'm not a challenge. I'm a nice guy, and treat women right, and therefore am boring to most/all of the women I prefer.

Again, I don't mean to belittle anyone or hurt people's feelings. But my method of solving a problem is to acknowledge what the problem is--not to delude myself into believing a false reality just to make myself feel better.

All women matter, all men matter. I'm not as cold as I seem--just battered by life.

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